Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

rVl Papifi cannotgoe felfe: foloath be you to fc.H falfe warc,o~ too A Imay haue it.And as for Satidfaaion,ifare rodcarc,forvndomg your neighbour. And m all bate cannot doitby himfelfe, yet he ma percafes how glad you would be to beholpen! fa \forme it by another: for fo they fay g th~,Pone , Tho glad beto hdp ~our netghbour.So mall thmgs m~y fatisfie by another: wherefore foran Jib...dia. askeyour confclc!J<:Cwhat IS to be done bethmg I can fee, a reprobate may haue all thft '·q·'·"'· tw<ene your ne1ghbour and you, and !hee will is contained in the popifh Sacrament of pc- 1 • t~achyo'!·But becaufeyouare weary ofreafonance. . mug,IWill alfo end:Defiring (i_>od to im;reafe Faith is another of the chiefeft poirits th mvsh1s heauenly graces,.as faltht and repenis in the religion of the Church of Rome, f~~ tance, and louc, accordmg eo h1s good pleab they fay, it is the found.\tion and grou dh . ·fute. t/.lmcn. work?flufli.[ication. Butreprobates may h~He c'!'~~~i. ~h~tfattbwh1ch they meane.For they tay,that fcll:oc,s. 1t IS no.thmg elfe,but i agiftofGod,and acer- Rbcm. The Affertion. . tame h~ht of the mind, wherewith ainanbe- ~~!. AReprobate may Ill t"!th b~ made partamg enhghtened, gmeth fiire & certaine a1fent •Conir. ker ofall that IS contamed In the rehgton B' to the reuealed word ofGod. And the Rhe- Op" •"• ofthe Church of Rome : anda Papill by his I ~ifls fay, it is onely an aa of thevoderflan- pc. Rh•, rehgwn cannot goe beyond aReprobate. dmg: and Andradim faith,that Faith is only in ;~~' The firft Ar ument generall aff!Ons, and cannot come toth~par- IJ.,.' . . :K • ucular applymg ofany thmgs: nowall th1s re- Andr, I, HE. whu:h may m truth be. made partalwof probates may haue k for rhe~indes areen- 6,p, !4;. thechiefepomts ofthe Popijh Religio,maybe lightened to know'the truth, and to beper- "Hcb.6, madepartak[r ofall:bH~ aReprobau maybe fm<d< fwaded ofit, and therefore they haue thisaa ['uko i. partak§roftheclmfepomtsofthe'Popifh Rel'f.ton: of the vodedland1ng: and this is a generall · tJ, thmforeaReprobate maybe madeparr<k$rofal/. faith;yea the diuel himfelfc can do thus much bm. '· Theproofe ofthe Argument. THe propofition is plaine , and euery Pa– pifl willgrant it ~all the controuerfieis of the aaumption: wherefore I prooue it thus: The Sacrament ofPenance (as they call ir) isone of the chiefothings in the religion of C the Church ofRome: for it is fuch aSacra– •C•rech. ment,orhat by the power & efficacie ofit,the., ~· blood ofChrifrisdeliucredtovs towa!h away 414· out linnes : and they fay bit bath fuch vertue : :~:d ·P• that the kingdome of heaucn is promifed toit Tho. 4 • in theScrlptures,and that irisnot regenerati– difr.14•q· on,butanhealing ofamanregenerate, & that f• ar_t• '· it pardoneth fill,as baptifine.And as touching C3mf .. de ,Contrition,Papifts write c it hath-powerto doe p~e~j; away finne, and toobtaine pardonat Gods' ~'o~~P· · hand:thc famethey fpeake ofConfeffwn, which 4 47. they fay deliuercth from death,openeth para– Lmnb. dife,and giueth hope of faluarion: and hereby lib 1( it may appeare, that penance is one of the dt ·'7 • greatefl pointsofthepopifh religion. · But a reprobate inay be truly made par~•-''D kcrofthepopifh Sacrament of penance, and indeed pcrforme all in it.There be three parts of penance , Contritionofthe hearr, Coufeffion ofthe mourh,Sati5fallion in the deed.All thefe three/udu performed: fidr,\le hadContrition: for when he faw that our Sauiour was con· J, M•nh, demned, dthen he faw his owne finne, and l :n· was frrickeMIIith a r;riefe fore his owne trea" , I ,~herie,and repented, and.prefendy after hee ' vcrfc 4 . e confe{fed his Enne openly vnto the chiefe vcrfq, Priefls and Elders. Alfo ho madeSatUfa&ion, ·wheo he brought againe the thirtie pieces of I I filt1er which he tooke to betray his mafter· ;: Againe, Contritionof the heart is the ground ·I , C"ech. ofpenatrce :·and Papiflsfay, itisnotanac.'t of RomP· the holy Ghofl/but an aa of mans free will 437 , proceeding from it:and the~efore arepro~ate who beleeuethand trembleth. And tncirim~ 16 • 1plicite faithw~ich faueth the, whar reprobate cannot hauc tt? for there IS nothing elfe required,butto belceue as the Church be– leeueth, though he know not how the Church beleeueth. And the Papifls themfelues lay as much, for their I Councelshold, that a wic- 'Trid, ked man and an hcreticke may haue confi- Con.rclf, dence in Chrifl, and that :in heathen man by 6•'·9• the natural! knowled~e of God '· and bythe ~~d·;~~. workesofcreacron,might hauc fa1th, and ina general! manner b.eleeue inChrifr. Theficond Argument. . TH4t rehgio11 whoft pre,epu ;rrenodireE!i,ns to fltt«iflepea6eofconfcience~ leaucth a m:m .f/i/1 in~damnab/ec".fo : butthepreceptso[there– lig,on ofthe Ch:trchofRome, arenotdire[fions to attt::zinepeace of'onfcieme: .thrre[1re it icauetha man in a~mnablecll{i::whichifit IJe truela repro~ bate""fY b.'·"'foundaprofoffiur ofit"' any other, The proife, THe propofition is certain;becaufe as long as any man hath his confcience to accufo him offinnebefore God, he is in frate<>fdam– nation, as mS. Johnfaith: Ifour heart con- m 1 Iohn demne.vs,God is greaterthen ourheart, and ~.:o, knowcth all things. And this is peculiar and proper to the eleff children of@od, • to re- •Rom, 1. ceiue theCe gifrs andgraces from God-, • the , ,, enioyingof which bringeth peace of confci- -, Heb.•o ence. Trneir is inJcede, that reprobates re- :z. ceiue l!lAPYgifrsandgr~~esatGods hand, but theyareno other then 1uch as may beJOyned with the trembling of ;he confcience, as the diuel is-faid tobeleeue,hut'withall totremble. Theaffi1mprion (namely, thatrhereligion 1 ' of the Church of Rome cannot pacific the confcience) may bee eafily prooued on this wife. · A man whofe confcience mult bee truely quicttd,