I ofJjiritualf 'Defirtions. 417 I annexed that is, a conuerfion ofthe whole A Hereupon it followes rhar the defertious.Of 1 man toGod he ncucr giueth ir. Godselect,ore fir!l of>.I partkll,that is,fuch as I , VI•.LaRiy , God giucth to the reprobate whereio God doth not wholly forfake them D" Cpi. 1 his fpirit, but fo farce forth as it !hall notany butm fome parr. Secondly trmporary, that1s, m.um re1 whit regenerate or renew his nature: but O!'lefor fomc.!pace oftune, and neuer beyond rhe ,pnmen · ' ly in the outward action reprelfe the ace of compalfc of this prcfent life. For a moment I ~~~~~~:~ ' fint foas chereby without any inward change faith the Lord in Efa.~-4 1o.in mi~t 4nger 1hid /tem. hdhall bee as ciuilly iufi and vpright in outmyfacefom theefora /mleftafon,but with euer- . ward conuerfation, as any in the world. laf/ing mercy haue I hadcompaf!ion onthce, foith Thus much ofthofe dcfertions which befall the Lordthy Redeemer.Aod to this purpofc Da. the diuel aud his angels and all Reprobates: Hidwell acquainted with this marter, prayclh now follow rhofe wherewith God exerciftth Pfal.119·8· forfltk!me not o•er l•ng. cucn his owne eleCl: children:for the blefsings This fort ofdeferrions, though it be but for that God belloweth on them are oftwo forrs, a rime, yet no part of aChri!lian mans life is either pejititte orpriuati•e:peJiti.He,arereall grafree from them: and very often taking deepe ces wroughdn the bcart,bythe fpirit of God: B placein the hart of man, rhey are oflong conPriu;J;ti~ priHt~tiue are fuch meanes whereby God pretinuance.D.cuidc6tinued in this dangerous faU ferucs men from falling into finne: as crotfes, about the fpace of an wh0le yeere before hee U:£ gr:c.. tizfunt plurcs quam pofitiuoe. TheE. letl: per~ feuere. defections. And thefe in number exceede the was r<eouercd. Ltttherconfcffeth of himfelfe, firft~as long as men Jitie in this world. that afte~ his conuc:rfion, he lay three daies in Beforeit can be declared what thefedefetdefpcrauon. And common experience in fucb tions are, this conclufion is to be laid downe; like c<tfes can make record oflonger time. Hee which once inthe ef/ate ofgr.1cefoal/ beein The manner God vferh in forlaking his thefomcfor.uer. This appeareth in Rom.8.Jo. ownc feruanrs, is oftwo forts; the firfr, isby whereP""' fets down the golden chaineofthe takmg away one grace,and putting another in caufes offaluation that can neuer bebroken;fo theroo~c : the fecond, by hidinghis grace as that he which is prede!linate ffiall bee called , 1t were macorner ofrhe heart. iu!lified; glorified. And a little after he faith, . God takes away hisgrace,and putsanother Whofha/1/ay a'!Jthingtothecharge ofGods EleU? 111 the roo.mc <liuers waies. acid,Whofh•lJCttervsfromtbebmeofCbrijUand, I. Firfr, heberoaue1h his owne children of [amperfwaded that no cre<turejhaR beable toftoorwarc\ profptriti<, yea he wilload tl.e with H<rvsfrom the wu• ofChrif/: which he would .c croffes; and yerhc will makeagood fi1pplyby not haue faid, ifmen becing in the e!late of·~ gwmg .patience. '])aitid is driuen ou_c of his grace, mightfall quite from grace. And how kmgdeme l)y his owne fon : a heauie crolfc , lhould they which are iujlifted bauepeact with yet tht I.ord minifrreth an humble and pariGod, ifthey were ROt fure to perfeuerc righteent fpirir,fc;> as he was corent to fp:ak,z.Sam. ous before God ro theend? And hvw flull it I 5·>6. Ifthe Lordthm['!),I h~ue not/elight in1 be faid,that hope mak!th not•Jbamed, becatlje the thee,bcholdhere Jam,kt him doeto me"' feemeth loueofGud(wher.ewith Gc>dloueshis Ele!l) u go•dm hu eyes. So likewife Chri!\ian Martyrs judabro•din theirhearts, by the ho!J Ghoj/ whirh are:bereaued ofall outwatd fafetie,and laidou giuen them, ifany man vttcrly tall from that pen ti) the violence and perfecu1ion of tyloue? How lhould the re!limonie ofthe fpirir, raurs; yet inwardly they aro !labli!bed by the which tellifieth to the Elect, that they are rhe power of the might of God , when they are children of6od,betrue and certaine, if it may mofi weake, they are mofi !lrong&whe they bequite extingnilbedl Lafily, howThai thatof arc moft foiled,then they obtaine victory. Iohn betrue, t.[oh.a.I9• They wentfrom vs, I I.S<condly,the Lord cuts offthe daicspf becaoft thrywerenot ofvs, if they hadlmne ofvs, rhis life, and for recompence to hisown deer theyjhould hatte remainedwith vs, ifa man may , 0 giues life etcrnall.Ef.1.57· I .Therighteomis tawholly fall from Chrifr which harh onoe bin k!naw'!)fr•.,the cui/tocome.This ismanife!l in made a true member of him? Our Sauiour Ioft.u,ofwhom itisfaid,z.Kin.,,zo. JJeholde Chrifi faith,Ioh.ro.:7.& 6.;7.Myjheepehe.re I willgathertheetothyfathm, andthoufhaltbec my voyce:4ndI ~ow them,andthryfq/low me:and put in thygraut inpeace~ tmdthine eiesjh.'flnotfie 1giuc life eternaa to th"", and no man fhaO Mk! aBtheeuiHwhteh I willbring vponthisplace, the,out ofmyhand,oroHtofmyfathm hand,and III. Thirdly, God takes away the feeling of wh•tfomer my f•ther giueth mee {hall come vnto his loue, and the ioy of the holy Ghofr for a me,& 1vho[oeu<r aommeth tome,Iwilnot caflout. feafon,& then in the roome thereofhekindles A•d ifany of the elect bceing effeCl:ually calan ·earuefi defire and thir!ling with groanes led might wholly fall from grace, then there andcrying vnto heaueu, to bee in the former mufr beo a fecond infitioo or ingralcing into fauour ofGod againe. This was Dauids cafe the myll:i::all body ofChrifr , and therefore a when he complained and faid, Myvoit:ecam; f:;:ond Baptifme:nay for euery fall a newdnlito Godwhen {cried, my voi<ecameto Godand hee' Pfut. ·77 . tto,&anewBaptifme; whichmufrinnowife heardmce: •• thedayofmytrouble{ fouglsttl;, '•'•3· begcamcd ,,w~ereforc th.cy which are predeLord,myfo" ranne andceafodnot in the night: my/ Clmate to beunhe lbte ofgrace, are alfo p:efoulerefuftd.om{ort. Td•d thm~e '!lpon Uodand de£ltnate to perfeuere in the fame tO the enJ. ' I IVAI troubled: Tprayed anr/.myjpiritWR4 full ofi N 11 2 angui.(JJ. \ /