Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

\ _ [onfolationsfor trouhledconfciences. with me as in the wicked? Blind is my minde, A crooked is my will , and peruerfc: concupif– cence is in me,as afi' ringofa!!inkingpuddle. Oh how faint is faith in me I how little is my loue to thee or thy people I how great is my li:lfe-loue ? how hard is my heart I by reafon whereof! am mooued to doubt of thy good• ncOC towards mee, whether thou artmy mer. cifull father, and whether I be thy(hi!d or no: indeed worthily might I dotibt, ifthat the ha· uing ofthefe were the caufe, and not tile fruit rather ofthy children. Thecaufewhy thou art my father,isthy mercifull goodnes,grace,and truth in Chri!t Iefus, which cannot but re– maine for euer. In refpect whereofthou hall borne me this good will to bring me into thy Church by baptifme , and to accept mee into the number ofthy children, that I might bee holy,faithfull,obedient,and innocent: andto _~;all me diuers times by the mini!lery of thy word into thy kingdome: befides rhc innume– rableother benefits alwaies hitherto powred vpon me. All which thou hall done of this thygood will,whichtho' ofthine owne mercy beare{t to me in }:hrill before the world ' was mage. The w~1cn thillga< thou requireft 1 ftralghtly that I fhould beleeue withoutdaub. ring , fo wouldell thou that I in all my needs C fhould comevnto thee asto afather:andmake my mone without mi!tru!l of beeinghea~d in thy good time, as mofr fhall make to my com– fort.Loe thereforeto t!1ee4eare father I come through thy Sonne our Lord, ·r 'Mediawur, and Adoocatelefus Chritl, w methon thy right handmakin~ intcrcelsi .for me; I pray thee of thy great goodne!fe and mercie in Chrift to be mercifoll tomecalinner, that I ~m~y indeedfeeletny fweet noercy as thychild: the time (ob deare Father) I appoint not, but whereofi haue greatneede, by reafon of my great mifery. Thou artwont for alittle fcafon in thine anger to hide thy face from them whom thou louell: but furely (I) Redeemer) in <ternall mercies thou wilt fhew thy com– pafsions. Forwhenthouleauefr vs, OLord, thou doell not leaue vs very long , neither doefr thou leauevs roour loffe, but to our lu· cre and aduantage: euen that thy holy fpirit with bigger portionof thy power and vertue may lighten and chetre vs: that the want of feeling of our farrow may beerecompenced plentifully withthe liuely fenfe ofhauingthee B tooureternall ioyt andtherforethou fweare!\ that inthine euetla!ling morey thou wilthaue compalsion onvs. Ofwhichthing,to the end we might bemoftaffured, thine oathisro be marked,for thou fayft: As I hauefworne,that I will neuer bring any more the waters ta drowne the world:fo haue I fworne,that I wil neuermore be angry with thee, nor reprooue thee. The mountainrs fhall remoooe, and the hilsfhallfall downe, bur thy louingkindneffe fhall not mooue , and the bond ofthy peace fhall not faile thee : thus faieO: thou the Lord our mercifull redeemer. Deardatherthere· I pray thee that I may with hope Rill exped andlooke for thy hdpe. I hope that asfol" a litle while thouha!l:left me,fa thou wiltcome andvilite mee, and that in thy great mcrcie, • fore, I pray thee remember euen for thine owne truthand mercies fake the promife and euerlaftinJlcouenant, which io thygood time I pray thee to write in my heart, that I may know thee to be theonelytrueGod, and Ie– fus Quilt whom thou haft fent : that I may loue thee with all my'heart for euen ..,that I maylouethy pcopleforihyfake: that I may bee holy in thylight through Chrill : that I may alwaies notonelyftriucagainll tinne,but allo ouercome thefame daily moreand more, as thy childrendoe : aboucall things deliring the fanttification ofthy name, thecomming of thy kingdome, tile doing of thy will on earth as it is in heauen, &c. through Iefus Chrifrour R-edeemer, Mediatour, and Aduo• cate, 0/{mttf.• . .:. A DECLA~.