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. Epb >, 8~9· Rhem. Tell. Kom.:r.. IJ. Rhenl, Tell. Cc!.z. t.;. rvf Papijl cannotgae forbid inward motions: but thedifference is A Church of Ro,.ji mofr of all defcndeth that that they forbid oncly tnc motions that goe im~utatio~t oflfghteouftdle, which moll of wtthconfent. Now the Papills fay,that thefe alht bath unpugne<\.For when one man fatismonons are no finne properly, vnletfe confent fieth for another,the workeof6ne man \simfollow:and tlterforethey in expreffe words reputed to another. But what 1fhall one man fapcale this commar.den_>cnt. For if concupift~slie for another, and fball no' Chrifr byhis cenfe and the lirft monons be no fins propernghteoufnclfe fatisfiefor vslfhall God accept ly,thenthere nccde no prohibiuon ofthem. rbc;. work~ofone man for another, & notac- '!hefourth Argument: . . cept;.rhe nghteoufncs of Chri!Hor vs 1 Truly THat reltg•gn wh1ch to contrar1e to Jtfclft, u thelets greater fellowfhip and coniuntlion . onely am«re inuention ofman: the religion betwecne the head and rh~members then of ofehe Ch~<rch of Romeu quitecontrarytoitjilfe: the members amongthemfdu<s• bec~uferhey the>-cfore it u onelyan inueneionof"'"": whichif are ioynedtogether by meanes ofthe head. it berme, a; well a Reprobat• Marry other -1 1/J. It holdeth thattheg•ilt andfault of peiformnhethingsrcq•iredin it. finne may be remitted by Chnft; and yet.the .. The proof•. B tempor•llpunifhmmt of finne bee vnremitted: Tbe propofirionis moll true, becaufeit is a but thefe arcquite contrary. '1' aut faith there Rom,t. priuiledgeofGods word, andloofthetrue is now no condemnation tothcmthat~re in 1• religion gathered forth ofit, to be confonanr ChriiHefus. Yet if aman were punilbed for r~jr felfeio all pointS< which properlyno dohis finne after he wcrein Chritl, acd had the chines nor writings befide can haue. Theaffault of finne remitted, fome condemnation fumption may bee made maoifefr by anindulhould now remaine inhim. And D••itl&ith p(a]. >l ction ofparticolar examples. Blcffedisrhe man to wh.:>m the Lord impu: '· I. The Church ofRome faith, that men are terh no linne: therefore he to whom the Lord faued by grace : &againe,it faith that men are imputcth no finne, bath not ondy theguilt of fimed by works.A flat contradiction.For Paul finne, butalfothe~unilbmentof his finnc refaith, ifekchon be ofgrace, itis no more of mitred: otherwife he could not be bletfed, but works:or elfe .were grace no more grace: but mtferable.And this agreeth not with Gods iu. ifitbeofworkes, it is no more grace: or elfe (hce, when the fault is quite pardoned, and a wer~wo~keno more work. Anfwcr is made, is guilty of no fi.nnc, that then any puw that mthts placeTaut fpcaketh of workes of mthment fhould bela~d on-AndS.Aujlin faith nature,which indeed are corrary ro grace,but C that Chrifr by raking vpon him the punilbnot ofworkes ofregeneration, which are not ment offinne, 011d not taking vpon him the contrarytograce. This anfwer is falfc:; for fault, tookeaway both the punilhmemand T.aul in a like place vnt0 this oppofeth grace the fault. Wherefurerhis opinion that Chrifr and workes ofregeneration. Ye are taued by hathtakenaway theguiltoffinne,ouerthrowgrace (faithhe)rhrongh faith, and that not of eth all Sati•factions and Purgatorie, becaufc your felues: for it is the gifcofGod, not. of t~e faultaad ~:uilt being taken away, all puworkes,leafr any fhouldboatlhimfelfe:forwe mlbmentfor finnc IS alfo takenaway. are hiswozkmanlbipcreated in Chriftiefus _IV. Tranfubltantiation isamonfter,franVflto good workes ,. that we fhould walke in dmgon manifolclcomraditt:ions. Firfr,ic mathem. Now lctthe Church of Rome fpea!ie keth Chrifrs body to be in many places:aneuiwhatare the workcs of whic!1 any man may dentconrradictio. For itisofthenaturc&efmofr ofall boafr? And wharore the workes, fence ofa body to beinone place only: which for the doing of wh\ch we rnufrbe falbioned I proonethns: A b0dy IS a·magRitude,a maganew in Cbrifr Jdns ? Alli~tedly they tnuft be nltude is a continued quantirie , a continued the W<>rkes ofregeneration, dipped·and dyed quantitie cannl:ltbe but in one place:therefore in the blood ofC-hritl(as they fpcakc)where- D a body cannot bee b~t in one place• In this fqrc it is euident,thatPau/s toconargument the doubt. ts onely ofthe !aft part: dllde that if we be faucd by grace, wecanwhtch vndoubttdly ts moll rrue:for ltiScailed not b~ faued by workes ofregeneration. acotinued 'luatiry;becaufe hisp~rrs arecontiI I. The Church of Rome confuteth and nued & kmt together the one With anotherm condemneth in Councels and deridcth this a comon tearme or bond,as a lineby a point,a doctrine that we teach rh~t men are to be iuplane & hisparts byaline,afolide by afuperfillified by the imputatio'n ofthqighteoufuelfe des ot plane.Now thefe points caa in no wife of Chrifr, which righteoufnesis !JOt invs but be continued,vnlefie cuery one ofthem keepc in Chrifr. And the Rhemifrs call ita fantafrioneonely fpec~all pbce. For t-xamples fake: call.iuftice, anewno-iu{lice. But herein that e f Church is contrary to itfelfe; for it defenderh --------------- ;yorksoffi,pererogation,andworksoffatisdal i '. ~ b facHon of one man for another: and their grou"d i•, becaufc the faithfull are all mem- :k: I bers af one body, and haue fellowfbjp one , : -: ._, c with another, and therefore one may fadslie · m fqr-another. Hereby it is plainc, that the fuppofe Aug1 1 R. devcrb, dom. le l7·