DJ.!Yonda Reprobate 397 quieted, mu!t fir!t ofall bee truely humbled : A• Rome doth too much extoll the power of rllndr.lib (a) Coml vntome(faithourSauiour Clmtl:)all man,&hi>oaturall!trcngth. (f) Itfaith,that al l·T'r'Jcn ;~f::: y ewhicharewe11rie amlb~trdened, <tnd{ r'(i!l eafo adions o~ !?en vnregcnerate 'are ~ot finnes, ;.;: • 6 • IJoH, Whereby it appear.eth,that they who are & that ongmalllinne neederb no repenta11~e, gTrid. to hauetheit confciences refrefhed in Chrift,. ' thata matl bath fome free-will to do fpm- conf,6. mu!t firfl of all bee affli<'l:cd with the fenfc of tual things , that ha man by meere naturals , '·'• Gods iudgement:. ye~ they muffbee pre£fed. may ~o.ue God ab~ue all things,feare God,be- ~~~~~· downe to hehvara Withthe waightand b~r,-·, leeuc 111 Chrtfl, 1f we refpe<ft the very a<'l: of fcn,d.> 7 , denoftheir /ins , thatthey may ke and from. the w01:k; ~~)tbatthe Gentdes ~aygather out i Aadr, l. their hearrsconfo£fe, thatin tnemfdues thcie ofPhdofophy knowledge 1Uffic1entfor faluaJ.p, •• •· ~:.:~1• ~~G~:~ ~~~f~~.~~fi~~~~::~~0h~:?e;~~~fur'!: ~~~I~'dh~!tt~ia~~;';~rfu~~~~~~~~;:!~~:t~~~~ ~~Itl. •• he bath L1nnccd our wounds to the very borto God;that the mmde ofman vnde~frandeth 1 Catt<h. Ef• +<+ tome:hecann~ucr findeany ofhisfl1eepe be-' of1t felfemany things which be fpmtuall,and R?m,in !iCor. 'fore they be quite loft: he mmerpowrethinto l f heauenly~(m.Jthata man regenerate may tuifil ~~~;d. ' 31 ' vstheliuingwaters ofhisfpirit, before we be ,B Ithe w~ole lawofGod: that a man may pre- cor.fcft:c. barren anddrie ground, voide ofall.moifture: . i p.are h1mfelfetorecemegrace, and after preand thatmanmu!t condemne himfelfe, that parauon ment{lrace at Gods hand: that he would not hauc Chrill,to pronounce fenience may doe workes of fuperetogation, &c. By of condemnation againfr him.' - th1slt appeareth that the (:hurch of Rome Now this true humiliation ofa linller can-· afct~beth too much to man, (n)whichi11himnot bee wroughtin any mans haart by thercli; · felfe isonely &altogether euill, dead in linne, gion ofthe Church ofRome. True and foond chained vp in miferable bondage vnder Satan humiliation is wrought by two mcancs: fir!t, the prmce ofdarknes: and therefore it is cuiby making a man ;o fee the grcatne£fe o£ his dent, thatall the preaching that is vfed inthat linneand wickcdnc£fe: fecondly,bymakinfi Church, willnothumblealinner, and make him tO acknowledge that bee is deftitute, ani!' him deny himfelfe, and therefore their preaquite bereft of all goodne£fe. Forifa man eichmg may peraduenture benumme a corrupt thcr fee uotthe grearne£fe ofhis finne, or haue· confcience, and make it fecure, butit cannot 11 Gc:n.6. f· Eph.a.t. . confidenceofany thinginhimfelfe, he cannot pacific the troubled confciencc,nor difquiet it be humbled: but neither oftbefe two things· b~rhe threatningofthelaw, that by the pro11· are performed in the Church of Rome. As C m1fesofthe G6fpel itmay be quieted. :~~~:6• touching the firfl, the Romi!h religion is fo Againe, o this religion teacheth, thataman cap,,. far from amplyfiing & enlargingthe greatneS' m~fr doUbt of his faluation as long as !Ie is in ofmens fins, tharitdoth extenuate them. and thiS life; beholda rackc orgybbetere<'l:ed by leflcnthem outofmeafure:foriflllakethfome the Church of Rome, forrherormentingof cG>L 3 , fins tobevenial, o whenastheleafl:finnethat tenderconfcicn\:es: for when amandoubteth 'l canbe again!t Godslawdeferueth damnation; ofhisfaluatien, he alfo doubteth ofGodsloue dCanir. (d) it teacheth ·that leffer finnes are done aand mercie to him: and he which doubteth of :?!:;;g, way by an humble accufationofamans felfe, Gods loue, cannotloue God againe: for how 491 , by fayingthe Lords prayer, by knockingvpcanany man lone him ofwhofe good will hce on the brea{l, and by fuch like 1 the greatef doubteth I and when aman bath not theloue finncs maybedone away by almes<leeds, and of God inhim, bee bath no gracein him, and fuch like fatista<'l:ions. Buthow can any linn·e therefore his confciencc m~lt n<edes bee debeegreat, that may bee done away with fuch ~led,& void oftruepea<e, yea he muft necdcs ea!ie and !light?'canes I Furthermore itteabe a wicked man, and thaopfaying ofSalomon • Prou, cheth, thateulll thonghts anddefires, and mu!t needs agree to him: The wickedflieth •8,1. motionsofthe heart without confent, are no D when no man purfueth (by reafon ofthe guilfi~n_es: and thiso~inioncutteth offal!truehiV tines of hiS' confcience) butthe godly is bold mij~auon: for Paulneuerre2cnted, before· as aLyon. Againe, q Ble£fed is the man( faith ;:.r:~· hee vnder!tood the meaning of the L1fl: cam-· Dauid)whofe,finnes are pardoned ; wherehe mandement, andperceiued thereby, thatthe maketh remifsionof.linnestobetrue felicitk: deliresandluftsofhishearr, towhichhedid now there is no rruefelicitic butthatwhich notyeeld his confent' were finnes damnableis·euioyed' ·and fdicitie cannot .!Je enioyed b~fore God; and knbv.:ing this, hee tbenfa.y vnle£ felt', and it cannot be felt, vnle; h!mfe~fe to b~ moll m1ferable, and renoanc a man know himfelfe to be in po£fefsionofit, cmgh1s own nghteQufnes, hef0oght far ngh~ and a man.<annot know·himfelfe to bee'in eConf, teou_fues in Chri£1:. Laflly,(e:)jtceacheth,that P9£fefsldii>G>fit, ifhe doubt wherher•he bath it Col.p•g. ongmall Gnneisdoneaway in Baptifme, and or not,: and.therefore tbisdoubtiogofthe re- !4·S6• th~tit is the lea!t·linne ofall other: What is mifsion oflinnes isconrrarie to true felicitie tlus but to extonuare mans c~rruption I :for & is no~bing els bnt atorment of the confci~ whe.n~he roote<ofcorrupuonistaken away, ence. Foraman cannot ,dor;bt whether his and1t !Sm~de fo littlea ~nnc, a6tual fiimeseah fmnes b~e ~rdonep or not; bm !traight way not be taken for IUchhemous matrers. · . .,. ' (Ifh1scanfCicncebenoo feared with an hotte And for the fecond point,. the Churcb•of yron) ;he very thought of his linne will Lf 4 frrike