a Coloft 1•Jj. &Lu!s:. 11.14., cM:at,J6, >8, Budford 410 Confolations for . to fetch me home tohis owne (o!d, euen vpon A his own nccke:and lince t.hat time it is a won- I der to fee how my poore heart hath bin trou· • bled: my corruption fq boilcs in me, and Sa· r thaA will neuer le> me alone. JJ1inifter. Your cafe is ablel(ed cafe:for not to be troubled ,ofSathan, is to be po!fe!fedof him:t.hat is,held captiue vnde\ (a)the power of[ darkt_Jej[e, and to be a llaue andvafiall ofSatan: (b)for114/ong M thej/rongm•nk!epeth hi& hold,•ll things arcin peace. Contrariwife,hc that hath receiued any fparkle of true faith , lhall fee (c)the gates ofhell, that is, the diuell and his angels in their fullfirength to frand vp again!l: him, ·and to fight with anendle!fe hatred for his final! confufion• B Siime.r. Butthis my trouble ofminde, bath made me oftentimes feare left God would re– iecrme, and vtrerly depriuemceofthe king– domeofheauen. Minijler.Butthere isnocaufe why itlhould fo do. for how fhould heauen be your refiing place, ifonearth you were nottroublcd? how could God wipe away your teares from your eies in heanen, ifon earth you lhed them not? You would bee free from miferies,you looke for heauen vpon earth: but ifyou will goeto heauen,theright way is to taile by hell. Ifyou will fit at Chrifis table in his kingdome, you mu!l:bewithhiminhis temptations. Youare asGodsc<>rae, you mufi thereforegoe vndcr the flai!e,the fimne,rhe mil!l:one,and the ouen, C before you canbeGods bread. Youare one of Chrifis Jambes, looke thereforetobe fleeced, and to hane the bloodie knife at your throate all the day long. If you were a market lhcepe brought to boe fold , you lhould be!l:al!ed and kept in a fat pafinre : but you are for !Gods owne occupying, therefore you mull p!l:aure on the bare common, abiding fi:ormes, tern– pelts, Sathons fnatches, the worlds wounds, contempt ofconfcience, and frets oftheflelh. Butin this your mifcrie I will beaSimon vnto you,ro helpe you tocarrie yoltrcrotfe, fo be it you will rc:ueale your mindcvnto me. Chrifli•n. I will doe itwillingly:my tempta– tions are either again!l: my faith in Chtil!, or againfi repentance for my finnes. D Minijler. What is your temptation as tau– chin~ faith? {7n-ijlian. Ah woe is me,I ammuch afraid, !ell! haue nofaith in Chri!l:my Sauiour. Miniftcr. Whatcaufeth thisfeare? Chrijlian. Diners things, Minifter.Whatisone? (hrifti••· I am troubled with many doub– tingsofmy faluation: and fo it comes into my minde to thinke, that by my.incredulitie I lhould qnitcutoffmy felfe from the fauourof God. Minifl. But you mnl! know this one thing, that hee which neuer doubtedofhis laluation, neuer beleeued ; and that hee which bele<– ueth in ttuth , feeleth many doubtings and wauerings, euenas the found man feeles many grudgings of difeafcs, which if hee had sot health,he cculd not feele. . Chrij/ian~ Butyou neuer knew any that ha– umg true fa~tbdoubtedofthcir faluarion. .;J/1inij/er. What will you then fay ofthe man that fa.d,(d)Lord I be\ctNr,Lordhelpemy flnbeleef~? And ofDllutd,yvhomade his moa·ne dMar.~. after this ma~ner: !s humerciec/eanegonefor ~-1 9 ener? Doth hupromiftfaJlefor cuermore~ Bath PlaL7;.v .G.odforgotten tobee mercifnll? bath bee Jhkt vp 8,9,I<l9 k~ tender mer&te~~ difPleaf~tre?Yea,hegoeth on furrhe;,as a man tn defpatre,(e)And!fo•d,thH ~myaeatb. Hereby itismanifeft, that aman e.verCn mdued Wtth rr~e faith, may hauc not one!y affaults ofdoubttng, butof defperarion. This further appeareth, inthat he faith in another place,{f)Why •rt thoHcajldownemyJoule?Why 4r~t~OII~i/qHictedwirhin"'.e? WatteonGodJor 1 fPflt. l.. W1U)'t gruethank!s, heeuprefint helpenndmy 4 God, And in very truth you may perfwadc "• y0ur felfe, thatthey are but (g) vnrcafonable men, th~t fay they haue long be!eeued in g '·Th'f Chnfiwlthout any doubting of their faluati-· J••• on. Chrifti••· But 'lJ•uid had more in him ~hen _I ha~e , for me thinke_s there is nozhing mthts Wicked heart of mme , but rebellion a11ainfr God,nothing butdoubting ofhis mer– CIC. Mi•ijltr. Let mee k1~ow but one thing<>f J:OU: thefe doubtings whtc~ you feele;doe you hke them) or doe yourake any pleafure in them? and d 0 e you cherilh them? Chrijlian. Nay,nay, they appeare very vile in mineties, and I doeabhorrethemfrom my heart:and I would faine beleeuc. Min. In man we mull:confider his efrate by nature,& hisefiare by grace-In thcfirfr,heand hts flefl1 areall one,forrhey arc"' mon&wife; therefore on.e is acc<flary to the doingsofthe other. Wl1ethe f!efl1 finneth the man alfofin– l!eth,that is in fubiedion totheflelh; yea when R""'·7•S the flelh perif11cth,the man likewifeperifheth beinginthis efrate with the flefh,a louingcou~ plc they are,they liue and die together. But in the efiate of grace , though a man bane the flofh in him,yet heandhis flelh are diuorced a– fuuder.This diuorcementis made when a man beginsto diflike and to hate his flef11, and the euill fruites ofit: this feperatioH being made, they are no more one but twaine, and the one hathnothing to do with the other. In thiscafe though the Aelh beget fin, and perilh therfore, yet the chrifiian man lhalnot incurre damnation for it. To come more neere the matter;you fay tile flefh begets in you wauerings, doubtings and difiruf.lings: what thenlit troubleth you,but feare not, remember your efiate; you are diuorced from the f!elb , and you are new married vnto Chri!l:: ifthefe finnes be laid at your doorc, account thenot as your children, but renounce them asballards:fa'y with 'Paul, I doubt indeed,but Ihate my donbtings, and I am no caufeofthefe, butthe f!efh in me which fhall periflt,when I f!Ja!l be faued by Chrifr. Chri i•n· Pom.7. ''· R.omS.r.