Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Heb.6, tO,Tf. Cant,J·S· Ill. ~E(a,6•• 6, Rom.1. l4,ts, ·6. eAPapijlcannot goe !hikeagreatfeare intohim: forthe fear_e ofe- A it appeareth by the yongman,who thought he rernall death, and ~he horr<>r ofGods IUdge- \had laboured al his life to fulfill rhe law therementw!ll cometoh~srememb~ance;the.coll•· by to be fmed , yet dHlrufring all his doings, liderati'?nofw~tchtsmoflternble. Vndoubheasketo further ofour Sauiour Chtifl, what M•r. 19 ' redly thts rcltgton mull needs be comfortles. hee might doe tobefaued. 16 ' 17 ' Alaspoore foules, wee are no betterthen pafFurthermore,it isthe dottrineofrhe Church fcngersin this world, our way it is in the mid... ofRome, that there isnothing in the regenerate c".nc:. .die ~fthe fea, whe~e wecan haue no fure foo• th•t Godc.n hare.-andrhatthey are inwardlypure T.i!.~ tmg atall, and whiCh way foeucr we call our1 andw.rbout fPor.A doCI:rme tbatwill make any ~tes,wee fee nothmg but water, euen opemng Chrifhan confctence defpaire. For if a. man It fc:Jfe todeuottrevs qaicke.-the diueltiihd our JhallfaO to ex•mine himfelfe hee ihall finde (b) rebe!Iiou>fldh raife vp·agai?ll vsinfinite thou that he u fold vnderjinn:, (c) compajfodab;~<tof • R 1 •m. fands of tempcfls and flormesto ouerthrow I finne, ( d)IJetfba!lfot hYparticHIAr finnestobt.u ?il:i.. vs: butbehold, God ofhts and endldfe \ thehme,.fhu ht•d: atthe light a~>d feeling of u, 11 , merctc hath brought vsto Chnfl, ·as to a fure · which, hee ihall fiodethat thereis much mat- 'Piol. anchor-hold, heebiddethvstovndoeourga• B terinhim worthy ofharredand damnation 4°·1Z· hies, & fling vp our anchors within the vaile, 1 too.He beeingin this cafe,will begin redoubt znd fallen them 111 Chnll: we doe 1t as we are ! whet~erhe b~ thechil_d ofGod or not; & percommanded: but a filler ofours (I meane the fc:uermgm thl$doubnng he ihall be driuen to Char~~of Rome) pafsing in the ihippe wirh dcfpaircof Gods loue towards him, confidevs (as It feemeth) who hath long taken vpon nng that hee cannot finde any fuch FUteneffe her to rule the helme, dealeth too vnkindly in himftlfc as the doctrine ofthe <i:hurch 0 with vs; !be vnloofeth our anchors: and cutRome requireth. tethin peeces ollr gables;ihe tellethvsthatwe Laflly, experience it felfe teacheth that the may not prefume to fallen our anchor on the !l.omiih religion can b'ring no peace to the rocke: ihee will haue vs freely to roue in the confcience, in.that fome for the maintaining middle ofthe fea in the greatdl:' fogs and the ofit hauedefpaired. As Fr~~ncuSpira who a• fearefulldl: tempdlsth•t be:ifwe !ball follow gaind his own confcience hauingabi~red the her aduife, wee mqll:needes !coke for aihiptruth, and fubfcribed tothe doctrine ofthe wracke: forthe leall flaw ofwinde ihall ouerRomiih Church, moll fearefully defpaired of rumcvs,and our poore foules !hallbe plunged hts faluation: which could nor haue bin ifthat lllidcus inthegulfe ofhdl. C docftrine hail beene agrctabletoGods word, de6de, Laflly,iuflification by workescaufrth·tr9uwhich isfpiritar.d life to the receiuer. Forthe ~!'.~;,de ble &difquietnes to the confeience. Nomans fame caufe L~~timm a dorlor of Louane def. mono confcience can bee appeafed , before ·Gods paired,crying thar he wasdamned, becaufehe Pinii, wrath be appeafed,and Gods wrath cannotbe had oppofed himfdfe to the knowne truth. appeafedbyasy works:for the bell works the This alfo befell GArdnerat his death, as the regener.te can do,arc imperfeel,& are flained bookeofAtts and Monuments declareth. with fome blemiih ofcorruption , as may ap- - Thtthirdargument. peare(a)b<>th in the propherE[<y,andin Pafll, TH.<t rtligioR which agrmh wbecorr•ption both whichhatha great mdltkmg ofthargood ofmans nature,.Reprob•temaytrulyprofeffi whkh they did, becaufe i~ was mingled with it.-the religionoftheChllr<hofR•fniagmtht.rhe finne. And againe J cuery man is bo.und in duty corrpptitmofm~nsnatl'rt : therefore 11 ReprobMe tokeepe the who!~ law, fothatif aman could maytruly pr.ofcffi it. keepe ir perfe,'tly, l•ee ihould dbe .no more The Pmft. " duty inioyned to doe; ana thereI neede not !land to prooue the propofitifore he which looketh ro merit erernalllife at on,the affumption is rarher to be confirmed, Gods hand by keepingthe law, rrulleth bntto D which firfll will prooue by induttion ofpara brokenflatf< andis like the bankeroutthat ticulars. Firfl;thaoamanThouldbe iuflified by will pay one d;bt by another: f<>r by his lion~_, workes, is anopinion fetlcd in nature, as may euery man is indebted to the Lord, an? 1• •Pr<:•tc in them that cructiied our Sauto~r bound to anfwerto the Lord thefull pum!hC.hnfl : for when they were pncked mthetr mcnt ofall his fins: thisdebt, thePa{llfl faith, : hearts at Peters fermoo,' theyf.lid~ Men••d wee may difcharge by obedience10 thel~w,. hr~thrf•, wh•tfh•ilwudot·"b'foutd! and thts t AI','· tbatis, by anew debt, whtch weare aswell faidthc young man before named, not what f:h 6 , 1 a. boundto pa 1 toour God as the former. thou!~ I bele~ue., dmt what jJJo~tldIde, ro_btfo- ,..,, 10 • To end this poiat,let a man looke to_bee fa- •rti.. So thep.'n them Jt appearerh, that 1t IS a , 7 •. ued by workcs, & thereforelct amao 1mploy; natU[OIIO?tnion.ofall men to rhmkethatrhey himfdfetodoethe bcflworkeshecan:, yerhe rnuflbe faued 'by domgot fomewhat. A Palha11 neuer comcto know when he !lath done pill will fay, though thts bee naturallthus to fufficicnt to fatis6e G:odswrath: and this vnthinke, yet it may be good : furthere IS fome certainty,al his life, bur cfp~cially 1n the houre I anfwer! that rhe wif'dBmt ofdeath,mull nee<)es difquieth'im.:;.l\odtrulyf; i/tbtflrP' "•if"Jnp.• Gods wifidome,•Ron;.s·'"'.: when amm !hall bauc done maiJy,tlumfand and all men: ·by.mnrure.are notlung but fl'.fl" / workes, yet his heart C110 ntuer be asqui>t,~Q~IJ;Ituraily.tbe,y aro the Clllldren ofwrath,_ -· • 1 .. Secondly,,__