----------------;;;-;:;:;:-:-;----.::-::-------~ 394 rvf 'Dialogue ofthe get worke, andyet are.defrituteoffriends; to A therthing todoe, or otherlaw, faue to loue the poorei meane wh1chhc knowerh, a~d to one another as Chrifr loued vs : in the tempo. them ofh1s ownc pan!h. For that prou1fion raU rcgimeat, is husband wife farhe motber ought to ~e had in the Church, that e~ery pafon~e, daughter,mifrre!f~, maid, ma~feruanr: rtlh. prou1deforthe poore. If bts netghbours fubte<!t, Lord. Now euery perfon is a double whtch he knoweth be ferued, th~n ishe adeb· perfon, andvndcrtwo regimenl'S: In the firfr terto the brethren a thouf.1nd miles off, tf he regtment I am a perfon of mine owne felfe hcarc oftheir necc!Sity and haue himfdfe any vnder Chrifr and his doctrine, and may nei: plenty: yea,to thevery Infidels he is adebter ther hate nor be angry, and much lc!fe fight iftheyneede,asfarforthashedothnotmainor reuenge: but mull: after the example of taine them again!l: Chrifr. Thus is euery man Chrifr, humble my felfe, forfake and deny my that needoth my helpe, my father, mother, fi. felfe,and hare my felfe,andca!l: my felfe away !l:<r,andbrother in Cbrifr: euen as euery man and be meekc and parient, and leteuery ma~ thatdoth tPe wiU ofthe Father, isfather, mogoe ouermee, and tread mevnder foote and ther ~fill: er,and brother vnto Chri!l:. doe me wrong: and yet am I to loue the,;,and Tlmath. Now ye fomewhat perfwade mee B pray forthem,., Chrifl did for his cruciliers: ofthat which me thought at the fir!l: blulh was for loue is all, and whatfoeuer is notofloue is again!l:commolifenfe. damnable andcall forth ofthat kiogdome. In Eufeb. ByGodsgraceiwillpcrfwadeyou the temporal! regiment, thouartaperfonin more yet. How if our Sauiour Chril! Iefus refpett ofanother, thou art husband, father fhould now dwell vpon thecarthinpouerty mother,daughrer,wife,Lord,fubiect, &ther; and want, could noryou be content to bdlow thou mull: doe according to thine of/ice. If halfe your goods on him? thou be a father, thou mulldoe the office ofa Tim. Halfe my goodsI Nay,truely all: and father andrule, or clfethoudamne!l: thy felfe: hearr-blood:for I know ifllhouldlofe mylife thou mull bring al vnderobcdience, whether for him,! lhouldfaueit. by fairc meanes or by foule: thou mull: haue Eufob. Vcry weli,Chrill is all in all.Euery obedience ofthy wife, of thy feruanrs and of Chtillianmau to another is Chri!t himfelfe,& 'thy fubiects:if they will not obey in loue,thou whatfoeuer is done to the poore is done to mull chide, fight, and correct, as farre as the Ghrill himfelfe, & therefore your neighbours ·Jaw of God and the law of the land will fufn~edcbath as goad rigbt in y~ur o~negoods fer thee. Now tothe purpofe:whethet a man as bath Chn!l: h1mfelfe wh1ch IShetre& Lord c may refill: VIolence , and defeAd or reuenge ouerall• Andlookcwhat youowe toChri!l:, himlelfe:I faynay, inthe fir!l:llatewhere thou that youow.: to your neighbors need: to your ar~aperfon for thy felfe alone, and Cbrills neighbour owe you your heart and life, and· Difciple, there thou mu!l:loue, and ofloue whatfoeuer you haue or can doe. doe,lludie, and enforce;yea& fut!Cr all tlfings 'Fimoth. We ueede not giue our rdiefcex- (as Chri!l:did) romake peace, that the blef.. ccpt thepoore require it. " • lingofGodmaycome vponthee,whichfaith: Eufob. Aske or not, ifthey want you are Bleffid-reth'J~ac,.mak!rs, fortheyfha/l be the bound to releeoe them; As Chri!l: louedyou, chsldrmof.Go • Ifthou fuffcr and keepe peace fa louethem. Chri!l: loued you being his·ene· m thy f<lfe ouely, thy blefsing is the pofl<fsion mie,whenlamfureofit,youneueraskedre- <>f the world: but if thoufo louerhepeace mifsion offinnes. of thy br.other , rhat thou leaue nothing vnTimoth. We neede not releeuethem often, done or vnluffi:red to furtller it , thou !halt need~we? . po!fo!fe heauen.Butin this worldly O:atewhere Eufob, Yes, as loug·as you are able, and as thou art no priuate man, but aperfon in reofrasthey want. If .Chri!l: fhould forgiue vS' fpettofother, thou mull:, and art bound vnbut once we lhould come tbort ofheauen.• D der paine of damnation to execute rhino of· Tim. Thewoddis fullofnaughtines, and lice. Ofthy feruantsthou mullexaCl obedilewd people take pleafure in doing wrong, & ence, and mull: not fuffer thy felfeto be d~fp~- io llandering,and in hindering th.eir b~ethrcn: fed. Ifthou.arr aruler. thoumu!l: take,tmpn· how can·you Huo among them m qutetne!fe, , fon,and llay too, not ofmaltce and hate tore– doe you vfe to giue like for like? uenge thy fdfe,but to defend thy fub1ects,and Eufob, No, you mu!l:vnder!l:and that there ' to maintaine thine ofli~e: the ruler mull: not bee two O:ates or regiments in the world, oppre!fehts fnbtects ~tthrents, lines,andenthe kingdome of heauen which _is rhe regi. 10:omesatall: eeltherptllrhem wrth ta."es,and menrofthe Gofpel: ·and the regtmentofthe fuchltke tomamtame hts ownelulls • but be world, which is the temporal! kingdom.:. In louing and kinde vnto them as Chnll wasto thelir!l:ellate rhereisneitherfarher normahim: for rheybcetbeprwe ofhtSblood. I ther,neitocr ma!l:er,rni£lres,maid;norferuant, will !he-.my minde m<>re plainely by one exnorhusband, nor wife, nor Lord, nor fubiect, ample. You are m your fathers houfe among notinferiour but C1 1 ri!l:isal & each to'Other }"our brethren and li!l:ers, there tf one fight is Chri!l:himfelfe, there isnoiu: bet.ter theoo·- withanother,or-ihnydoeyou wron~,yeum•y ther,butall alike good,all brcthren,and Chrifr not reuengeor fimte, for that pertatnes to the 0 nely is Lord ouerall, neither is there any o· :father onely. Bottfyo"r father g1ue you au· - ·---- -- 1 thortt>1