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aGll.f. 10, 'Exod. p.,.. c aor. z. 16. ... 6. . 7· I bf,Yonda~eprobate.- --~--~~~~~~--~--Secondly,the wor!hippingofGod in images A leeneth, hee is not bound t;:, know. isagreatmattcr intheChurchofRome: but XI. Infidelityisnaturall,andtothis agreeII. this manner of wor!hipping is nothing bur eth that they call vpon Saints and Angels, a workeof the fle!h, which thus I proouc: the Lord hauing commanded them to call (a) Idolatry is naturall, and a wotke of the vpon him in the name ofChrift:what argueth ~e!h, but to worlhip God in images,is idolathis elfe, but hearts diftrulling Gods goodtry. The children oflfrael when they erect<d ndfe,and guiltie confciences? the golden calfe, they did commit idolatrie, X I I. Images in the ·Church of Rome 1a. and yet thty did not worlhipthecalfc it felfe, came from infidelitic, becaufe men in reafon butGod inthe calfe. For when the calfe was could not perfwade themfelues that God was made, they h proclaimedan holy day, notto the prcfent, vnlcffe that were made manifcft by. calfe,butr. the L..-d. AndBaalthatdeteft"blc fomc figne and image. Which thing the Jfraeidol,was nothing but the image ofGod,as aplites declared when ~hey faid to .Aaron in the peareth in Hoft• the Prophet. At that day wildernelfe inM efts abfence,Mal:gvs Gods to Exod.J:. faith the Lord,(c)thou ihaltcall mee nomore goe befort vs. '·· Ba•l. Itremaineththerforc,that to ferueGod B X!II. SatisfaClionsfor finueare natural!: in an image,is aworke ofthe 8eih,andalrogefor wicked (d) men when they haue offended theragreeth to the vile corruption of nature. God,they haue alwaiesvied fome ccremonie• Thirdly, pride, andadeliretobeaduanced topacificGodwith, which whepthey haue aboue other, is natural! corruprion : to this performed, thenthey thinke they haue done agrecth the Popesprimacy,his doublefword, enough. andtriplecmwne: yeatheoutragiouspompe X IV. The Church of Rome faith, thatofthat fc:ate is asa paireof bellowes tokinthe Scriptures are darke and obfcure: the Ii• die the concuplfcence, and tomake the hidblinde man findcth fault with the darkenelfe den fparkes of pride to br~ake out into a ofthe Sunne' lftheScriptures appearetoany great flame. to beobfcnre,the fault is not in the Scripture, Fourthly, doubting of Gods prouidence but in the blindnefli: of the miude of him and mercie is a natural!corruption hallmen: whic'1readeth and hearcth them. to this agrecth, and from hence Hfueth t:>at XV.b!lly ,pardons open agaptoallliccnfooliih andvaine opinion, concerning doul;>ttioufnes? th<rfore theyagree to mans corrupt 1 5• ting ofour faluation, andof the remi!Sion of nature: for who almoftwill not linne,when he linnes. C may get a pardon for his fins,for alittle peece Fiftly, felfe-loue,and felfe-liking are natuofmoney,as twenty ihillings,orfoure noblesl rail corruptions: andtothisagreeththat do And what is it bur cofc:nage to fell pardous Clrineof rhc Papifts, not ouermuch to abafe which /hall bein force many yeeres after the our felues, burro mainraine Free-will by naend ofthe world, asrhe Popedoth? ture, and to thinke that wee bane fo much It is oarur•ll ro a man to ferue God·in cer- ~99 goodneffc, that wee are able to prepare our raineceremonies,withoutrhepowerofgodlifelues to receiue, and in fome fort to merit nes,and this feruice isprcfcribed by thereligi- •grace. on ofthe ChurchofRome,whichj/affdethooety. F 11 Six:tly, Idlcnetft: and riotoufnetfe is anatu· in omwardan~corport:fcerevsonies ,Mthe o~t'AMrd 1 ~0~;~ · rail corruption, and toit very firly anfwereth Jitccejfienof'Bijhops :garments,vej/Hres,gej/nres, begin. the great number of feafrs, ofholy-dait:s, of coloRrs;, chqiceofmetzt, d~firenceofdaies, times, halfe holy-daies,which the Church of Rome & places,hearingfciing-,foying,toltching,taj/ing, vfeth. n~tmbrmg ofbeades,gmldingandworfhippzng of•- Seuenthly, Couetoufneffe is anaturall cormages b~tildingMonaf/eries,rifvtgat mzdnight fi· rupti~n, and to the feeding of this vice fc:rl<mce in ct.ijlm, abflaming from jlejh and whitueth Purgarorie, a fireofgreatgaine, which D m.eate; faftingtn Lent, k£eping bnberda_ies,he4,- in very tmth, if it had not burned very rmgl!f4UC&dinineforHice,ftesng&adoringth!' hot, the fire in rhePopes kitchin had, receiHingholywater, and ned very cold: hitherto feme Pilgrimages , holy bread,creepingto the Cro]Je,carrying Palmes; fayingofMaffcs, and felling of Pardons for r.kjngaflm,b,aring Canfllcs,Pilgrimates-gomg, money. cmjing~k.tJeeli"'g~k!.zock,i:ng,4/tt~rs,foperodtars;can. Eighdy,tobeat libertie is the deGre of na. dieflickfs,pardons: Jn orders,croJfi;zg,armoiming$ ture: anfwerable to.this is thatopinion, that foatnng~forfwearing mariage.Inbaptifmefolting, the fpiritualtie is to be exempted trom fubiecrojfing,fPatling,,wafbng ofhands: At etion to Magi/hates. Eafter~confejfion,penance~dirge,jarUfartion~f.!} in Ninthly~ro commit adultery is naturall: to receiuing with beardes newJh~Hen, to imAgine 4 this agrectl1 the Stewcs, and the permifsion body whmtheyfeonone: andthough he wcreihere offimplefornication. . pre_fnt to~efecne, yet the ou_twatdfeeing artdtou . Tenthly;ignorance is a filthy cortuption in cbmg ofhzm, ofitfclfe witbentfaith conducech no nature: this the Cburch of Rame maketh more then it did the Iewes• .At Rog.:tti'ondflies, to the mother of deuotion,' and it is en1oy~ carrybanners, rofol/owtbeCrejJ&, towaik!aboHt ned the lay-man as a meancs of his faluathefields. Aftet7'mtecojl rogoaboutwithCorpm tion: for hce 111uO: bcleeue as che <;:;hurch beChrtj!J play. ~t Hollvwmt'.Jje tiJ wauh in tbe ------- ---Chltrcb