'With the Chriflittn. as a loath!Omc botch or Icproiic. A my felfe and hate th~ribnJ maketh me to rc2. Thy mindc knoweth not the thing$ nouncethc wotld,thyel~dl:fonne,&llirreth that be ofGod. ' ' me vptooall vponhiirt, 'andtoprayeamelily 3 .1n the lawofGodthou art ~arke bli~dc1 with groanes and fighcs,.whicil'l•am nof able fauingthat thou haft a few ptmc•plcs of 1t to to exprelli: Withany words as Ifcelethem~ make thccinexcufable. S..th•n. Thy affliCiioo•·are hc:iuy ; and 4· The Gofpcl isfoolifhndfcand madnef\c comfortldfe, ~her~fore t}1ey c,ann_ot b~argu• vntothee: thau makellnobetrera_.aunoof mcnr. ofGodsfauou<'' · ." · ·l ,,. it then of thine owne dreame• '' ' Chriflian. Indecde 1 theirilaturc isto'bring Rom.f. s. Thy confciencc is corrupt, bccaufe 'it griefe and heauinell: to the foule,· but l h:iue llattoreth thee, and excufeth thy Gnne. · " had ioy inthe middefifof'lny afflictibns, and 6. Thy memory keepcth an<l.remcmbrtth ftrength fufficient to bear<: them, afiil after nothing, . but that which is againft G0ds themliaue beene many wak• bettered, w(llch word: butthings abominable andwicked it befallerht'o none of the wicked 1 and·forthat keepetll long~ caufe, ·it is ·a great perfwafioti to mee t.hat I ,., ~. Rom.s. :z._S, 7· Thy will hath no inclination to that 'B fhall not be damned with 'the wicked'wbild, which is good, But onely to Gnne and wicbut in fpite ofall thy power, paOi: from death P(a. 1!9· .ltedneffc. • to·euerlafting life. · . 7'• 8. Thy affections are fer ondyonwickedSarhan. After thcfe ·thy manifold-'afflicti. nelfc :theyare miJlhtie gyants and princes in ops, tholl mull fuifer death , whlth is moll: thee,. theyhauethecat commandement. Reterrible;and a very entrance into hdl. m;mber that for. veryang~r thou haft beene Chrif/i<n. · Death hath loft his fl:ing by Gc'ke; that the lull of the flefh bath driuen Chrifts death; and vntomeit fhall be nothing thee to madnefli:: forgct.not thy Atheifme, elfe lint a pilf•ge vmo euerlafting life. . thy eonrempt.of Gods word, thy inward Sarhan.Admit.tbou.fhalt be ddiuered from pride,thy enuie,hatred, malice, rhy couetoufhell by Chrift,•what wilhhis auaile thee, counclfe,and infinite-other wickeddC:fires, which lidering that thoo fhalt 'neuer eome to the haueled thee captiue, and mxde thee ourragikingdomeofheauen f for Chri!lsdeath onely ous in all kinde ofnaughtineffe. • ddiuereth thee from death eternall~ it'can-· 9· Thy actual! finnes committed partly in not aduancethee to euedafting life. · fccrer, partly in publike, are moft filthy and Chrijli1111. 1am now at this time a member moll:infinite. Rememberhowinfuchaplace, c ofChrith'kingdonie, andafrerthislifefhall , atfuch atime, thoudid!):<:ommit fornication: reigne with him for euor in his euerlafting .•,, in another place thou didfl: fteale, &c. God kingdo(Ile; , , '·.' ' faw this I warrant thee : yca,all thy finnes arc Sath•n. Thou neuer qidde!l fulfill the law} written in his booke: wherefore thou curfed therefore thou oanft /lot come intothe kingwretch, all hop~ofmercyiscurofffrom the"' domeofheauen~ · . rr,. 1, 1 s, . Chrijlian. ButGodgmerde farre exceedeth Chti}IJ;m•. Chri~bathperfectly fulfilled e- Rom.S. All. •· all thefe my finnes: and I cannot be fo infinite uery parr ofthelaw for me: aadby this his~ 3, 4 ,,. ••·!8, iniinning,asGodisintiniteinmercy,andpar. bedience'imputed vnto· mee, I my fdfe do~ 'Ti... t. doning. ' keepe the law. ~r;t.103• S•th•n. Dareft thou prefume rothinkeof Sathm. Be it fo,for-all this, thou art farre "• u, Gods mercy I Why,the leaft ofthy finnes deenough from ·the kingdome of heauen, into ll· fetueth damnation. which no <'Oclcane thing fliall euer enter : Jr.. fl•'• Chriftian. None ofmy linnes canfcare mee, then,alrhough thatChrift bath fuffered death; - ,. 3>4•S· or dtfmay me. Chrift,hath borne the full wrath and fulfilled the law for thee; yet thou arc in and vengeanceof his Father vpon thecroffc, part vndeane : thy curfed naru·re and the feeds euenformee, rhanm•ghrbedeliuered from D offiAnearcyetrerriaininginrhee. - condemnation,which was due vnro me. . Chrijlian.>t€lltift inthevirgins Womb\: was R S4th411. IfGodspurpofewerenottocon;, perfeCilyfa!lftiti~H by the holy Ghoft: and 1 om.••. demnc thee, perfwade thy felfe, he would nethisperfect: holine£fe of his humane nature is r:h.t6." uerlayfo many afflictions and cro!fes on thee, imputed•ro.mee : euen as lacob put on Efa~<J 19, as he dorh. What is this want ofgood name? garmenrsrogethis fathers blefSing; fo I hau~ this weakenes and (ickenes ofthy body? rhefc; puton rherighre~ufneffe of Chrift, as•a long terrours ofthe minde I this dulneffe and frowhiterobe conenng my finnes, and ma!<ling wardneffe ofthy heart? what are all thefe(I me appeare perfectly righteous, euen before fay)and many other euils, butthe beginnings Gops iudgement feate.' . . Hcb; u ; and certaine tla!hingsofthe tire ofhell f · Satban. Indeede God hath made ptomifo ~~~;~~·. Chriflian. Nay, rather my affliC'tfons arc vnto mankiade of all thefe mercies a·nd bene• "· liucly te!Hmoniesof my faluation.For God as firs in ChrHl: i but the·conditioa of rhis proGca. 4 , , alouing Farher,partly by them,as with fcooimife is fairh,wbich thou wantell,& therefore ... !leschafteneth my difobeqience& brings mec canft not make any accou·nt, that Chrifts fuf- !~~~: !ntoorder:parrly coformcs mevntoour Saui· ferings,Chritl$ fulfilling the law,C.l,ri~s p6rI oh.,. Rem. a. our Chri!i, ~nd fo by little and little,layeth ofeet h<?lineOe,can doe thee anygood. , 4 ,, 5. , 6, pento memioeowne fins; that! may diilike Ch7ij/i~~~t. I hauetrue fauing faith;. •:' · ~----------------------------------~~~~~·----------T~~~· ----