Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

8 9 to the corifCience• .Adam thou art worfc then a toad, and mere A owne lin•es, and Gods infinite vcngancc. dctef!~blc before God: but by Chrift,thon art Jl 4nd enen when Satan aecnfeth them, they abone the Angels. For thou art ioyned vnto will"ot flicketo giueeareto Sarhan, and alfo him, and madebone ofhisboue, myf!ically. l accufe tbemfelues: and fo they arc brought Throrn<h .Adam, finne, and Sathan haue ruled ' into fearefiJII terrours, and oftendraw neerc in thee~ andleadtheocaptiue: by Chrifr, the todefperation. fpiritofGed dwdlethin thee plenteouOy.By X. 10 ~~:r~~cl~b~~:,~i~,~h~ughd~.~~~i~e':::.,f~~ adr;r~~~~~l~~sf~~ ~~~e~:i~~~ri~£· f~~~ II , yetitisonely a p:Hfagevnto life. Laf!ly,iueA'- man. Thefe commonly neuer apply the law dam, thou art poore and blind, and miferable: or the Gofpel totbemfelues, but their whole in Chrif! thou artrich and glorious, tllou art a meditation ts chtefly in the opinions ofhim king ofheauenand earth, fellow-heire with whom they follow. Asthey thatfollow L11• .hi111, and!halt as furebe partaker ofit,as he is I Jher,fewofthemfollow his Chnf!ianlif::t~ey euim now• .Adam, when he mull: needes taf!e regard not that: but about confubll:anttat•on ofthefruite, whichGodhathforbiddenhim, Band vbiqnlrie, about Images and fi1ch like he hath madevsalltorueit, euen tillthis day: trumperie, they infinitely croublethemfelues bot here thou fee!! the fruits that grow, not and all Europe too. Apoc.u. in thccarthlyparadife, but on the tree oflife, And in England there is afchifmatical and which is within the hcaueoly Ierufalem. vnd1fcreete companie, that would feeme to Feare no daunger,be bold in Chrifr to eate of crieoutfordifciplioe, their wholetalke is of thefruit,asGodhathcommanded thee;it will , it,and yetrhey neither know it, nor will berequicken thee: and reuine thee beeing dead, formed by it,and yet they are enemies to it: as thon canfr not doe Sathan a worfe difpleaforthe law ofGod, and the promi(cs ofthe fure,then to feede on the goodly fruite oithis Gofpel,they litle regard: they maimainc vile tree,& to fmell on the fweetc leaues, which it linnes in refalmg to heare the reading or the bcareth continually, that giuc f11ch a refrelh· preaching ofthe word: and this is great coni~tg fauour. tempt ofGods benefits and vnthankfuloes to VII. him. They are full ofpride, thinking themMoll: men now adaics, are fecure and cold felues to beful wh£ they arcempty:ro haucall inthe profefsion ofthe Gofpel, th<mgh they knowledge, when they are ignorant andhaue haue the plentifull pre~chingof it. And the C needto be catechized: thepoifon of Afpes is reafon is, becauiC:they feele not in thcmfelues vndertheir lippes;thcy refufe not to fpeake ethe verrue and mightie operation of Gods uilloftheblefli:dferuantsof6od. Well, doe wordtoren.c:wthem: and they cannotfeeleit, they aboue all things feekethe kingdomeof bccaufe they doe not apply the word aright God ? then let them be fincere feekers ofit: vnto theirowne foules. Plaiflers,except they which they !hall doe, if in feeking Chrill:s be applied in orderand time, and bdaid vpkingdomc they fcekc the righteoufnes thereon the wound, though they beneuer fo good, of;vnto which they can neuor come but by the yet they cannot heale: and fo it is with the applyU.g of the threatnings of the Jaw, and word ofGod,a'\dthepartsofit,which except the comfortsoftheGofpel to their ownecontheybevfed in order and timeconoenieat, wil fciences. Butwhereasthey feeke the one and not humble ahd reuiuevs,as their vertne is. not the other, theygiue allmen to vnderf!and V II I.. withwhat fpiritthey fpeake. The common Chriltianeuery wheteisfaul– tiein this thing. Whereashelouethhimfelfe, he cloth vfually apply vnto his owne foule the Gofpd alone, ncuerregarding the Law , or D fearching outhislinncsby it. Tel him whatye will,hisfongisthis: Godismercifull, God'i~ merciful.By this meaues it commeth to palfe, that he Ieadeth a fecure life , and maketh 'no confcienceofcouetoufnes,ofvfurie, ofdeceite iohis trade,oflying, offwcaring,of forgicati– on , wantonneffe , intemperance in bibbing andquaffin~,&c. Buthe plaieth the vnskilfull Chirurgion;be vfeth healingplaiflcrs, before his poifoned &cankered nature haue felt the power and paioeofacoraliuc. Andit willne– uer bee well with him , vntill hee takeanew courfe. • IX. Onthecontrarieparr,many good chrif!ians leaue to appl)' the comfort ofthe Gofpell to themfclues, and onely haue regard to their (OrifO!ations for the troubled . confcicnc~s ofrepentantlinners. . Sinner. [I Oodli~,Iknow(<)theLml •.Ef 3 : 1 • . h4thgeuen you thetongue of ;~ thele~trnedlo be able to mini· fltr4 wordintimetobimthat · i4 wtarie : therefore I pray you help me in my miftry. Minijler. Ah my good brother, whatitthe matter with you I and whataileyou? Sinner. I liued along time, the Lord hee knowcthit,after the maner ofthe world,in all the luf!sofmy filthy Adh, & then I was neuer troubled : but it bath pleated G0 D of his mcrcieto touch my heart, and tofend his own ,Sonne that good fhcapheard Itfus Chrifl , ----~------------------------------------~M~~-4 · to