Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

1 troubled conftience. husband liuing: yea, I.adde further?Ifyou be A prayed to the Lord , toquickfn himaccordi"g to P(ol; J ouercarried with Sathans temptations , and hM/oumgk1ndnes thlillthemayk!epethe teflsmomes 119 .88. I {<>fall into any finne, youfball not anfwer for ofhio'!outh. And in another place hcc (;ith, , , . I it but Satlun, it fball furely be reckoned on Ius that Gods promi(tsq~tte~enedh,m. W.11ch coold P,aJ.n,. fcore·arrhe day ofiodgcment for he was the not be, vnlefic he had brntroublcd wrth great r. authorofir. Ifyou f~ll by rh~ frailrie ofyour dulnes of heart. Again,f~metimesthe fpirit of flcfb,it!hall perilh therefore:but you lhallllill G~quir_ewithdraweth 1t fdfto their fee!ing' haue Chrifl: your aduocatc. as lt wasrnDau.d:1nrhedayoftro~tble(f.t~ro he) Chriflian. Indeede as you fay, I haue in me 1jOughtthe Lord, and myfo•le rof•fedcomfort. J PtaL 77 • an atfcchon ropleafe God, but when I come d>dthm_kevponGod4ndw.u troHbied_iprayedand ,,!. 7,s. toperf0rme my obedience,there I faile. myjpm~ WMfull ofanguifb. A~'ro,, IVtlthe Lord t-Miniflcr, Therefore markc this•further. 4bftnt htmftifrfor,ucr? and !VIII htc]hew nomore aGen, As longasthechildrcnof God arc in this life, faHOHr!hath Godforgottentobemcrciful?&c Thr 1•1 .u. (a)Godregardeth more theaffeaion toobey, Church inthe Can11cles complarntth ofthis: M.!.J.•7· then theobedience it felfe: Andthry,JhaKbe vnI n"'} bed I (ought h•m by mght whom my feu/e tome,foitbthe Lordofhof/cs inthatdayth<t Jjbal B loued: 1fought him but I found him not. And a- C•nr,l,r ~ethis,forafock._e, ~nd1w•Njparnhem, d4 aman gaine , Mywetbelonedput inhis hand by the hole ~2m. f • JPares his ownefonnethatferues him. The father ~thedoore, a11d my heart WM aff~Elionedrow.,rds 4 Jf) 6 • when he fball fer his chrld to doe any bufines, him: lrofevp to opetomyweObeiowd,m~hands did though hedo it neuer fo vntowardly,yet, ifhe drcp dt!wn mirrhe,myfingers p•rcmzrrhe vpon the lhew his good will to doetl~e_bellhe can, Ius handles ofthebM.Jopenedromywelbelol<cd,bu!mJ father wiibe pleafed:and {o tt IS Wtththe Lord we!beioHedtva&gone andpaft, mtne heart IVtU gone toward his children, you looke to haue fame whehedzdJPcnke; Ifo•ght him, but lcoHidnorfi<~d perfection in your felfe, but in this life you fhal him, 1 calledbHt heeanfiJJered me 1J8t. Co 11 rraribRom, receiue no (b)more butthefirjl ftuits oftheSpi- <V.ife, God at fome other rime]beds abro<dhi 1 ~om.s. ! 8.1-1· rit, which are but as ahandfull ofcome, in reloue moft aboHndantly iu tf. .;em·u f rhetairhCj,ca ofthewhole coroe-fidd: and as for the fit if ; and Chriltlierh berweencrhe breaf/sofhz! Cont,J, accomplifbment of your redemption , you Church,.u npojie ofmmhegimng ajlz·ong{me!/. . ,. mufl:waite forit tillafi:erthislife:you wold be Chrifli. Buthowcan l.e be a Cnriltran.hat kiffcd wirh the kilfes of Chrifl:s mouth, but fecles no gr.ce nor goodnclfe in himfellc? herein this world youmullbecontent; ifyou Minifler. Thecbildwhichasyetcanvfeno ~ace mhaywi'J}_!j•ry.Mf ·c~dah~:kilfehisflicefitc,;__~odr c r~~fon,isforliallthat atirea 1 fonablecre"rufrtl·: & ;~;Jr~' t e pet<t<~lono a ru•tan mans e""" s '""man tna wowne <ecsnopowero tle, •-utfclr. in the lt.iing.and confefsionofhisimperfeaiandyet heis notdead. The chrillian man hato ons. And as A.,brofofaith, obedience due to manyquames comeouer his heart, and het<.Js . God,llands more( c) in thr.if{eflionth§ninthe 'into many a fwownc that none almolt would work.f, looke for any more of the life oi Chrifl: iu Chriflian. But why will God haue thofc him, yetforallthathcmaybeatrueChrilliwhom hee harh fanaificd labour frill vnder an This wasthe Irateof'l'eterwhen h• denied their infirmities? our Sauiour Chrilhvithcurfing and bannir 1 g, Why fan. Minifler. The caufesare diuers.Firll:,herehuf4ith on'Jfnintcdfor atime,irfazlednoz, l .~.i,, difkd by heteacheth his feruantsto fee inwhat great Chri.jlian. 1haoe now opened vnto you the Jl· pe<lons need they !tandofthe righteou1i1es of Chrill, chiefe things that troubled me:and your corn- .,. aill that they may more carefully feeke after it. forrable anfwers hauc much refrcfl1ed my ::':d'~i.b Secondly, he fubducth the pride of mens troubled minde. The GodOf all mercy and corrupti· hearts, and h':lmbleth them by ~ounten~ailing conf~l~rion requiteyou accordingly. on. the graces wluch they haue recerued, wnh the Mmifler. I haue fpoken that which God om like meafure ofinfirmities. Thirdly, by this D ofhis holy word h.rh openedvnro me; ifyou meanes rhe godly are exercifed in acontinuall, finde any helpe thereby, giue God the praifc fightagain!t finne, and are daily occupied in therefore, and carrierhis with you for euer, purifyiRg themfclues. that by ma"J nfjliflions bothin the bodiea"dthe Gods Chrijlian. Butto goon forward inthismatminde~ou muft enter into the kingdumeofbe:men. A&.r4. children tcr,there isanothercaufe that makes me feare, Raw Acth is noyfometo·the Jcornatke, and i.s Cometime left: I hauc no true repentance. '- no good nourillunt:ntbeforeit br.: fodden; and Roop~tr'. dead and e/l{imjler. Whatisthat? vnmortifiedmen and womt:nbeno creatur{s t~<ted. Chrifli. I ofrentimes find my felfelikea very lit for God: and therefore they are to b<e toatimbcrlog, void ofall grace and goodnes,froked and boyled inaffiichons,rhatthefirlfvmeward& rebelli?us to any good worke,fo that nes and rankencs of their corruption may ue I feare !ell Chnll haue qmte forfakeome. delated, and thatthcy may ;n t!·,em [m 1 e Minift.Asit is in the llrait feas,the water ebs relifb acceptable vnrQ·God. And to canclnJe & flowes, fait is in the godly: in thom as long for the auoiding ofall temptations , vfe thi~ ~~;~:· as thcyliudn this ~orld according to their fweete prayer following which that godly P"Y" ,. owne feehng, there ts anaccetTe and rece{fe of Saint M.Br11djordmadc. f;!JlHlt rhefpirit. Othe•whiles they be troubled with · 0 Lord Godanddearc Father, what0101l Temptadeadnes & dulnes ofheart, asDa11idwas,who 1fay that fcele all things to bee (in manner) uons. ----------------~---------------------------------- ---~--· -------,~v_it_h _____