C onfolationsfor Phil.t,6. dwelling in you.(• )4nJJ•mper[VJAJ/edofthis \A I ~y a true Chrif\ian like the bruiftdreed., that fo~ th•r.g, thAt Godwhtch hath beg•n thugood ts ouerturntd withcacry blafiof windc: and . work!tnl,oM, w•Operfecr thefom<'llntothedayof 1 hkethe flaxc thathath fire in it,which by rea• • lefmC rift. . .. lfouof weakneffe,giucs neither heart nor light . (hriflian.The third thing tbattrotiblcs me, but only afmoake. IS this; I haue longprayed_for many graces of Chrrfli•n. Thus much fllall fufficc for my Go_d, andyet hal!enot r<~eiued them, whereI firft tcmpta~IOn,whcrein I rake my felfe fatisbyit.comesofttomy mmde, that Pod loues lied: nowifyouplcafe, I will be gladtoremee not,that I alll\l)oneofhischild;a._nd therehearfe the fecond. forethad hauenofa~th. ·. ·. '' · ' Minifler. I am contcnt,letvs heare it-· Msnifler.You ar.e 111 noorher.cafe then 'II•- Chriflum. I am afraid let! I hauc nottruly oidhimfdfe,who made the fi•m.e c~mplaint:)' «p.enred, and therefore that all my profefsi- !tn We(tneo[cry~"l; ..r.»Jthreat~ tf.rte;, mme eus ontsonelyinhypocrifie, p(aJ.6 9 ,4 fAilewhiles ?waiteformy Got/. Minift. What moouerh you to rhinkefo r (hrij/ian. ButDauid neuer prayed fomany Chriflimt, Twocaufcs efpecially the firft is y~arfs without ~eceiuing an anfw<:us Ihaue B they which repent leaueofftofinn:: but I ~m dpne. . amiferable finner, I doe continuallydifpleafe r.uk. 1•7 , Minij/er. Good ~..ch•ri• waitedlongeron God by myeuillrhoughts,words anddeeds. , ,. the Lord, before he graunted his requefl,then Min. You ncede not feare, b Forwhmjimte b l\om, 1 , eacryougid: icislik<>~e prayed for a child in abo11ndeth (that is, the knowledge and feeling 1o. his yongcr yeares; yet his prayer was not or linne)thtregr•cr.bosnd<thmuchmore. heard~eforehe wasold.,And furrh.er,youmuft Chrij/iltn. I tinde notthis in my felfe; BowGod note that the L.ord tl]ay heare rhe praiers of .oMihift"· l!ut yet you fecle thus much in b':.,>'~ our his fqr•anrs, & yet they be altogitl)erIgnorant your lelte: thofccorruptions whichyou feele, ~" crs ofit,.Forthe manner thatGod vfcth ingraun- & thofc fins that yon commit, youhate them •.'lwo tingthcir requefts, is qot alwaies kqowne; as you are ·difpleafcd with your fclfe for them' no< may appeare in tpe ·c~a!Dplc of our Sauiour and.vou indeauour your felfe to leaue them. ' :";•~•· Chrift, Who inthe,daies .of;l/i6 jlefo,didoffer"'l Clirif1i~n.Y ea,that l doe with all my heart. • •f• 7 • praiers f1-fopplicAtjos;witbf/rpngc?ing &ttaru, • Minij/ero 'Then how miferable foeuer you 1Jntohimtht~t w.u •b(epfaue pi'!'fromd.ath, •nd' feele your fdfe by reafon of the maffe ofyour WMalfo heardin tkAt w.hieh k5f•1~•fl. And yet· I fione, yet rou arenotfubieCl to condemnati– wek;Jowtbat he was not freedfrom that cur- ·C on,butfoal/ moj/ cmainely efcape thefome. Take Rom.s. 1 fed death, burmufheeds fuffcdt. How then this for a iiloft cerraine truth, that the man cum.s. •· was he heard?On this maner:he \VaS ftrengththathates and diflikes his finnes, both before nedto beare the·doath,he had an 4\ngel to eoand alter he hath done them, !hall neuer bee fon him,he was afrerward freed fromtllo for· damned forthem. rowes ofdeath. And foit is with the reil: of Chrifli•n. I am euen heart-ficke ofmymaChrifts body,as i1\v~s with the head.Some be nifold finnes and infirmities, and rhefegood ing in want pray for temporal! bleiSings: God words which you fpeake are Mj/Agons ofwine, Cao1. •· keepesthem in this want,&yetheljearestheir to refreth my weary,laden.and wdtring foul e. !· praiers, in giuing them patience to abide that I haue begun to flee finne and todeteft ir~ong want. Some being iu wealth and aQoundance agoe. J haue heene ofi: difplcafed with mine pray for the continuingofit, ifit bethe will of infirmi:ies and corruptions: when I offend God. The Lord 6ings them into a perpetual! God my heart is grieued, I defire to leaue fin, mifery,&yethe hearestheir praiers,bygiuillg I flee the occafions of finne: I would faine them blefiednes in rh.e lifeto cot)le· You pray fathionmy life to Gods:.yord: andiprayvnfor the increafe offa1th and Jepentance, and to God that he would gme megraccfotodoe:· fuch like graces 1 ypu fcele no increafe after D and yet(which is my griefe)bythe ftrengthof long praier~ yet the mercifull God bath no the fleth, by the Oeightsand power ofSathan doubt heard yo 0 r praier, in that by delaying I am often ouertakeo, and fall maruelloufiy, to performyourrequeft, he bath furred vp in both by fpeech anddeede•. you the fpirit ofpraier, he hath humbled you, M•aifter. Hau<eourage mygood brother, ana made you feele yourowne wants, the betfor whereas yop haue an affeClaon to ?oe the ter to depend on his mercie, for the beginning thmgs~hat areacceptable vnto God , 1t ar~uand increafi•g ofeuery fpiri~all grace. eth plamely tharyou are a memberofChrafl:: Chrif1ian. the fourth thmg that troubles ac.cordmgtothar.ofPAHI:Th7111hzchareofz~e 1\om,S. mee is that I cannot feele faith purifie my JPmt,f4118urthethzngsofzheJPmt. Well then,tf l· he~r~, and to worke by loue in bringing forth Satan euer obietl any of your finnes to you, linely freites. make aafwer rhus, that you haue forfaken Minijler. Ifthis be focontinually,that fair!, the firft hu•band the fleth, and·haue efpoufcd bringsforth no fruit,it is very dangerous, and yourfelfe to Chnft Iefus , who .as your head argueth a plainc want of faith; yet for a cerand husband bath taken Vj>OII h1m to anfwer t>inetime itmay bcfo: faith harh not oncly a your debts, and thereforeif he vrgc.you for !';~nt.t• fpring time and a fumt-ner fcafon, but alfo a them~ refer~c. htm ouer v~to Chn.~· For ~~; 41 .,. Winter when it beartthn~ftllit. And there is ma· there tsho fu1t tn the law agamfi the wtfc, the · husband