Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

d Veclaratzon cloth but as the hvine in the forreft,whichfee- 1\ tleeJ,bNtye f111R not vnderjlanJ,yefl>an plainlyfte deth on the t~aft, but neuer lookethvp to the ~"'""perceiue' mal:;the hfOrt ofthu peoplefat, I tr~.c whence Itfalleth. Thu~ly,hevfethGods maft!their eares hea•J, & f1 1 ut thtir ryes,lejlthry , ~tits to cudl ends: be_cauf~ eitherhe makes an feewuh thetr eyes~ ~tna bt'4Yt wsth thetr tarts,uul tdoll of_ them by lettmg hts heart<;>n them, or vnd<rjlandwirhtheir hearts,andc.Nuert, andhee elfe he l~lployeth them to ryot,pnde, and the - h,./e them.?four GofPelbe hrJ (faithPaul)it;, ,_cor. 4 , opprefs1onofg?<ll~ men.A_mallerot muficke hidmthem that pmjli. Men that haue long Jj,. l· hath h1s houfe turmfhed With mufical~ mllruued vnder the pr~acning of the Gofpell, and mentsofall forts; and he teacheth ht_s owne yet ft11l remaine Ignorant and impenitent, let fchollers amfic1allyto vfc them.,bothmt~ght · them beware &take heede ofthis d<fertion: tuning <ifthem, asalfo in play·illgonthe"': and th~y are with trembling to lay to their there comes in ftrangers, w!10 admiring the hearrs,that which the holy'Ghoft fpeakethof faidinllruments,haue leaue giucn them ofthe Hoph•i &Phineh111, Theyobryedwot thevoiceof 1 .Sam,1. maller to handle them as the \<hollers do: but theirfather, be<auftthe Lordwoulddeflr"J theM, •f· when th<ycome to pratlife, t'hey neither tune I V. To goe further,be beftoweth on them them aright,neither are they able to llrikeone many worthy prol'erties offaith. As firfi a ftroke as they ought,[o as they may pleafethe knowledge ofthe diuine truth inthe Lawa~d malle_r _and haue his commendation. Thi~ B theGof~_el. Sec_ondly, an alfent to the faid world 1s as a large and fi>mptuous pallace, truth.Thtrdly,aJoyfulrewyctngandboalling into which are receiued, noionrythe fons and in fpeaking and hearingofir.Fourrhly,an·outdaughters ofGod, but alfo wicked& vngod ward profdsion ofitfor a time. But hedoth ly men: iris furniThed with goodly creatures not bdlow that qualitie and vertueof faith, in vfe more excellent then all muficall inf!ruwhich is as itwere,the very foule ofit:without ments: the vfe ofthem is common to all: but which faith is dead and Jauethnone, namely, thegodly man taught by Gods fpirit, & direthe inward alfurance& certificateof his loue tied by faith,fo vfi:th the,as that the vfe therand fauour in Chrill, with a feofe and feeling ofis acceptable to God:as for theimpure and ofthe fame in the hart.Ndther are the former vubekeuin~ indeede they enioy the crea•ures duties ef faith perpetuall and found in them, and gift' of God, but the pure vfe is wa•>ting: for the reprobate is not induced to them by for they cannotbut alJufe them:and therefore any affurance ofGods mercy, but 5yoiher lithe wicked and the' reprobate, though they nif!er occafions,asare. Firft,defire ofksowfhould commit no other finnes in the world, c ledge in diuine myfteries. Secondly,a ddighr yet for the vfe oftheir we"lth and honour,for in it. Thirdly, praifc &commendationamong their very eating& drinking (which in themmen. Fourthly,the ~taintainingofwealth and felues are moll Jawiull)Oull be damned. honour.Fiftly,thegetting ofwealth or honor. I J, Concerni,,g fpirttuall blefsings, firft, Sixtly, a defire robe at vnity& concord with God ceafethro grant fo much as an outward the natiJn orpoop!e where the Gofpelisprea· calling to many mc0. For how many nations ched. Ther<fore when thefe ends aud oeeafi·,ce the beginni11g ofthe wor!d,much mo:e lions oftheir beleeuing ceafe, then alfo their 1 pArticularmea,haue rhere bin,are,& flull be, fai hand profe(sionceafe.In this kindeofde... which neuer heard the preaching ot the Gof ferrion,it is to be feared,rhatmoftmenare.Al pd ; nay not fo much as the name of Chrill? in our Chur<h will profeffe faith in Chrift:yet Godio feyo..nin lury((aithDauid)& he harh not feeing the found conqerfion to God, and the d'"' fa to any nation.And often in Mofts & tne Gn~erityoflife& do<'l:rinisveryrare,we may Prophets it is merioued,that the couenant was prcfume , that that maine propertie of faith, in former times made peculiar to the !ewes; which is the recciuing and apprehenfion of And Paulfaith in AIJ. 14-16. that Godfi<Jfered Chrill, is wanting in moftttherefore let euery the Gentil(s in furmey times to walk! in the.irown D man lo?kc to himf~lfe,, an~ bctime !a?ou~to waies; and ofthe Ephefians,before thetr ea!- turne hts temporaudatth(Ifhefindltln hunling he fairh,Eph.>·I z.that they were jfrangers felfe) mto a true faumg fatth. Wherefore he f•m thepromijis,andwithout Godin the world. mull llnue lirfl: to feelehts extreame ntede of I I I.He grants the outward meanes offalChritl: and his merits. Second ·y,to hunger,& uation namely the Word,Prayer, SacramEts, thirfi afrc:r him, as after meate and drinke. Difcipline abo~ndJntJy,but yet he quite with· Thirdly,to be nothing in himfclfe!that hemay draweth the operation ofhis f2irit,whereby a be all in all out ofhimtelfe 11 Cht~f!. Fourthconuerfio miohr be wrought. For they neuer ly , to be able to fay that _hee h~eth not, but Pra.oJo.6. haue that pie:;,iug•ftheearewhichDauidmeChrillliueth in him by fatth. Ftfdy, to loath Afr, 16. tioneth,nor theopeningofththeart with Lydite, hisowne ?ns wtth a mofi v~hc:ment hatred, 4 • tnorthatteaching ofGod,wile they aredrawne and to prtze and value Chnft a•d the !ea({ 00 ' 6 " 41 . ofthefather to Chrill.And in fo doing indeed, drop ofhis blood ai::oue a thoufand worlds. onely he cffcreth grace, but dothnot exhibite v. Againe,m repentat>c~ he beftowes,fi~fr, and confcrre it:not that he mockethany, but a fight offin' fecondly,a ~mdeofforrow tor that in fo doing he may cuery way conuince& it:thirdly,aconfcfswn oftt: founhly,a refqlubereaue them ofexcufe.As the Lord fpeaketh tionfora rime to Gnno more.But that part of E(a.6, 9, tOEfo.y,Go & Jay rothi; people,Tejhailheareinrepentance, which hath the promifeofmercy to, -- - · an-