beyonda '1\.eprobate. whicbisproperto God,rofoMcthingelfe: ir 'A ! . Thefeuenrh Commandcmcnt isreapealcd is proper rp God afr<r the day ofmdgcmenr, ,dtuers wa~es. Ftdl:, m that they mamtame the 1 .cor. 1 J tebealli11all:. t~isth<y gt~eto .;Jia')', faymg ,occaliousofa dultery & forntcatton: namely, tB. thar:JheeisaDina!t. . . the vow of finglehfe both~nmen& "?'omen, It is propec to .Chntl: m rcfpcB: of other when asrhey bauenot rec~med the gJftfrom creatures, ro be alight lighuning all that co?"e God to be contmcnt: whtch gift when they !oh,•. 9 , intHhe world.- yet they pray to ..MaY)' to gtue want, &yetare bound to fingle life, they mull: light torhe blind. Itis proper to Cbritl: to bee needs breake out totOmuch loofenes. This fin Brcuiar. &mi!f.& rcformi. the Rcdeem!'t'ofmankf:nde,andtbisworke ofremadcM_IWtU~~Pttlmgenml~andPerrachto_cry Edog. f~ demptionisafcribedtoMary, whomrhePa· our agamfl: the Church of Rome: Agame, '·M-9. pills call their hope;their ioy,theirmediatr<ffi,a fame Paptlls defend the tole~atwn of the medicinefortl;e dift4jed,atkfencefmn thr ene111J, ~e.wes m R?me, for the auotdtng ofgr~ater a friend in the h'"" of death. Againc, they emls. And_1n the councelofTrent,chalhty& makeS. Martina''Prieftar;cordmg to the orderof Pnclls ~anage ar~made oppo0te,fothat ma· Me/chi(edecb,whichisproperto ChriO:. flage With themts anlthte thmg, although sea: 2 ¥ Secondly,they hold thanhe people is to be B God l~ath ordained it for the auoid~ng offor- <·•• barred from the 1 cadiog ofthe 5>npturcs,vn· nu:atw_m al. Furthermore,that wh.tch tsmoO; le!fe itbeinan vnknowne tongue, a~~df~ they abho.mmable, and pro'?ues the Church of maintaine ignorance, and the propham.:_!l of Rome ~o be an _Anttchr.'ll!an Church, they Godsname:for thepreaching ofGods word, mamtame.marnages wtthm the degrees forand therefore alfo the hearing, learning, reabtdden botlo by the law ofnature,and ofGod3 ,,Tbolf, ding,fearchingofit,is theglorifyingofth""ord, wcra. For iQ ibe table of confanguinity they !·'· and fo the glorifyingofGods name. ~htch are placed m the tranfuerfe vnequall The fourth commandement is repealed, in ltne cannot marry, bo<aufe they are as parents that they require that their fea!l-daies fhould and children, }'<t ifthey .be dillant foure deCon.MD· ba keptas folemnly as the Lords Sabbath: For grees ondiuers fides from the commo llocke, gunc.c, they mull: bekept in allhono11r andcomelineffi: they may marry togeth~r by the Canon law. i6.; 1 • and menm11jl reftfrom their labours, from morAsfor example, the grand vncle may marrie Grcg.cop Maurc. ning to euening, as on the Sabbath : whereas his fillers nephewes neece, a thing very filthy 8,de cencoR.z.c:z. contrariwife the Lord hath giuen permifsion 1~ nature, confideringthat aman cannot mar- f~ng.~vun to his feruants tolabourthe fixe daies, fo beit, ne with aoy hone!lie his fillers 'hild. To goe culus m" an the feuenth they will rell frmm the works of C further, by Go.ds word they which are dillaot ~~;~::~- theircallings, and doe the worksof the fpirit. foure degreesin thetranfuerfe equal! line, are They repeale the fifr commiidement in that not forbidde to marry together, a.coufin ger- Num. 16, they teach, that theirCieargie hath an imnm• mans. Thus the daughter ofZeluph<hadwere 1 ~{ nide, and therefore is not [;>Oundto performe married to their fathers brothers Ions: this exobedienceto Magillrates, forfo theyhauedeamt>le(as I takeit}may be awarratofthe law. ereed, that ct..k!.s arerobe iudgedofBifh•ps:& fulnesofthis mariO'ge:yettbecanon lawvtterMacifc. that they are onely to refcuc them from inialy codemnes this mariage ofcoufin germas,& coo. ries.Again,thatthe Bilhop muflnot be Judged the mariage oftheir children after the ,though ,, 7 ,s. 9 • ofthe fecular power: and that the Pope him· they be 8 degrees dillant. Thus the Church fclfe oweth no lltbie<iion to Kings,Princes,& ofRome doth ouerthwart the Lord;where he Emperours, but hath power to make them,& giues libertie, they rellraine ir; and when hee toputthem downe at his pleafure.ButS. Paul rellraineth men,then they giue libertie. for the maintaining ofthe lift commaundeThey repeale the 8. Commandement by ment, bids-cucty.foule be fubie<i to the higher their fpiritual merchandize, in which they fcll powers:andtherfore thePope withhis Clear1 thofe things which are nor to be fold,as Crofgie(asChryfojlomehath expoundedit)mutl: be p festo dead men, Images, prayers, rhe found fubteB: to ctutl! M.>gtfl:rates, vnle!le they will ofbels,remifsion of finnes, and the merits by excludethemfeluesout ofthenumberofmen, which men may come to the kingdome of for '1'41<1 fpeakcs to all. hcauen: their lhaueliog Prietl:s will doe no du. Againfl the fixt commandement they haue tie without they bee fed with many: heace decreed·afyles for murtberers, plainely per. comestheprouerb,Nopcny, no Pater nollet. mining them which feare authoritie, to hauc· They teach men to beare falfe witnes and M•tifc '· fJfetie inthe lap of their mother the Church. fo to finne againfi the ninth commande~ent c,S, ' Thus they annihilate. Gods commandement,' in that·they hold. that M.iry_is the ~ene of R<u.7-tt• yea and more then dus, whtther tends ~ll that he:ouen:·wherastndeed {he ts no, but '"·f• 16 , they teach but to the very murdenng of cloth conttnually call downe her ctowne be. foules? For eXlmple, faluation by workes of fore Chrifr w~th the reil: ofthe Saints. And a grace is one oftheir chiefe poims. B,t thai man may as well beare falfe witnelfe in (peaman that is perfwaded that h_e muO: be faued king too much,as in fpeakingto litJe. byhtsworkes, mnO:alfop.rhtstrufrinthem, In the to. Commandement the fir/J;mo• and he which rrulleth ro hisworksis accurfed dons that goe before confent are t0rbiddcn: ler,, 7 .s. before God,For curfed u th•t m•nthat trufteth otherwifethere fhal be nodifference behveen I i•m<n, whether it be himfelfe or others. it and the rcll.Forthey alfo are fpirituall, and r-------------------------------------------------------~wr