Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

' ruf Papijl cannotgoe Church,to{".)Dirge orcommtnktion, Andto ring A bea mother: and cauft thy fonne to reuiHeour 'forallJoules, topay tithes true!J, r;,iueto thehie pr-tyers: Jet free thecoptiues, rmdg•ue light to the I.Aitar•.Andifamanwillbea '1'rie ,tofay M4jfo blmde. (h) La!lly,the very crofieis made as a liBrCl.lia or Mattem, toftmetheSainttofthatdayy~~ndto God. For they falute ir by the nameof their refor.m lift wellouerthe head. Jnjickf.neffi to be annoiled, oncly hope, and pray it to increafe iultice to fefto E to tak.! hU rites, after his d:ttth to haue funera/t the godly, and to giue finners pardon. alt. Cr ando&ues[aid for him, andtobeerHngfor at his Wherefore the Church of Rome befide the ci•• Funert4U, miJntthsminde, andyeere111inde. This one true God , diltingui!hed into three per• u thefamme ofthe Catholik! religion, j/anding fons,thc ·Father, the Son,and theholy Gholl: inbod~Iyaiiions,not in any motions·Dr WDrk£ of the maketh alfo many othor , and fo in truth hat!; holy Gh•f/, inthe heort. repealed his firlt commandement. The moralllawcontaining perfefr righte· And they haue very plainely repealed the ouli1cs,is Rat oppofiteto manscorruptnature: feconol commandemeat , in that they teach it therefore whatfoeuer religion fhall tef'eale & lawfulltomakeimagesoftbetrue God & to make of none effect the commandements of worfhiphim in them. For tht: flat cont;arie is the moralllaw , the fame religion mull: needs B the very fcope ofthi• commandemcnt:nameioyne hands with thecorruptionof nature, & ly,thatnoimage mull be made ofthe true leJl:and for the maintenance ofit. This doth the houa:norany worlhip beperformed vntohim religion ofthe Church of Rome: itmaybeit in animage:whichappeares thus.In Deateroa Mauh. cloth notplainelyrtpeale them, yet in effectit nomie Mofes maketh alarge Commentary of doth:' and ifit fhal frultrate butany one point thts commandement, and thts very point hce JS.6• of anyone commandement, yea, the whole fetsdownerxerefi"ely,fayin%,Tak!heede toyo11e law thereby is madeinvaine.r.The6rllcom- {eiHes.forye Jaw n01magein t eday thatthe Lord Dettr. mandement reqcdreth , that we hauc the true JPak! vntoJDH in Horeb, ••tofthe midd<jtofthe IS,JO" leh•u•h for our onely God: the Church of fire:thatyecorrnptmtyourfe'!'es 1 llndma~ysua Rome makcth other Gods betide this true grauenimt~ge> orrtprefentatzon Dj ~JnyjigNre1&c. Go<l:itmaketh the body of Chrilt to be God, His argament I fer dowrie thus: As God apbecaufe they hold it may bee in many places, peared in mount Horeb , fo heis to bee coninheaucn, ii.'! earth at the fame time, which ceiued ar.d reprefented:but he appeared in no thing is onclyl,roperto God.It maketh euery Jmage in mount Horeb , onely his 'Voice was Saint deparre to be God, becaufc it holdeth heard : thorefore he is not to be conceiued or the Saintsdoe heare vs now being vpon the c reprcfented in any image : but men are to bee earth, and that theyknow our thoughts when content,ifthey may heare his voice. Againe, wee pray to them, which none but rhe true that Gn to whichthepeopleofifraelwerefpe. bOeo. God candoe. It maketh the Pope to bte God cially giuen, euen thatdoth the Lordfpecial!y and that io plaine wo~ds. b Pope 'l(t,cho/,u torbid: but to this were the people oflfrael dill,69-o faith, Conj/at fi<mmum'Pontiftcem .l pi. priwcip• 1j>eciallygiuc, notfo much romake images 0f fatis eu\· denter. ConjlaminoDeHm flppeRt~ri : It is well knowne talfegods,as to make images ofthetrue God, th,,t the Pope of the godly Prince Conflan.· &to wor!hiphim in the:which I prooue thus. cEstrauJ•.tine was calledGod. Ag,line,in cthe exrrauaIn the bookeof Judges irisfaid, that the fudg.~. loh.u, l f'antsofrhe fame Canonlawitis written,Dochtldren of Ifrael did wickedly in the fight of 10, ~:r~i~· ~inm DcJU nqfter P~tpa '. Our Lord God t~e the Lord,and ferued Baalim. Now thefe Baa~ glolfa. Pope. And againe, d Chrij/opher Mareellm fatd lims, what are they? Surely idols refembling d Concil. to thePope,Tu es alter.<])em :n eerru.Thou art the true God:as the Prophet Ho[e11 declareth. L""· another God vpon earth 1 and the I'ope tooke And at this day faith t~1e Lord, thou fhalt call rea... it eo himfelfe. :As the Pope in plaiae words is me/fl~ai,andfhaltcal!me no more B.r•li, Here Hof:.• made God , fo thepower giuen tohim declait appeareth, thatthe Ifraelites meaning was "· e Extra, reth the fame. ' Hee can make holy that D not to wor!hip afalfe God, but the true God ;:,=0~;~:' which is voholy, & iu~fie the wicked,& par· in Baalim. And .Aaronwhen he made the go!- Exod,J '"''' donfius. £ Hcemaydtlpence contrary to the dencalfe,proclaimed that the next day lhould I· <o;ci. 14 • fayingof an Apoltle: bee can change the nabebolieday, norofany falfe God, but ofthe "" lelt, I tureofthings,and ofnothing make fo"!ewhat. Lord that brought them out of Egypt: The '"glo[a, vVhat is all this,but to place the Pope 10 Gods Prophet Ef4Jafter that he had fet forth Gods Efa.4o· ~~~·8'• roome, and to robbe the Lord ofhis Maiefry? maiellieverie worthily, becomesin with this t8. ,Pre;bir, Againe,thc ChurchofRome makethM.cry conclufim1: To whom then will ye liken God? ~ I the motheroflefus to be as-God. In the Breor whatfimilitudc will ye fet vp ofhim?which uiaty reformed and publi!hed at the comman· declareth that the !ewes after the manner of ·, In offi· dementof'1'i"' thelift.& Shee is called aGod. ~he Gentiles ran awhoring afteridols, thatis, I clo beatz de!Je,inexprelfewords:andlhe is further tearimages not oncly offalfe Gods, butalfo of the Mauz ad - med the .Q.xetne of hMucn 1 the f!!eene 1/ the true God.I conclude therefore as I began,that Matut, wor/d 1 thegateifhetmen, themotherofgrt~c~ 11nd the CburcliofRome, by maintaining images, mercy: Ye• lhe is farre exalted aboueChrifl:& bath repealed'rhis coo1mandcment. · he in regard ofher is made but apaore vnderNeither doth it lhew teae fauour to the ling inheanen:forPapifts in thdr feruice vnto third commandemcnt:which alfo is repealed. her pray OR thismaner,fayin~,She0> ilryfelfeto Firfr, in thattheyreach men ro giue the ~loty Which . + :.