Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

troubled cotfcience. Chrijlian. This whichyou hatie faiddothi~ ' A Minijler. !'aith fiandcth not,in the fecliAg Heb;11; part content mee : one thing more I pray you ofGods merde , butili rife apprehending of · 1 • fhewmee concerning this poiot:namdy,how; it, which apprehending may bewhen there is Rom_S. I may be abletoouercome r~efe doubtm~s: ·• no feeling; for faith is ofinuifible things, and '3• Minijler. For the fupprefstog ofdoubtmgs, when a man once commeth'to cnioy the thing you arc to v(e three meditations. . . beleeued, then bee ceafeth to belecue. And The lirfi, that iris Gods commandementi this appearethin Jobs example, when he faith; that you fhou!d belceuein Chriih So S. John (Lo, though he flay me,yet rpillltruflinhim,•nd 1 ,Ioh, 1 , faith, This is hucommandement tha"re bele~ue· Jwillreproouemywaies ir>hi<Jithr: hejhitllbe my 'l• in the na,..ofhuSonneiefos Chrijl. Thou fhalt fit!uationalfo:forthe hypocritejhaOnotcqmebifore not fieale, is Gods commandement, and you him) he dedareth his faith: yet when he faith are loath to breakeit, left you fhould defpifc prefenrly afterward, 'Wherefore hidejl thouthj God,and pull his curfe vpon your head. This fact, amlt~ftme for thineeniniii! hee.dei:laalfo is Gods commandemenr , thou fhalt bereth the wantofthatfeeling which youfpeake leeue in Chrift, and therefore you mull take of. · heede ofthe breach ofir: ldl by doubting and· B Chriftimi. Yet euecy true belceucr feeles wauering you bring the curfe vpon you. Sethe affuranceoffaith: orherwife P~tul would condly, you mufi confider that the promifes not bane faid, Prooi.eyoHrfilues whttheryouar. >,Coi. offaluarion in Chriftaregeneral,oratthelea!J: inthefairh.,-not. ' I H. indefinite, excludiog no p•rticular man: as m Minijler. Indeedc fometimesbe detb, but one for all may appeare: Go4fo louedthe world atfomeorher times hedothnot: asnamely at th•th<gaur hisoneiyheg.rrenSonne, tbatwhofothat fame time when Godfirfi callethhim, euerbelceuethinhimfhou/Jnot ptrijh, but haueeand in therime oftemptation. · ' uer/.jlinglife. Now then, fo often asyou fhall Chriftian. Whatacafe am I in then? I nedoubtofGods mercie,you exclude yourown uerfeltthisaifurance: onely this Ifede that! fdfe from the promifeofGod,whereas heexamamoll rcbtllious wretch, aboundingcuen cludeth you not. And as when a Prince giues with a whole feao( iniquities : mee thinkes 1 a pardon to all theeues: euery one can apply am more vglt in the·fight of<iitid, th<n any the fame VRto himfclfe, though his name bee toad canbe in my figh~. 0 then wbat fhall I notfetdowne inthepardon: Sothe King of doe?letmehearef~me wordofcomforrfrom kio~s bath giuen a general! plu,jon offree rethy mouth thou ni'ii~ofGod. mi!Sion offinnes, to them rhat•willreceiue it, C .:Minijltr. Tell meonethingplalnely: you Bcleeue therefore that Godis true in his proliyyou feele noalfurance ofGodsmercy. mife, doubtnotofyourowne!aluarian, cha- (hrijlian. Noindeede, . lenge the pardon toyourfclfe. Indeede yonr VJ[inij/tr. But doe yoadefire with all your nameis not fer downe, or written in the proheart ro feele it?- mife ofgrace, yetlet notanyillufio ofSathan, Chriflian. 'I doe indeede, orrhe confideration ofyour owne vnworthiMmijler. Then doubt not, you fhall feele nes exclude you from this free mercy of God: it. which he alfoharh offered to you particularChrifti.,.. 0 b!etfedbe theLord, ifthisbee ly, lirftin Baptifine , then after in the Lords true. fupper: and thereforo you are not to wauer in Minifrer. Why,itis moll true.For theman The dethe applyingofitro your fe!fe. Thirdly, you that would haue any grace ofGod tendingto Ji"of are to confider that by doubting and defpaifaluation,ifhe doerruely defireir heihall haue groce, ;, ring you offend God as much almoft as by a• it:forlo Chrifr bath promifed,JwillgiNetohim gme ii 'R•m·4• nyotherfinne. (A) r su"''notMOHe hopebekeue that;. Athirjlofthe wen ofthewater of lifefeeiJ. ~~~;1. •S, vnJerhopea. youfhou/4 the. Secondly,you rob WherebyJi~ather, thatifany wantthe water u·•· God of his glorie, in that you make his inli- D oflife, hauing an appetite afrerit, bee fhall nite mercieto~elc!f~ thenyour finnes. Thirdhaue enou&h ofir: & therefore feare younoq ly, youmakeh1maher, who harhmade fuch a onely vfe the means which God bath appoinpromlfevntoyou. And to tllefe three medirared roattaine faith by, as eargefi prayer,rcuet!Ons ad~e this prattife. Wheny~ur heart is rent hearing of Gods word, and receining.of toyled With vnbeleefe and doubtmgs, then in the Sacraments : and thenyou !ball fee rhis all halt drawyour felfe into fome fccrer place, thing verified in yourfelfe. humble your fclfe before G~, pour~ out your (hrij/i411. All this which you fay I fiode in heart before htm: detire htm of his endlelfe my felfe by the mercie ofGod: my heart lonmercie ro workc faith, and to fuppre!fe your gethafterthar grace ofGod which I want. I 'Rom. vnbeleefe, and youfhall fee(b) that the Lord know I do hunger aftcrrhe kingdomeof heato.u. oHer all.i&.richvntoaOthatciiRvponhUn~tme. ueoand therightcoufAes thereof: and further . Chriftzan. The Lord reward you for your rhoughlwancrhefceling ofGodsmercie,yet kmdneffe; I Will hereafter doe my endeauour I can pray for it from the very roote ofmy to praCliCethisyourcounfell.Now I willmake heart. bold to thew a~othertharn~akes me to feare Minijler.~carefulltogiuehonourroGod left I hane no faith: Andtt u, !.ecaufe,ldoe not forrhat youhaue receiued alreadie. Ferthefe ijulcthe •J[uranceof theforgiuellef[eofmyfinnes, things are the motions of thdpiritofGod I . dwel-