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--~4-o~6~------~~~hTe-c-~ft~t=·~~so~f~S~at~ha-n--------~----- Ioh.r.u, ll· !ob.6. Jf,f4· M31k,6. 'l• :.Cor•l• ... Epb, J, ... Ron1.S, 16,:.6. Aa.lfo9 I Thcll, '·l· 'Tlte<tmjlifJsofSathanwitht~e A V. My heartleapeth for gladnelfe,when I Jlrong Chriftian, · heare ofthe preachingofthe word. Sathan.THoufaidftthouhafttruefaith,but V I. I long tofeethecomming of Chrifl I lhallift theeand difprooue thee. Iefus, that anend may be madeof!inningand Chriftian, The gates of hell !hall neuer ofdifpleafiogG~, .Apoc,, 2 • 20 • ,, preuaile againll: my faith, doe what thou Vu. I feelem my heartthefruitsof the canft. ' fpir!t,ioy,loue,peace, gentlenes, meekc:ileffe, Sath4J1. Tell me then, do!lthou thiakc that patlence,tcmperance : the workesofthe flelh all the W\)rld !hall be &ued f I abhorre them, fornication, adultery, vnChriflian. No. cleannelfe,wamonnelfe,idolatrie,ftrife enuie Sathan. What, lhallfome bee faued, and anger, drunkenoelfe, bibbing and <ju~ffing' fomecondemned? . andallfuchlike,G.t.5.19,>0,21, · ' Chrif/ian. Sofaith the word ofGod. All thefe cannot procecde from thee , Sa· SathAn. Thou.thenartperfwadedthatGod than, or from my fldh, but onelylrom faith is true;eueninhismercifull promifes, and that which is wrought in me by Gods holyfpirir. hewillfauefomemen,as'Pettr,and'Pau/,and B Sathan. Ifthiswerefo, Godwouldneucr D.u<iJ,&c. and this is the onely beliefe, by fuffer thee to finnea.rhoudofr, . which thouwiltbe &ued. Chrijlian. I fhall fin as long as I liue inthis Rom.7. Chriftian.Nay,this I beleeue,andmoretoo, world, I am~~eof it; beaaufe I am taUght '!· thatl particularly am in the numberof thofe to aske remifswn ofmy finnes continually. Ma<b.>f, men which !hall bee faued by the merit of Buttbe manner of my !inning now is other. ;!•;:• Chrifrs death and pafsion: and this is the bewaiesthen it bath bcene in times pafr. I bape '' ' liefe ihat fauetl\ me. finned heretofore with full purpofe and con· Sathan. It may be thouart perfwaded'that fent ofwill:but now·doubtlelfe,l doe net. BeGod is ableto faue thee : but that God will fore l commit any finne , Idoe notgoeto the faue thee, that is, thathe hatb determined to practifingof it with deliberation, as rhecaraduancethisthybody, and rhisthyfoule innail man doth, wbotakeih care to fulfill the to hiskingdome, and that he is mollwilling lufrsofthe fldh: butifl doi:it,it is flatbefide to performe it in his good time ; herein thou my minde and purpofe : in doingofany fione Soa.•l• wauerefr and doubtefr. I would not doeit, myheartis againfr it,and i ••• ChriJI,un.NaySarhan,I in mineowne heart hateir, and yet by the tyranny ofmy fle!h be. am fully perfwaded, that I !hallbe &ued, and C ing ouercomel doe it: afterward, when it is that Chrill:isfpeciallymyRedeemer: and(O committed, I am grieued and difplcafed at Lord) for Chrills lake, helpe thou mydou~· my fdfe, and doe eame!Hy with reares aske ting and vnbeliefe. at Gods hand forgiuenelfe ofthe fame finne. Sash411. This thy full perfwalion isonely a S.rhan. Indeedc, this is ve.ry true in the phantalie, and a ftrong imagination of thine children ofGod : burthou art (old vnderfin, owne head : it goeth not with thee as thou and with great pleafure dolt commit finnc, thinkefr. and louefr it with thy whole heart: otherwife, Chrifti<n. It is no imagination, buttruth thou wouldefr not fall to finne againe afterrewhich I fpeak. For me thinks I am as certaine pentance , and commircuen one and the fame ofmy litluation , as though myname were refione,fo often as thou dolt, Thou hypocrite, giflredintheScriptures(as'VAUidsand'PaMI.r thi• thy behauiour turneth all the fauour of are)tobe an cled: velfelofGod:andthis is the God from thee. teftimony of the holy fpirit of Iefus Chrifr, Chri}iu11, Indeede it is dangerous to fall aa!lilring mee inwardly ofmy adoption, and gainemto the famefinne afterrepentance: yet making mee with boldnelfe andconfidence in it,. the order o~ the Prophets to call men to Ira,,,a. Chrifl,to pray vnto Godthe Father. repentance w.htch haue f~llen from the feare t8. S•thAn, Still thou dreamelband imaginell:; D ofGod, and from the repentance whichthey 1 "· 1 • 1 ' thou loue£1: and like£1: thy felfe, ta11d therefore profelfed: and God in thus calling them, putthem thinke£1: the befr ofthy felfe. teth them in ho!;'e of obtaining mercic. And Chrifti•n. Yea butGodofhis goodnes bath thelaw had facrtlices offeredeuerydayfor the brought forth 1Uch tokens of faith in mee, fins ofall the_pe_oplc, and for parrkular men, that I cannot be dcceiued. both for thetr tgnorance~and theu voluntaI.I am difpleafed withmy felfc formyma• rie which fi!ln!lierh,rhat Godisready nifold finnes in which fometime I haue detoforg!Ue thdins of hts chtldren, rhoogh they lighted and b~thed my felfc, Ro"'·7·15·24· fiane often. .Abroh•m twifi: lyed& fwore that Gen. "• I I.I purpofeneuer tocommit themagaine, Sarawasnot hts WJfe.IojipbfwaretWJfeby the • >. ifGod giue me firength,as I trufr he will. hfe of'Pht~rao. Da••dcommlttedadultert of- Gen. 10 • 11 I•. I hauea very greatdefiretobedoing ten, be~ufe he moke vnto btm B•thfheba, ri;~. 4 ,, tbofi: thmgs which God commandeth. Yr111hs wtfe, a~d alfo ke~t fixe ~tues, and ten ·~· I v. Tpofethatbeethe children of God: concubines. Gods wtll 1s, that men forgtue IfI doebutheare ofthem, Iloue themwith tillfeauenricfeuen times: a~d therefore hee my heart and wilhvnto them as to my felfe will haue much more mercte. And for my 1 John l•~4· ' part, fo oft as I flJall fall into the fame finne, fo