408 How to app{y qods word like asa man may feeme to be dead, both in A IV· his ownefenfe , and by the iudgement of the In the Law, thefe are moft etfe~uall medi· Row the Phyfitian, and yet may haue lifdn him : fo tations to humble and bridle thellefh , which law is to faith maybee i though alwaies it doe not apfollow.Firft,meditate on the greatne!fc ofthy heapply. peare. ' fiooes,and oftheir infinite number : and if it ed to Sathan. But thou art a man ftarke dead in may be,gather them into acatalogue,fet it be- worke humilia. fiooe,God bath now quite forfaken thee : bee fore the<: and lookevntoit,thatthou thinke tion. hathleft thee vntomce to beruled : hee hath no finnetobe a fmall fiaoe, no not the bare r. giuen mee power ouer thee, w bring thee to thoughts&motions ofrhy heart. Often with 2· damnation : hee will not haue theeto trufr in diligence confider the frraoge iudgements of himony longer. · · God vpon men, for their finnes, which thou l(a.S7· Chriflian, StrengthctJ mee,good Lord: re- !halt liode, partly in Scriptures,partlyby dai- ' !• member thy m<rcifnll promifes, that thou ly experience- Doubtlelfe tlioo mufr thinke, wilt rcuiue the humble, and giue life tothem that euery iudgement ofGod , i• a fermon 9f that areofacontrite heart. repentance. Thinkeoftonthe fearefull curfe 3; S.uhan. Thefc promifes concernenot thee, B ofthelaw duevntothee, ifthou fhouldcft fm which haft nohumble and contrite, but afroneaer but once inallthy life, and that neuer fo ward and arebellious heartlittle. Remcmber,thatwhenfoeuerthoucom- 'I• Chrif/U<n. Good Lord, forget not thy formitteftafinne, Godis prefent, and his holy Dan.7. rner mercies : giuean iffoe to thefe temptatiangel•, and that he is an eye-wimelle, that he ... ons of mine enemie Sathan. And you my taketh anoteofthy linne, and regifuetl\ 1tin Icr.17·•• brethren,which knowmy eftate,prayfor me, abooke. Thinkedailyofrhyend : and know Deur,tz, that God would tnrne his fauourable countethat God may ftrike thee with fodaine death l'· nancetowards mcc 1 forthis I know,that the euerymoment: and that, if then thou hauc l:im•f• prayer ofthe righteousauailethmuch, ifit be not repented before that time , there is no 16. ferucnt. hope of faluation. Thinkc on the fodaine How a man lhould apply aright the comming of our Sauiour Chrift to iudgement, let it mooue theecontinually to watch Word of God to his and pray. Ifthcfe will not mooue thec.thinke ownefoule. on this,that no creature in heau•n or ineartn;- I. wasable to paci~e the wrath of God for thy C finnes 1 but his owne Son mufr come downe ~~V~ CMiQO,-"- from hcauen, out ofhis Fathers bofome, and in himfelfe two natnres, muftbeare the turfe<>f thelaw, euen the full flat contrary one to the wrath ofhis Fatherfor thee, other , the fle!h and the v. fpirit: and t9at hee may When by theCa meaoes thou art feared,and become a pcrfett man in thy minde is difquieted in refpett of Gods Chrift Iefus, his earneft iudgement for thy fiooe : haue rec:ourfe to the indeauour muft bee , to tame and fubdue the promifes of mercie contained in the old and flefh , and to frrengthen and confirmc the newTeflament. Is thy confcienceftu~ with fpirit. finneiWithall fpeede runne t<>the bra en fer· II. pent Chrift Iefus, looke on him with the eye lob.Joi4o Anfwerable to thefe two natnres, are the offaith,and prefently thou !halt be healed of twopartsofGods word. Firft,th~ Law, be· thy flingor wound. caufc itis the mimftery of death, tt litly fer· VI. uethfor the taming and mafteripg of the reWhen thou doeft meditate Oll the promibelliousflefh: and theGofpelcontaining the fes ofthe Gofpell, diligently confider tbefe How tbe bountifull promifes of God in Chrift. is as D benefits which thou enioyeft by Chrifr. Tho- Gofpclit oyle,to poure intoour woun?s, and asthe waroughAd..m, thou artcondemned to hell ; by to be ap• ter oflife, to quench our th1rllie f'?ules : and Chriftthouartdeliuered from it.ThroughA- plycd for it fitly ferueth for the llrengthemng of the d..m,thouhafr tranfgre!fed the whole law ; in comfort. J , fpirit. Chrilhhou haft fulfilled it. Thropgh Ad..m, 2. Ill. thou art before God avile,& a lo:uhfome finWell then art thoufecure? Artthouprone ner: through Chrift thoudoeftapp•areglori· 3• to euill ? Fecleft thGuthat thy rebellious llefh ousinhis eyes. By.Ad..meuerylittle croffe is -+· carrieththee captiue vnro finne? Lo?ke now thepuoifhmenr of thy finne, and a token of onelyvponthe Law ofGod, apply tt to thy Gods wrath;by Chrill,thegreateftcro!fes arc felte, examine thythoughts, thy words, thy eafie,profitablc, and tokensof Gods mercie. deedsby it: pray vnto God, that he would ByAd..m, thou diddeft leefe all things, in ~· giuetheethefpirit offeare , thatthe law may Chrift all thingsarereftored to theeagam.By 6. Rom.s. infome mcafurc humble andeerrifie thee 1 for Ad..m,thouarrdead ; by Chrift thouart quic- ' 6. (as Salomonf.tith) Blcffed isthe man that feakened &made aline again. ByAd..m thou art Prou.1S. afiaue'ofthediuell, and thochilde of wrath, 7· ... rtth alwaies, but cutfcd isheethar hardeneth hisheart. but by Chrift, thou art the childe of God. In Adam,