Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

-ejlate of}a [hr'ijlian 391 cqunfcll, h~lpe mariy byour:almcs,but yoll & 1\ cllcd by1yoo, and fee the p,eople turning vnro I are poorc mqn,qfbaf< birrb;' and ofl<>IMQC:: God: J conffhtto tliis cleed,my h<arrhreakes gr~e, how can wetheodoe-.ny~ood.wo·iko>'? outiniml, yeait fpringerh and leapeth in my ~t bftb. 4stooching ~;oo<l worke&by th~t hreall:thatGodishoaouted, andinmyhi:arr meafure 0 [ knowledge that God hath giuen I doethe fame ·rha~·you<)oe with the like de· mee r rhinke that all workes are good•whi<h ·kdadbn•and fertJencieot fpirir. Nowhethat are d<,me aGcording ll> the Gbtdienoe ofG'odS TtetiNe?J,-urP.toph<t ;_inthen•meof aProphet,re. la.w_in (airh, anl\,withthankfgiuingto Go<IJ,& '""rthoJelllY.phets.rt!f•rll; is, with amind<lddirous ofhi$glory alond ~iid he tba~.:onlenterh to the deedeofa Prophet l thinke that I orany inah 'cl.fe in doing theri\ and niarr\tainethit, the fame bath th'efpirir and pleafe God,whatfoeuer I doe within the·law ~arnellofeuerlaf!ing'life, 'which the Prophet otGod,as when I make waier•..And trvfl' me-, hatbjtnd iselett isthl: Prophet is. Now ifwe ifeitherwindeor warer wer,o llbpped,l fuoold compare Wo>ke toworke,t;.herc is adifftrence feele what a pretious rhing.iuvere tb doe ei- ·betw xt'iYl>fhing ofdifhb, and preaching the . rher of both, and what thankes ought to b_ee wordof.Go\i : but astoo,hing to pleafe G'Jd 1 giuenGod thcrefore?Moreoure,Iput hodilft- :: none at all. For neither that northis pleafeth ~encebetw<ene workes,but whatfoeuercom·- God , ·bMt'is farre forth as God hath choft:n a Titeth into my hands, that doe I astime,place, man, and 11arh put his fpirit in him, and puriand occafion giueth, and according ton\~ de- B lied hisheart by faith and tru!l: in Chriil:. As gree.Forastouching to pkafe Godthcri!rs no the fcriprures call hini carnall which is not re. work betterthen other: God looketh notlir!l: nued by ohe fpidt ~ndborne againe in Chrills on my workes as the world doth,or as though flefh, and all his workes alike, euen the very he hadneed ofthem: but G<><l lookcth lirflon motions ofthe heart and 'ininde, as his lear· . myheartwhacfairh.I hauctohis ivord, how ni~g, doc.'tri!le, "!'d cor\remplotion ofliigh l beleeuehim, tmfthim,{louel'i'im 1 thrngs, ' h>S preachrng, teachmg, and f!udie for his mercie that he hath (hewed to mee, he in the·Scripture; building of Churches, founlooketh with what heart i :worke, and'1lot ding ofColledges,giuiilg oialmes,and whatWhat! worke, howl accept the degree hee foeucrhe doth, thongh they feeme fpirituall hath pur mecin, nor of what degree I am. and aftenhel'law ofGod neuerfo much: So Let vs take ooample. You are il minilbr'lind fOntrati';'ife•he is fpirituall which is-rcrrcwell preach the word, lam akitchin•boy, and InChnfl:,.and•allhrsworkswhichfpringfrom .wa!h my mallers dilhes. Ofthe Minitl:erie C faithfeemetheyneuerfo.grolfe, as the wa!h. liarke what the ApoQle faith: If I preach, I ing ofthe<lifciples feete done by our Sauiour haue nought to reioyce in, for necefSide is put Cnri.'l:, .and Pmrs!ilhing after the refurrei'Hvpon me: Jfl proach notthe Gofpell; as who on , yea deedcs of nfarrimonie are pure and lhould fay,God hath made me fo,wae is re me fpidtuall.irr~ey proceed offaith,and what!oifi preach not.lf l doe it wlllingly(faith he) euer isdl>nc withia the ]awes of God though tl;len Ihaue my reward: t•lat is, then·! am It bee wrought by the body, as the wiping of hire that Gods fpirit is in me, and that I am lhoesand.!l•chlrk<, liC~wf;;euergrolfe they apeledroerernalllife.lfl do it againll my will, peareou~wardry,yet are fantlified. ' the office i.committedto mee·, that is, I doe TiR<; ..w-hat be the fpcciall t~ings in which it not ofloue to God, burroget a liuingrhereyou leadeyourconuerfation ? by, and for a worldly purpofe, ·and hat! rat:Hftb,One thing is >he readingofthe Scrip· ther otherwife liue : then doe I that office ture. '' -• ·• ' · ' which God hath put vponmee, but doe not Timeth. It is dangerous to reade the Scri;>- pleafeGod. So then ifyou preached not, oi tures,you that haue no learning mayea!i'y f>ll in preaching had not your heart ariglot, you into error, and·heretics. · miniller the office!and they t!Jat haue thefpi" D EHftb.Ashe which knoweth hisletters pernt ofGod heare-hl'l word,yea;though 1t w.tte fcc.'tly., andcan fpdl, cannot but readeifhe be fpokcn byan Atfe.; and the woe·beloilgeeh·fo diligent: & as he whichh.rh cleere eies withyou: but& il yotl'prcach willingiy with a true our impediment or let, and walketh thereto heart and confci€nce ·to God,,- then you lball irirhe l(ghr-and openday, cannot but fee,ifhe feelerhe eatnell·ciferernalllife, and the worattend snd ·take heed<: euen fo I haumg the king ofthe fpiri! of.God inyou,& your prea2 profe!Si~ ofmy baptifmeonely-written in my chingisagood workeiny6o; Nowirhaoni.l hearr'j•altBf<elingit fealed vp in my conkiniller inrh~kitcfiin, & am \>ut a kitchin-boy, ence by<thi: H. Ghofl.; cannot but vnderlland receiue all rhi9gs at the hand ofGod , know the fedpture,becaufe I exercifemy f:tfe therethat God bath put mee in fuch an office, fubm, and compare one pbce with another, and mit my felfe to his will, and ferue my n\af!er mark~!ne mmer of(>ecch,and askehere and nor as a man , but as Chrill himfelfe, with a there the,mcaning of.a..fentence ofthem that pure heart according as 'Paul reacheth mee, bee b~tter 'exercifcd then I: fori J~ele inmy ·putting mytrull in God ,'ind<>f him!eek'e 1\JY heart; and haue a fe·nfible exper<ence of that reward. Moreouer,there is not agtiod deede Inwar<lly·,which the fpiritofGod hath deliuedone, but mine heart rcioyceth rherein;'~a, ffd in the Scriptures. So that'! finde mine ir>- w_h.oe::.n..:I..::h::::••::r.::e..:r::h•::t..:t::h::e..:W::;G::'r:::d:::o~f..:G::o::d~is~p:::r.::ea::-'-'.----'-'w'-' · •::~:::d.::e:'!xpce::t::ie::n::ce::::a:::s a commencarie vnromee. Ll Tinnth.