Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'The conftiEls of Sathttn. i t hey make Chrift to be his o\vne Mtdiarour. A foults which goc thither lhall neuor returne. Againe, rheydetire God to blejfeandto X v. Andtoconclude,themoftpointsof ' rcept his owne Sonne: and they offer vp rheirreligionare contrary to their Canons,as ,Chri!r. If they fay, henetderh nowtheblefbyfearcliingmayapl"'are iR thefeexamples: ling ofhis father, they make ChriO: a weake I. The dead cannot heare the prayer. of r.Can.fa· and imperfect Chri!h ifhe neede not the blefthem which call vponhim. · ttndum, ling of his father, their prayer is Reedle£fe. 2. Ptterand Paul were two ofthe chiefe 1J•q.>. Alfo t~.tY defire God to accept noronegifror Apollles, and it is )iard tofay, whichwas a- ;,:;·~;~· ont fal!l'ifice, but in the plural! number,thefe boue the other. q gifts and facrifices: whereas they hold that 3• Leothe4. liuing intheyeere846. ac- 3 .c.Je Chrifts body is one oaely, and therefore but knowledged Lothanmthe Emperour for his Capin>- onefaccifice. And thus they are at variance Princo. lis.d•£1. with themft!ues. 4· No Bilhop may he called vniuerfall. ~~C.nulX I I. P"pifts, inword they fay, thatthey S. The Church of Rome bath no more lus.ditl, btleeue and pot theirtrult in God:yet where- B authoritie ouer other Cb~rches, then other 90· an hey looke to be laued by their works,they Churches ouer it. s,C.Iegi· fer the confidence of their hearts in truth 6. A Prieft anda Bilhop wereintimespal\ ;~•·d•fi• vpon their ownc doings. all one. o.c legi· XII r. Toey put fuch holinesinmatrimo7· The Pope hath RO power to giueor fell mus,cl>fl. nie, that they make it one of their fcauen fapardoqs. 'l• . • Rbem. C!aments, which ' conferrc graceto the par8. There can be nomerit by fafting, or ab- ~~!nu. T<n. P· takersof th<m: yet they forbid their Cleargie frinence from flef)l. . ,:c~:;,. ! •3· tomarrie , bbecaufe toliuc in marriageis to 9· The Malfe IS nothmg but the forme of bum,o. ~~~~~s. liuc according to the flefh , and the Counccll diuine fcicrifice. tr..tgna. Decree. ofTrcntoppoferhmarriage andchaftitie. By this which hath beene faid, it doth in C. C•.•- cpill. ser. X I V. It teachetht~atfoules kepcinPutpart appe!'re, that tc1e rcl~gionof the ~hurch ~::.J~m~- ••.c,,. gatorie, may be redeemed by Sacrifices and ofRome •srepugnaat to 1t fdfe, and1tcould oir.d.l\.1 Sulf-ages. Again£! this, is a Canon of therr notfo be,e, if it were from the word of s. c. ' 'Can. is JawtakenoutofS Hterome,Cweknow thatin C God. quod di. prz!enr. tluslife wbmay'bothel' eilh% b~ d CoroOarieg' atheredout of' ~~;~· ;.r·•J-q. prayer~or ygo coun e : utw 1cnfwe al 'j , ,c. tu.. come before rhe iudgement feate o Chrifr, , theformer Ajfortion. miiiQ(a. neither lob, nor Dame/, nor7V:.!e, mayintrc:at •8·1·2.f, for any: but <:.uery mm is to beare his ownt A man being indued witll no more grace burden. And according to another Canon then that which hee may obtaine by the Can. Le. going vnder the nam< of Ge/aftm Bilhop of religion ofthe ChurchofRome,is ftill in gatur, 4 , 1Rome: Either there is noPurg<ttorie, or the the ltareoftlaD1nation. q••• A 'Dialogue containing the conjliEls betweene Sathan and a Chrillian. Sathan. ~~~~~11. Vile hell-hound, thou art D my fiaue and my vafiall, why then ihakefi thou offmyyoake? ChriftU.n. By nature I was thy va£fal,but Chrift bath redeemed me. Sath<tn. Chrifrredee• meth no reprobatesfuchasthou art. Chrij/i411. I am no reprobate. Sathan. Thouart a reprobate,forthou !halt becon lemned. Chriftiotn. Lncifer,topronounce damnation bciongHo God alone : thou art no iudge,itis fuflicicnt for thee tobean accufcr. Sathan. Thougl1I cannot condcmnc thee, yet I know God willcondemne thee. Chrij/ian. Yea but Godwill notcondcmne mee. Sotthan.Gotoo,let vs trie the matter.Is not God aLord and aKing ouer thee? and may he nonherefore giue thee alaw , ro keepe, and p miO> thee with hell-fire,ifthoubreake it! Chriftian. Yes. Sath••· And haftthoukep~lheLaw ofthis thy Lord and King? Chriftian. No. Satl;an. Lervs proceedefurther:Is notthe fame Lord alfoa moft righteous Judge! Aud thereforeamoft lharpe reuenger oftinue! Chriftian. Yes truly. Sathan, Why then wilt thou flmer thy felfe thou hypocrite ? God cannot wiokc at thy fins, except he lhould be vniufr. Wherefore there is no remedie, thou art tilte to be dam– ned: hell was prouided for thee, and now it gapeth to deuoure thee. . Chriftiall, There is remedicenoughto dell– Get mce from condemnatioA. For God isnot onely (a!thon affirmeft) a Lord and aJudge, but alfoafauing, aoda mol! merciful! Father. s~th411.Burthoo fire-brand ofhcll-fire,and childeof perdition, looke for no mercie at Gods hands, becaufe thou art amollgrieuous !inner: for, I. Original! fin runnethwholly ouer thee, as