Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

)lateofa·[hriflian. uen!tarres worfuipping him, neuerthdelfe ere A that came to palfe God laid him wh~re hee could fce neither limne, nor moone,netther any l:arre ofthe skie, and that manyyeares, and alfo vndeferued, to nurture him, to make him apt and meete for the roome and honour :a– gain!the came to it; rhat he might be !tron<> in thefpirit to mini!ter ic well. God promife! the children of Ifrael a land with riuers·oof milke and honie, yet hee brqught 'them 'forth the fpace of fourty ycarcs into aland wher~iii noriuersof milkeandhonie were, but- where ' fo much as adroppe ofwater was not, re; nut· tore and teach them as a father doih ,his 1 fonnc, and to doe them good at the• latt~r end, to fubdue their cankred 'nature, to make B them !trong in the fpirit to vfe his benefits a. right. La!tly,'God promifed Dauid a king. dome, and immediatly frirred vp Saul again!t perfecute him, andto hunt him as men qoe hares with grayhounds, 'and to ferret hirl) out ofeuery hole, and that for the fpace of many yeareS, t().-turne him, to maRe him'·to monilie his·lu!ts, to make him to feele ·his owne difcafes:infine,to make him agood'man, and agood king. . . ·.. · .. 'f'imoth. But how ifit.comc to palfe that<you 'betempted tp any great finne, and the Jleth ouercome the fpirit, in what cafe are¥011 then? __ : · · ·! . e.,[tb. There is no bo<ly·here but you and I,and I takeyou to be a Chri!tian~nda faith– fullfriend_: therefore I •!IViU thew. a little ofi c my experience. TheJatl: yeare by r.eafon'ofthe · deanh, I and:my family 'Were · put to -~reat pinch<S, and moll <omm_oply we~ hacf no-. thing but Breadand Wat~r: hereupon I be– thought me how I mil:ht gef.fomewhat to rdeeue my family : ~ came into my minde that in our rowne a rich llJanhadagreat flocke oftheepo, and,that I might take oae of them without any hurcofhim. I was"very loath a~ the .fir!t : bur becaufe there wail fuch great Jlealing of fbeep.e, al)q I.was in extremitie,in the night I went among his theepe and tO:ol<e alambe,nnd I· told my fatiJiiY.·tbat itwas:gi– uenmee :I J?fC(e_ntly killed,it, the skinne &:die 1,) entrals I bunepm my ba>k~fide,the Jlelb."we drelfed byquaners,and!lidcareitwith thankf– giuing (as my manner is;, .bu; furely very cold– ly, and me thought my pr:iye.r was a)lhmni– nable in Gods fight. AfterI i}ad thus don~;We fared we)l.for the fpace 'of..two daies.lluti felt my heanhardened, an~ my lippi:s,we..r~ almo!t locked vp, that I could not .as I was, woont praifethe Lord•.,;rhethird night a(t~r. I weut wi!ih~ qui~t confcj~e ( me tbought) to my bcd,and then I Oept foun'dly till tl!,r~~:of the clocke in the mprning, hue I drea111ed chat onecameto~arry meto tirifon, vpon tharon afuddeh I awaked, and be~ing afqid lo;o,ked aboutme,;mdfell to ,coplidsr why I fiJollld be afraid, an<! I re.llle!)lbreQ.,tll')r lha~l.fimil'!k)lgain!t God byrobbingm)',neighboJir ' ·Q,tbcn my feare{ed, andI, thought ,thJII:j hell gaped to deuoure me, ·and the l~w looked vp– pt>n me.with fuch a terible couiitenance,anJ fo thundered in mine cares, thatl dur!tnor a– bide in my bed, but vp and to , go•" Then rho dhtell affui!cdmee oh.<Aery fide, .to perfwade me that God had calt;lfle a}Vay: .faying, they that bC.Gods haue pdwer to keepe,hhdawes; thou halt not, but breake!t ·them.: :therefore thou-art acafl-awayt&<jl damned,~ieature, l!nd hell gapethandfeu.eth,open his 'motlllhtode) uoure thee• And l thbugbt.withm~felfe that I had bin alwaics a' ranke pypocrit~r. fur.aschc cloud<s.ofthe aire.d~>ecouer theJunne, fo,that fonietimcs a mancatmot tcllby.lloy.-fenfe 'that thero is .any funGe,' ,,vinds.hi-: cling it' from our figb~;e>liuen f<?. my c~citie and blindnes, and corrupt affedibns-, rand the rage ofmy·cohfcience did fo oure!h.ado:W the light ofGods fccde in me; and fo ourewhelme hi's fpirit,.asthough·Ihad bin a pliine••i>robate. And tbusit came to palfethat D~uid':rmaking his ··prayer to God .acfording-'!U>{ his 'owno; fo:nfe and feeling, _bur.·not accllrP.iog to the truth ; deftred of GS>,ti.':to giue him ag~~l.C his fpirit, which 'thiJtg: yo.<tneuer'<loth. ipde.ede: a:Ithoygbee madeaie to ~hin!<e (tJ!for arime : fo~ .alw~~~s h~ ,hql!;lerb..l:!is h~nd· vg4er his I c!ufd_r~n ,Ill tb~)t f«li; fh~t tpeyJ\~;Oj'lt !hllaSO·'i rher:<!pc Wht~haren9t i:egenet~~e i ·I bcen>gl thus turmoiled and flung withthe~c~t).fcJen,e offin,§< thecockatt,ise,pfmy ('lqi.t'oqeo!.naturc, hauing);>e)Jdq,her fclfe ill.the g1afl.<wf.the righ,, ter;>us )aw o(09~,- tV~<~"fa•n<~oth_e-r,falueo.r remedio but io runne to; rtlt• -•brafen f<rpcnr' Chri.~Iefus·which lh~~-l)is blo!lli,(.'hangin~ 'Vpr;>p th.e~(o{fe, an! ;!lis- < ;el\a-j ment and mercifit,Uprofllife) that wa.fthed for mefor therem_itSion.ofjlly finne~ ~thc<efore Ij got~e)lle_fp~~djly in;Q. ~ .cloa~ corner in ony hoof~; ·~nd ;here ,'\'POn mv.fac~ grptieling, 1 1 ~onfetfe~ my ,ftnnc, fll'lll ,praied afre.r 1 this tl)an– nqip•etfetl: )!athcnwhat an horrib)~-montler am~ I what traytq~(,whatwretch an9 villainc? 'fhY.rn,ercie is wonderfull, that hell hath, not qeuoured. mee haui~g deferued ·•·· thoufand1 damqa\,i0us. l hau<; finned againtlthy ,gorlly,J holhand•ightcOJl~ law, an<),~g~i.QI\:11\)'br?~ tlj<rp)l ~obbiqghimp,'\V!JOm I 9,1!ght ·to louq f\'\ tby,~ak.e as~y ~c;!fo,: .foJgiu.!',!l'e.Father foll thy fonne Chtt!t h1~1 f~ke, accordmg lo thy mo!t,f7\CJFifullpJQtl'!ifq~ and te!ta.m~nn foJg~t no; go.odlo~d thy,9.\il mc.rci~~, thew~d. vp.g~ q~e, le~ ti)CfAJ.lOt atthis til1!c in!lle .belqoite r'e– ffi99YG<J•.Onthis mann~r pra~ing J;rCOAtin)led many houres, and 1 ,S;io!l-whit;h -is. neere to all th~ml tlia~ callvpon~im,heardll!e~ cafc:d mYj pame,.and alfur<d m~ .9f tberemtfston pf my fion~.)l:fter prefenily, for· the.mor,e eafingo~ .mY·flilnfcience, I went to my neigbbour, and, bepveon~ him~nd me·vp9n mY kneJ:S COQfcf– fcq !I)Y.;faultwith ~~.arcs, de~r-iqg hiqHo fqrJ giur;n.Jp,and I wpu\d (as Go<lsl~).V..r.o'qnir~ti)) ref!o(r;that whiqhJ>{Iole,four~f(lld:jJ,e(:Itb@dk htAiy .was <ont~n;ed,.and t9oke pitie on,ro~r a~<!~ucrfinctlt~th beene b}"Gods;me;cy my good