Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

I -- ... - .. __ _ ·- ! : ouereo,rnrlthe~ be prafed, to God, '!Jld gaue_ .A ··~cl by )i~k and l~tl~:;;,~~~:nb'otb~fo{j:: than~<S'>nt';' htm, W~~q /on•n~aH~ft ~on t!i~hourcofdeathbe\Vhollytakella\vay. ··> ' ,t~e la~rd >game,th~n ~ts \\rill was freei.a!'d !'•, Ti""'t· I pe,PcHnc: tJYy~urgocllyilifc.our!j'; ~ad power to·~o~ 'Yhtther (:j~d fent h!m;· &to the m~n.tfoldconfli61s'betWeene 'tlie'fldh 'and' wh~t <?o~ cdmman<led htn~;llts owne tmagma-, , ,the fptnt, and that the fldl1 is likero a mig'hi~€ '"onia1d'~pa_r.~;for'he,h~il bu!..a;, a new fch~ole,' S~•nr.;fucha;'~heas'i~asGoliit~, flron_g, lu,lly, .and .tn.aflft'li~CI:, V!here.hewasptlrged oflr!utli ' , lhrrmg,~nemy-toGod, tonfcderatewitb iljc refi;f<i'arnldro!fe (!ffieffily'wifepo\l!e Whi!;ll ref 1 diu~ !I: atirl·the fpi.rit like't~ \i'lirtle ct,ild (, 1 'cll':i _ filledthe.w1f~donle pfGod. Foras fa'rt'eas wt , ojte'a( \\'~s HrtPe>'botli4' ll<\V•bonit weakt ai 1 d are blmd<n A~•,.;we' cihin(lf but fceke ancfivill , ,~_;\;fe,' rldf alw:i,~ciS"'lirring :.'noW:'rhen what ?"' owne pto~t,.pleafure, and·gltir,)'; ~nrh~f.}f I .mq't1es·doe yr;ih'vfero'wcakrn the fldh and nswebe-tall~lit'!ll'tli~Sp(iit, wee cafiijdtbht ' !llet\grl)~~ihe'!P._irlt_? .. " :. ' . " ;fe~ke and Willdie p~~fur~ ofGod·one!y. ";hen_ :· 1f.lifr~:~1-vfe•ro . tanj~· n\yl~cflr'with pr~ye~ lo~~arp<eaclred toNmr~~·,-·ru!d·t~~Xlfepo'\t~d: an~ fafl~-~g, war<;h1.ng_; .~«des of mercy, holy the11 Ion., fhewtd ogatne hu -corrupt· n:trur~ mc8ItatJPns; 'anH rtadmgthe Scriptures ~na -f0ralMiisttr?iflg irr the' WhaleSbdly~' He_ wa~ a irl'bOdiJy}ab.our ,·~Jd in withdr~Wmg~Jl ~30·.: /O,difple~ll!d :tJecaii(e 'tbc" N\n!Git~~ periflred ner of pleafilres ll;om ibdl<lli ·~nd with ex~-!- ::"d''' that l:e \jlas we~'oP~Js life, an?·~ifhcd B c~fcs co~trarYto'\f'~-v;~es ~h~h I'oo. , _dealh ~o~vrty.lbff<;>w,~R:r(~r~~~ lo~ t!ieglo. dy moll melt~<~ r6(li~d wuh£ffhthing 'f(om 1 ;-yof hts..p~·O!?!.'tcy•t>Jti~ i? p':_ophecy.e ·a(l f~lngsrhar .~fbur::gt~the ,flt'lh ·?gainll-rh~ , .came nottopaiTeJ<O.It.Jiewasfdruked of.<:ldd, fplr1t: as reallmgofloy<~Md ,wanton book·~~ ~ e-s iohis.pmpliecieyou lfflt)'_~eadc. · · ·':C ·: ' kd"g of pl:ry:~s i\'l,d' 2n,li:i.hlOrs,wanton cr\m: i ·•·. TlleA:pOliks~Chri~t?U'gl\tt¥lni:~~'T'tdbe ~u_nicatiM;• 4>'diith itCring·;: and clfminare 1 .rne_o\<e.;t!id!to>humble·t~ebifefnes : ycli'ilfqhey tHli'trghd, hrld ~'•lkmg o( couttoufn<!fe, wbicll i ilqucd u.amorlgcrheml?ld~i':Who IJiO:~itl 'b~e .P.n/ formdatrh .m a.gnjfyirig of world~ , g~oa.rott :", vho foflil~~ cre'f'J; w~r~1it one Iy. ~6m?~iortJA¥;u er~ 'l iu nohnoru~e mr. -dn•tne·•,,ghn·hand bf.C11rii!', rrye,dtt~~r'on. the fldh, tnen qo~cJrde~hme ,f?,m,e'tt9ublc's,.~nq left~ 'f.hej>Mohlll pr~y ~h:H'fireo migli'frf.!tcend fo mak<th'n\t'lbgrow and·wili<ep<tfll't;. "ado .f<om,~a'h'c!n . anll ·canfunit''-the· 1sam'l\'iiam fineth an'd trytVI/rr,'< asl;olr:f in rr,e fireof ren. When'Ghl'ili: aske11, ~~~H. x6. 16. _Wh~m f•y 1 ~a'.ibris~~~d'trjt§!:\tio"s. T!ms nry oftell~ 1,« , '"'h": :l-•Tf'~ .Periranfwhed, Th{uwh.:,~<s:r rnakcr!'-m~ t6'£!ke·vp n:yy~~··, _and,,o~tl,e!~ ifrl:•.l,.tngG•d, asrhoughf•ttrhad'llecnt a~ my· fdh,·nto-tt,~ior t~.e n\dti'lfymg tht'rcof. , perfcet.i<' :ftl Angell.' Budmi&d1ately;afier Mlrke'tnis;· if<Gojl fcn'd·fhehc the f~a ,:·an'd >vhen Chriflprtachcd'vn~~em of his :d~th Cff pro'mife to go2with t!ttc,.hee willtaife _vpa i and _pafsio;r; Ptur W.s 'illgry,~d':rel,)J~e'd . 1 t~!".Pi'llagagttft~ce, to 'pr'oocewbuh~r th9u ~ .Chrill,1 and t.hoaght earnell!y'i'liat Hce ftad tfl. "tlt-abtde hrs word, a.nd rhat'rhou matfl feele ued,and not wiflwhat'hc hadfaid: ai at':in9· thy faith and \v?ilken'dfe, a~d pcrceiue his , ther~im<i~"whkh Chrifl'was fo'f~fiien!Ii '!JU· g?"~nelfe: tor1f\•weieah'l,"ies fair~ weath~r, fi•d mhealtng'thepeople, 'thkh<e ha'dri'o lea :I ahd thou'neuet-brought lilt() fuch Itepardte; fcreto <ate,they weht out't6liold him; fuppo- , wh<ncc his riierty onely deJiucreth th<e, t,hy fing,thathee ltad been<: belid~ himfdf~. :And .I faith fhould be onely af'refumptioll, and1hou one rhatcai-1: forth dmels 'm Ohnflsrq~~:they ,fhouldell be eaer ~mhonkcfuJI toG~d, & "]~r, .forbad;:;bcaaufe hee wait<"IHiot ·on ffiem'~ fo 'ctlelfe vmothy-netghbour.-.IfGop promtfe n. gloriousrwet'e they' ''And though.Chtifl I ches, the ~vaY_ thereunto is pouerty·: w~omh'e I taughtalw.a:y to forgme ,l yet·Ptter after ·long lloueth, hrm he clia~e~ctll : whombe exalteth, . gomg ro"fcb~lc!, <asked whether menlltould .he calleth dow~c.: who~•hec faueth, he firft : forgiue f~uentimeo, •thinking that eightt1mes :damnetb: be ~rtt;l;<th fio ma9 tp heacen, ~x1 b;td.!oeelJt .coo·much. rAnd'at the !aft Supper, cept he fend lumro hell firll:.tfbe promtfe hfe, !{'1'~Wluld 'haue died·witb Cbrifl, but yet I heflay<th firll ; .when be buildEth, hec ca~cr~ ,,'lii!Jin ·few houres after hte denied him both D , di>\l•ne all firft :he ts nopatch'er : he cannqta– ~(lwardly.ana. J!lamefullf.:-!A:nd·afier >he fame l bide another.mans fcundott<:n : hcc will not I ,!nilml!:npth-oughJicdiaalO!ong heard that no . 1 workc till all be p~ll rtmed!c, and brougbtto I :I.J:i'l.n moili auerlgc bi~1t.lfe, bur rar~er-turric f' fi~eh a caf<,tl.fat ~en may_fce how that Jus ,tt.<':otbo£.chtel<e. to t~e ,fmiter agaihe, yer .hand, htSpo~l~t, hrs mercy, ~~~ goodnclfe, hts 1 !Y~r·l!:hrrlt n<as mtakufg, .Ptttr, asked}vhe- , truth bath wrough:altogedttr: hewtlllet no I "tl]<r it werelawfull tr.5 fmit'f\!'itb tli~fwqrd, &, ' ·man be parca~<rWith htpl of hJS pratfe & glotarriodManfweq but laid on rafbly; · So. that rte! hts worksare"!onderfult and contrary to although we beeonce retollei!eil ro.Gp_d·, yet rmans workes :' "'hoeuer (f.1ue hee) de\w~red at the 'firft ~w!lbebut children and )'Otlli!J•fcholIhts owne Sonn~; h1s cnely Sonne, nude~re lers wd2ke'ar.d feeble -and muib'hat\e lea'furo 1 Sonn•, his darhogvnto death,and for his enetog~omin the fpidr ii1 J..JiOwkdge, }Que a1ai l'niieSt'owhJnc h'isenemies, to ouctcome thetn , . deedes th·rcof; as'young-cbildrell mufl.haue with lone, ihat they ~1ight fcelcue and !hue 1 • timet<>'srow:in their bodi<·s·: andr{o'ih like ag~inc, and ofloue hk~w&,ro _doe too; <~ · rrn.nner the fling 'ofrhe f<f)l<nt is not pulled !·nieh~andtoouercomethcr/J wrthwcll domg 1 1 _ out nt•on~; but the•poyf01, of otir'ha_ture is ll•Jiph faw the Sunr.c and tr.e MoOilC and elcuct>