Ioh,17, 'JJ.::o, ~~~j)(~~~~t~~~~~~l~~~~~~ A DECLARATION 0 P CERTAINE SPIRITVALL DESERTIONS, SERVING TO TER. rifie all drowfie Protefbnrs >and to comfort them which moume for their linnes. =="""'=-=~ 'Mong all the wor~es of A And again,J pr.tynot/orthefealone,b•rforrbem Gods eternal! counfell, ~lfowhichjballbtl<ene inmerbroughtheirword. there is none more wonWherefore Chrifi is a redeemer to none but derfull thenis 7Jeftrti<n: to the cletl. Thirdly,he reftrueth them to e• which is nothing dfe bur eternall damsation for their finnes; whi<h isa aria<'lion of God forfa. total! feparation from God, and the accom• king his creature. plilbmenrofall other defertions. Furthermore , God forfakes his creature, For the eJfetling ofthis, God exerciferb l!Ot by withdrawing his etfence or. beeing wicked men and reprobate• in this life with from it: for rharcinnot be,confidenngGod diuers particular D<ferriom, and that after isiolinite • and therefOre n\ufr needs at all this manner. Hee bdloweth all forts of betimes be .;cry where:but by taking away the ne/irs on them as. his owne kruants : but grace and operation of his Spirit from his yet to, as that hee withdraweth thatpart of creature. R his benefit, which bath the promifi: oflife Neithermuft anythinke ittobecrueltie in eternal! annexed to it in the word. And in God to forfake his creature which hee bath this matter he dealetlt as a man that fcts mamade : for he is foueraigne Lord ouer all his ny trees in his Orch-yard , but fo as he take• workes: and for that caufe he is not bound to away the heart or pith thereof. And this the any ; and he may doe with his owne whatfoLord doth eitherinremporallor fpirituall be· euerhe w1ll. Andthuhis will is not tobebla· nefirs. . · mcd:for men are not to imagine, that a thing I. For temporail bcnefits,as wcalth,honollt', I mull firfibe iuft & then afterward that God hbcrty,outward peace,the Lo'd dealeth very doth w11l it: bu;conrrariwife, firfl: God wils bountifully with them : He mak;s hu SunRc t• athin<>,and thereupon it becomes io!t. 1Jbmevpon the ruft and'IJm•ft: hejilstlmr beUzu 'I Manh. f· Ag~ine,finne is fo wretched athing irrthe 1wsth hi<hidm•fims:AndasD•!'d(., h,lfret· 4f· eyes ofGod,that he vtterly forfakes h1screa· C I tedRtthefoo/tjb, when I fowthe praJPerim oftbe Pf~. 7J· ture for a pumlbment thereof. Now euery wscked: for therets 110 bands m the.r death, bM ••S thing, (o farre forth asit is a chafiifement or theyare l•flseandj/rong, theyotre nor m tronble M punifhment~ is good, confidering that the inother men;, mithtr t~retheyplA.g~ted 11! othe,. me11. flitlmgthereofJSthee~ecutionofiultice. B':t hee holds backe that w~ich is the And God neuer fof(akes the creature a· prmctpall thmg, and the veryglone of thefe .,gainlhhewill thereof: but mtheV<:ry time of benetir.,that is,theright 'Vfeofrhem. For that . l Defertion , it voluntarily forfaketh and refu· a manmay purely vfe Gods creatures, two Dadeg,. feth grace, and choof«h to bee forlaken : things are required. Fir!!, his perfon m:ill ;;;:;,:: wherefore ifany hurt ormifery infuethereof, lland iulland fan<'lified before God by fuirh milfuoo, let the creature blame it fdfe, and l'raife the in Chrill. For vntill a mans perfon pleafe lrd non Lord. God, his workdhall ncuer pkafe him. Se. f•nltum Defertions rhusdef~ribed areoft\vo forts, condly!he mull vfe the fame creatures purely: ~=::': ·~· eternal! and temporar1e. · whtch IS done p•rtly by lllUOcauonof Gods Erernall defertions are thofe, whereby God name, and partlyby rcfcning t.1<m to their vpon iufi caufes knowne to himfelfe forfakes D fct and appointed ends ; which are, Gods his creature wholly and for euer. Thusthe di" glory, a mans owne and his neighbo4rs good. uell with hisangels, and tharpartofmankind But all this is flat contrarie in the vngodly which is prepared to de!l:rutlion,is forfaken. 1 man. For firll, he is forth of Chrill:, fo that Forlirll,Godbeforeal worlds,diddecrecachis perfon !lands vniull before God. And cordingto thepurpofe ofhis owne will,toretherefore all his aCtions (euen thofe which 0 • fufe them without the grant of any mercie. rherwifearc lawfull &good)in himarcmeere Secondly,afterthey are created and liue in the finnes. Secondly,he vfeth Gods gifts & blcf. wodd,he giueth them no Sauiour. For Chrill !ings with aneuilconfcience.For by rcafon of IS oncly the Redeemerofthe Ele<'l:, and ofno hiswant ofgrace to beleeue,he cannotr•foluc more:.which may thus appeare. For whom himfelfe, that God ashisfather cloth bellow Chrill makes no intercefsio, for them he bath his bkfsings onhim as his beloued childe in wrought noRedemption: But for them oneChrill.; yetasa tbiefe& an vfurper ag~inf\ his ly which arc eletled and \hall beleeue im him, confcicnce he vfeth them. Adde farther, the he makes intercefsion. 1pray(faith he)netfsr creatnres arcvfedofhim wirhout inuocation: 1 the wor!d,butfor zbemwhich thou haftgiuenmee. for fuch an one cannot pray; and therefore hL Nn doth