beyonda 1?.eprohate. fuppofe the plaine, 4,b,c,J,t?bee dcuided into A doR fnr finne. Now asking of pardon and fa- difi,, 6• threeparr..;, 1:, I, bytwo bnes, e,g, andf, h, tisfa~ion ilir finno,are.contrarie:thereforeby whi~h doe'both deuide the three parts, and the iudgement of theP;apills, prayer which is quot;s, continue them che one with the other, Now I a fatisfaction is no fatisfa~ion. And indcede dio. P"'· fay, that eue!Y one ofthe p~mmay bee contilet vs confider what madne(fe is courained in nit.diil·J· nued with hiS nextfellow, 1s IS necclfane that this popifh diuinity: the P?"re begger comeuery one ofthem lhoull} haue on~ fpeciall & meth very hungry to the nch mans.doore to dillinct place:Thatth~·fi~:~ place ofthe plane, craue hio almes ; and llraight his begi,may be continued with Jz, iqnu/l b~ fituated ging bee will merit and deferue it. 1he·fame onely therewhere it is,,.aQd no w.lJFre,e(fc: for doth the Papill, hee prayetl1 very poorely for ifitfhall be fituateelfewhere,as inthepla~em, the'thing whichhee wanteth, yet he loeketh the it cannot be continued with it., Now then, 1 very proudly to merit no le!fe then the kingifthe parts mull ofnecdsity haue thdr qwne dome ofheauen by it. particular place onely:rhen the whole figure, VU. Doubtingoffaluation and hope can. a,b,c,J, muft alfo beonely in onc:'{>lace. And not agree together, for hope maketh a man . this is that with the Prince of P~ilofophers B mtto beafh•med, that is, neuer difappointeth R 1 f Ar~fl.~ .. teacheth, thateuerymagnimde hath his parts him of the thing which bee loketb for• .A,d ~~~~.';,.;~ . ~:~~;. c fited in fome Qne plate; one by an.other , fo therefore it u c./lea the aJtchor of the jOHie both thata man mayfavof them, here 1t 1s,& there for.e ,ndjleadf•JI, which entrethioto that which u iris not. To eo~icltide therefore, this muft >mhint.htv•ilt. Sothattruehopeandthecerneeds agree toa body' and to the parts ofit,to taineaili>rance offaluation goe together. beein one place~lone. So that ;he Churc.h?f VIll..Trueprayer & in/lification by works Rome, when it faith that Chnt<s bodns. m cannot fiand together. For he which praveth many places, in effdl:th.ey fay, that <:hn/ls truely muft be touched inwardly witha liuely body i• no body. Theyob1ed:,rhat God IS omt<elingof his owne miferie , and ofthe want nipotenr. True indeede, but there bee fo'Pe ohhatgrace wperofhe ftandsin neede. Now things, the doing ofwhich agreeth not w1tl) this cannot bee in the heart of that man that Gods power,astomak<<onrraeli.enri4, things looketh to merit the kingdome ?fheauen by conrradi~orie robe bothtrue: ofwhich fort !us workes:for he thatcan doe th1s may iullly thefeare. For,that Chri/lsbody is a true body conceiue fome what of his owne excellcncie. and thatirisin many placesatonce, are flatte IX. Papills teach, that itisgreat boldn~s contrary: becaufe(as bath bin fhewed)it is ef- C to ceme i)nmediately vnro God, witho"t the fentiall to all magnitudes to be in one place, interctfsioq ofSaints: and therefore the 11fe and th<refore ro a body. And God cannot toprayto{a) Marie, th~tlhee.wouldpray to takeaway that whichis etfeatial to athigg,the Chrilho helpe them: yer one the concrarie elfence remaining whole. •· Againe,tranfubwhenth:y haue fo done,theypray to God imftantiation makeththe accidents ofbread and mediately, that he would receiue the interccfwine to remaine withoutthe fubftance. Here fion ofMary for them. And thus they are bealfo is another contradi~ion a• impofsible as come intercolfours betweene MAry and God. the former : for it is a corHmon faying in Yet when toey offer vp Chrifr, praying Go.d Schooles, Accidentu ejfo, ejl ine!fo, lt is the cfto accept theirgifts and facrifices, the humble fence of an accident to be in the fubllance. prie/l that witl not pray to God but by the Now therfore,ifthe accidents be,therei•alfo mediation of Saints , is then a mediatour bethebread& wine: and ifrhercbenolubllance tweene Chrill Jefus and God the Father. ofbread orwine,neithercan there be any acciX. It holdeth, that in the Matle the Priell dents. 3· It~oldsthat bread isturnedimothe ofl'ereth vp Chrill tohis Father, an vnb/ootiy bodyofChrr£\s,&rherforeltmufl:needshold, focrijicc, This is a thing impofsible: for if that Chn£\s body ismadeof bakers bread, & D Chrill in the Ma!fe be facrificed for fin then yetitholdethand teacheth, that Chrillsbedy he mulldie and hisbloodmullbelhed 'Heb, is onely ~ade ofthe feerde ofMarie, quit~ o9·22.And in the Scriptures thefe two f;yings umhrow1ng the former Tranfubltamiauon. [Chrillis dead, Chrill is offered vpin facri~ V• It teacheth, that a man muft alwares lice] are all one. So then the Papifi when doub~ofhis (a!tration: &likewife it teacheth, he fuppofeth that there maybee an vnbloody thay 1n praymg wee are to call God Father, facrifice, in effe~hefaith thus much: There is Raa.,B. which are things quite contrarie.For who can a facrifice,which is no facrifice. And itis not ' 6 ' truly call God Father, vnlefie he haue thefpipofsible that a bloody facrifice lhould beofferitofadoption, &beatfured that hce is Gods red in an vnbloody manner. child? ForifarriancaiiGodFather, andy"' X I. In the Canon of the Maffe the in his heartdoubt whether hee bee his Father Church of Romeprayethon this wife. 'Wee or not, bee playethtliedilfemblinghypocrite: humbly befecch thee mo!l: mercifuil Father ~~~·J:" wherefore tod~ubtof f"luation, ~itd to fay, by Jefus Chrillrhy Sonnc and our Lord, tha; OurF•ther,&c.m truthare contrane. thou wouldeft accept thefe gifrs& oblations, ! ~~~. Vr. Tne Church of Rome maketh prayer & thefe holy Sacrrfices, which thy Church ofLumb. tobe one ofthe chi.ffe me~nes to f~tisfi'e for fers fOthee,~c-wher~ fir/l they ofr~1 vpChrill 1.., linnes. Butprayer tndeed1sanaskmgofparroGodtf1e Father,in thenameotCl\rifi,& fo aBrtuiar. I.Mifia. r.ref~tt vbiquc Mm·----- , r~:r__ _ _