Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

ejl.tte ofa [hrijlian: 395 thoririe in hisabfence, and c<>mmand you to A ~~okena new leafe, but I hau~paid fuch agreat fmire,iftheywill nor be ruled but abufe you, fine,and my ycerely rents are fo racked,that 1 then you are anoth<r perfon. Notwlthtlan· feare I and m~ houlhol~ are begge dingyet you houe not put off the firfr perfon, our bread:this IS Itdlfqmetctnme,andalmofr but are a brother tlill , and mull eucr l6ue and maketh mce at n.'Y ~'Its end. What IS your prooue all things to mle with loue:bnt if loue .counfell and admf~ · will notftrue, then you mufr vfe theoffice of Eujcb. Surely, 1t maketh my hearrtobleed another perfon, or finne againO:your father. to fee ho~many '_ll<n bragoftheG<:fpel, and Euen fo when you are a temporallperfon, you yet what Imle frmtthe Gofpd hath mthem,& mufleuerloue, but when·Ioue will nothelpe, what ht~le louethey lhew, euonthey which a. you mufr with Ioueexecute the office of the ab?und m rems and lands: My poore admfeiS remwrallperfon. Yonrnu0:loueyournc;il$hthis, that you ":'ould wlthpauence depend bourin yourheart, becaufe he is your brother vpon (;ods promdence. Itfs fa1d, Ble£fed are in the firfr flare; y~t you mull obey your Rnthe meek,forthey !hall mhem the earth.T~en !er which bath ·power ouer you, and when letall the world !ludy tqdoyou wrong,rea~or neede requireth , at his commandement you B them lludy to bnng you to exrreame mii<ne, muO: goe with the Conflable or hke officer and doe 1rroo: yet1fyou be meeke,you lhall and breake open yourneighboursdoore,ifhe haue foode and rayment enough for ~ou and will aotopen itin the Kings name 1 yea~fhe you:s.And~odoubt,God(who ISahva~esrrue will not yeeld mthe Kings name, you may ofhlsprom!fe)lhallra~fevpfometohelpyou. 1inite him to the ground till hee bee fubdued, And my counfc:II is, that you giue your !:and~ and looke whatharmehegettcth, tbat be vplord now& then acapon,now a pigge, now a on his owne head. goofe, and ifyou be able, ·alambe or a calfe; Timoth. 1vnderlland you well. As I am a ilnd letyour wifevifityour Landlady nowand mcmborofthe fpiriruall body ofChrifr,I mufl then with fpicedcakes, with appJ"s, peares, in all my conuerfation follow himwith pad. cherries,and fuch like: •nd be yon read)'with ence, rneekcncs, and long fuffering, ouercom· youroxen, orhorfes, fiueor fixe times in the ming othermens euils,with well doing: yetif yeere,to fetch home their wood,to plowth~ir the hurt be greater then1 can beare, I mufr land; then no doubt God may fofren their takeanewpcrfononmee,andifJbeaRuler, hearts, andmoouethem tohaue fome pitic with loue fceke amendment: ifa fubietl,theo 1 and comp.afsion oo your poore ellate. inthefeareofGod, complaiuetomyRuler. C Tim. lhauedoneall this. (Naymayitbe But further I pray you foyle me this doubt. If fpoken betweeneyou andmee) I am at coni. -" I fhall betakeofor afouldier, me thinkes that mandement, and am as a drudge to them, to I fl1ould then fi1ak~offallloue & meeknes, & doe thdr bufine!Te, and to leaue my owne vothen I could not prattifethis Chrifrian rule. done, and yet haue neither meare, drinke, nor EHftb. Yes, ifourKing(GQD fauehis money. . Grace) lhould feod you on war-fare into anoEufib. Moreis the pittie. But remember thercountrey, yQU mufl: obey atGods cornthat rney which cannot come to fee men mandement, and goe and auenge your Princes deale vprighrly in the world, yet doe in rh<ir quarrell, which you know not but that it is hearts hunger and thirfr after righteoufne£fe right. When you comethither,remember the are pronounced bk£fcd. ' two fl:atesin which you are: and know,thatiu Timoth. To let this pa£fe: lhew me one mle the fir(! !late, that is, the regiment fpirituall, how I might generally in all matters bchaue yoa muflloue them with whom you fight,and my felfe among meo, and then forthis time 1 thatthcy are your brethren bought with willceafctotroubleyou. Chnils blood, as well as you, and for Chri!h EHftb.Askcyour own conCcience what you fake hate them not: yet as you are m the fe- D may or ought to doe-: Would yen men did fo I cond llate,a fouldier atyour Princescomman, 'with you? Tben doeyou it. Would you not bej clement, you mufl: fight againflthem, & main: fo dealt with? Thep do itnot. You wo~>ld not taioe your Princes quarrdl, and bring thetl} ·tfiat men fhould doe you wrong and opprdfe vnder his po:ver:and therewithall be content you. You would not that men fhoold doeyou With your l'nnces wages, neither deltr<your fhame & rebuke, lie on you;kill you,hlreyolp' aduerfa:ies life or goods, faue eo aduanrage houfefromyou, or tice your feruant away;,or your Prmce.Se then afouldior, neede not ea(! take againflyour wil ought that is yours. you 1 away meekene!fe, for he may fight with his would not that men fiJOu!d fell you falfe ware enemie and flay him,and yetloue him. when you put thorn in rrufr tQ makcit ready: T•marh. Another rhmg I would'kno\v of or to lay 1t ·for you : atid ¥OU ·would not you,which now commeth ro my mind,.I.hauc ,that mcntbould deceiue you ;vith greatoaths, a Landlord , hee feemeth to bee a ·ver'f good fweanng that robegood wb1oh IS indeed"vecy. ~an, he countenancesall~hegood.f?re~chers naught 1 you would not thatmenlhould felf 111 out com1trey, and hee ndeth vfuaUJ:>"tenne .you.ware that is.naught and·roo~deare to'~y~ ~ilestO'hearcfermons: I hoklofhim\i Hou(c: , doyou: doe youpo 6ch~hingth;n·vnto your and=bttlc )a~d, not fc~~fc enough to ~ode my !lC·Ig~bours:,:~ut as loath asy.bu woui<J b. • . C to poo.e•my leafe.1s con\eout,Uml I haue buy~alfe ware,:& too deat"e,for vndoin§; )'our ___ L_!3 . felfe:,