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t Jeh, lo '· DaQ.9.6. Rom,B. .s. with theChriflian. fooftl fi>all haue Chrill my aduocate and in- A I 4• ! wos borne in thedaiesof knowledge, tercclfourto the Fathcrfot me:.:,wlro will not when I 'might hauc be~ne borne in the time damneme for the infirmitie which he ofignoranceand fuperllitior.. in me.! will abllainc from C/(tc~nall iniquitie, 5.I was borncofChriCtiao parents,butGod and1wjllnot.make mymembers feruantsvn-: mig:1t haue giuc:n me either Turkes or Iewes, to finne:and fo long I tmlt my imperfections ot fomeother fauage-peoplc for my parents. fl1allhaue no power to damne'me: for ChriCts 6. I might haue pertfhed in my mothers perl"crion is reputed to [Jee mine py f~ith, womPe,butheh~thprcfcruedme,aodproui. which I haue i!l his blood:God is notdiq1leaded for mce by lusprou!dcnce euen • !to this fed, ifmy body be ficke and fubietl: to difea, houre. fcs;nomore is he difpleafed at thedifeafe;UJd 7• Saone after my birth, God might haue fickpeffe of the foule. A naturall father will call mee into hdl,burcoutrariwife I was bap. not flay the bodyofhis childe, whenhe is fickj tized, and fo receiued the feale of his blctled and abhqrreth comfortable meats: and my coumant. heauenly father will not condemne my foule, 8. I haue had by Gods goodnelfe fome alt~eugh through the infirmitie offaith, and B forrow for my finnes pail:, and haue called on theweakcneffe ofthe fpirit, I commit linnc, him, in hope and confidence that hee would and often loath his hcaueniy worol , heare me. ofmyfoule. Nay,(whichisallrangething)I 9. God might haue concealed his word know itby experience, thatGod hath turned from me, but I haue heard the pkntifull preamy filthy finnes to my great profit, and to the ching ofit: I vnderlland it,and hauereceiued amendment ofmy life: like as the goo:l Phycomfort by it. lit.ian,ofrankepoyfonisab.letomakeafoue· Io. Lallly, at thistimeGodmightpoure raigne medicine t0 preferuelife. his full wrath on me: which he cloth not, but Sathan. Well, be itfo,thatnowthou art in mercifully maketh mee to fecle mine owne the llateof grace, yet thou fhalt notcontit)ue wants, that I might be humbled, and giue all fo: butlhalt l>efore death depart from Chrifr. 1gloryvnto him for hi•· blefsings. Wherefore Chriftian.I know I amame!llberof Chriil:s there is no caufe why I fhould be difquieted: my!lieall body: I feele in my felfe the heauenbut I ~<)ill trull llill in the Lord , and depend ly power and vertue ofmy head Chrift Iefus: on him, aslhauedone. and for this caufe I cannot perifh, but fhall Satha.•. Thou feeleCtno grace of the holy continue for euer, and reignein heauen after C Ghoft in thee, nor any true tokens of faith, this life with him. butthou hall a liuely fenfeof the rebellionof Thecinjli/JI ofSat ban i~ith tht IF«~ Chriftian. Sathdn. THy minde is full ofignorance and 1 bliHdnelfe, thy heart is full ofob– llinacie, rebellion, and frowardnelfe againll God : thoo art wholly vnfit for any good worke; wherefore thou hall no faith, neither canll thou be iullified, illd accepted before God. Chrif/ian. If I haue but one drop of the grace of God, and if my faith be no more then a little graine ofmullard .feede, it is fuf– ficient for mee : God requireth not perfetl: D faith,but tr"e faith. Satban. Yea,butthou hall no faith at all. Chrif/ian. I haue had faith. Saiban. Thou neuer hadll true faith: for in timepall, when according to thine opinion thou did(!; beleeue, then thou ha'dfr nothing. bur a fhadow of faith and a foolifh imaginati– on, which all hypocrites haue. Chr.if/ian. I will pur my trull in Godfore~ , uer,aHd hisformer mercies fbewed me hereto– tore,llrengthen me now in this myweakenes. 1. He created me when I was nothing. 2. Hee created IDee a man,when he:: might haue made me an vgly toad. l· He m>de me ofcomely body,& ofgood difcretioo, whereas he might haue made moe vgly, and deformed,frantickeatJd mad. thy heart, and ofthy lewd aHd wretched con– ucrfation: therefore thou canfi: not pm any confidence in Chrills death and fufferings. Chrif/ian. Yet I will hopeagainft all hope: Pfai.J•• and although, accordingto mine owne fenfe 1 • and feeling, I want faith, yet I will beleeue in • Cor. lefus Chrifl:,and nult to be faued by him. Satban. Though the children of God haue beene in many perplexities, yet neuer ~ny of them hauc beene in this cafe, in which thou arratthis prefent. Chrif/ian. Herein thou prooud~ thy fd fe to beea lying fpirit: for the Prophet Dt.Hid faith ofhim(elfe: that he w.ts fooliih,and as a pr,\ 71 beafl: befor~God: and yet hee eucn thenrru- :.;,;· 3 . • lled inGod. And Pa•l was fo led captiue of Rom. 7 • finne, that he was not able to doe che good. he 1::~..:.5. would,butdid the euill which he hated: and foingreat penfiuenelfc'ofhearr, ddired to l>e deliuered from this world, that he mieht bee di,burdened ofhis corrupt llelh. · ~ Satban. Thbu miferab!e wrerch,doca thou feele thy felfe gracektlc, and wilt thoubeare the face ofa Chrillion ! and by thy hypocdfie offend God I As thou arc, fo fhew thy felfe to the world. Chriftian. Auoide Sathan,Chrill bath van. quifhed,and oucrcomc thee for mycanfe,that I might alfo triumph ouer thee. I am nohy– pocrite: for whereas I haue had heretofore fometefiimonyof my faith, att~istime I am leffe mooued,tbough faith feome to be abfenr, --~~~~----~--------------------------------~~r~ 3. Iik<