ejlateofa [hrijlian ' 393 ' --~-----~~~-~~~----~~~~ charity: then they alfo with faith haue .fome , A debter_, andeuery manisboundtom!nill:er to ftroke iniuftificarion. his neighbour, and to fupply h1s Reighbours Eufib. I anfwer though they be iofeparalackeofthatwherwithGodhathindued him. ble yet I praifeGod I doe conceiue how thefe Chrillis Lord ouerall, and euery Chrillian is thr~e haue three feparable and fundry offices. heire annexed with Chrill,and therefore Lord Faith, which onely is an vndeubted and fure ouer all, and cueryone1sLord ofwh~tfoeucr affiaocein Chrill; and inthe Father through another hath: Ifthcnmybrotherorneighbour liim certifieth the confcience that the finne is neede, I haue to helpe him; and if! fhew not fori;uen, and tho damnation ofthe law taken mercy,but withdrawmy hand from him, the_n away. And with fuch pcrfwafions m?lhfieth I ~ob him ofhis own, and am a thiefe.A C.hnthe heart and maketh it loue God agame, and lltan man bath Chnlls fpmt: now Chnllis hislaw. And as oft as weefinne, faith onely mercifuli.Ifi fhallnot be mercifull,I hauc not keepeth, that we forlakenot our profefsion, Chrillsfpirit:ifi hauenot Chrills fpirit, then and that Ioue vtterly quench not, and hope am I noneofhis. And though Ifhew merde faile, andonely makeththe peace againe:for a vnto.my brother, y~t if I doeit not with fuch truebeleeoertrulleth in Chrill alone, and not burnmg louc as Chnll did vuto mee, I mull in hisowne workes, noroughtelfe for the reknowkdge my fin &defire mercy in Chrill. mifsionoffins. The officeofloueistopoure Ttmoth. Ifaman mull be franke and free, out againethe fame goodne!fethat it hath re- B then a manrnull:giueofhis owne llocketothe ceiued ofGod vpon her neighbour, to be to poorc members of Chrill, and dirninith his him as itfeelerh Chrill tobe to himfelfc. The owne fubllance. ofliiceofloue isonly rohaue compafsion, and EHfib, Yea indeed (ifneed fo require)wee ro beare with her neighbour the burthen of are madellewardsofthofegoodswhich God hisinfirmitie. t.'1'<t.4.8. Louecouereth the hath giuen vs: lhallalleward take all vnto m•ltitudeoffinnes:that isto fay, confidereth himfelfe withoutreproofe?I am fore that they the infirmities, and intcrpreteth alto the bell, which were conuerred at Pmr; firll fermon and taketh for no fin at all a thoufand things, after Chrills a(cenfion, dimi.niilied their fubof which the leall were enough (ifa man lollanceswhen they fold them,andgauethem to ued not) to goeto law for, a>1d to trouble the pobre.I am fure that the Churches which and difquieta whole towne , and fometimc a wereinMacedonia, which fentreliefe vntoawhole realme too. The office of hope is'to ther being inextreame pouertie, did diminifh comfort in aduerfitie, and to make patient C their poffefsions: and God grantourconuerthat we faint not, nor fall downe vnder the lationsmay be like their•.:And thatwe fhould Cro!fe , or call it offour backes. Thus thcfe belikethem, their examplesofgreatcompaf- . three iufeparable hauc feparablc offices and lionare recorded in the Scriptures• <fleets, as heate,anddrine!fe, being infeparaTinmh. Magy ofvs haueourfelues, wife, blein the fire, haueyet their feparable operachildren, father, mother, and kinsfolkc to redons: for drinelfe onelyexpelleth the moillleeuc, fo that it willbe hard todcale after this nelfe of all that is confumed by the lire, and manner. heate onely dellroyeth the coldnelfe. And it EHfib. Had not thefe men fo?yea I warrant isnot all one tofiy,the drinetle onely,and the you had they. And the want of loue which drineffc that is alo>Je, neither is it all one to you deerne of, the Gofpell ofChrifr knowetb fay,faithonely,and faith th•t is alone. not, that aman fhould begin at himfelfe, and Timoth. Youaretobee commended, you thendefcendiwot not by what lleps. Loue are fo perfec9: in thefe high points ofreligion, feekcth not her owne profit, but makes a man but I know you fpeake of experience, for to forget himfelfe;and turne his profit to ano- .in you faith and hope towards God, and chather man, as Chrill fought nothimfelfe or his ritie towards your neighbour are iufepara- D own profit,batours. Thistearme(my felfe)is blc. notin thdiiofpell, neither yet father, mother, EHfib, I require nocommendations: fhame· filler,brother,kinfman,that onefhouldinlouc andconfufion befall me eternally, that a! globe preferred before another. Theloue that .rie may be vnto God. • fpringeth out ofChrill excludeth no man neiTim<~th. But let vs talke on further of our thcrputtcthdifferenccbetweeneone .another. duties which we mull.performe if we willliue' In Chrill'w~areall ofonedegree without reChrillian like among men. And I pray YOfi fpec!t of cperfons. Notwithfranding though tell mee, what doe you meane that yougiue a Chrillianrnansheartbeopen toallmen, and fo much vnto the po~rc, confidering you are receiueth all men , yet becaufe his abilitie of fo pooreyoor felfe, I fpeake my confcience, if goods exrendeth pot fo farre,this prouifion is you had ability, you would doemore then an made, that euery man fl10uld care for his own hundredofthofe rich men doe. houfhold,as father, mother, thine elders thar E•feb. Godknowes my lleart,itisahell vnhaue holp.onthee,wife, children,and feruants. t~metofeemybrotherforwhomChrillfhed When a man hath done his dutie to his his blood,.to want, ifI haue any thingio the houfholde , ;mdyet hath further aboundance worldtogmehim. Amongchri!l:iaomen,loue of the blefsings of God, that hee owcthto makesalthingscommon: euery mao is others the poorc ·that cannot. labour , or cannot L l • get