aRom.7 2:!.,2j, 2.4 (4-18 . A • 'i5;;t;;;&io~ - _·___ ! l ·.•ng•ifh. Se!Ah. The l1kc was th: eflate ofthe A- bitternefle of hearr. He,cqpoo bee prefentlv Chmc1 makmg her mane vnro God m Ffo. thinkes that God will make him a firebrana '3· 1 7:0 Lord;whyh.JIthou r»4de vuo me(iom ! ofhdl:where>S indeed the Lord is R<>w about thywaees? andhardenedour heartsftomthyfeare? to worke,and frame in his heart fanctificatiQn Reru'.~' for thyfrru•ntfok..e, And for the mbes of I and found repentance neuer to be repented of. thmemhmtance. . The man which hath had fame good pcrlivaI V • Fourthly, God grants his feruaots the GonsofGods fau~m in Chrill comes afterholy meanes offalnation, namely preaching, \ 1 ward vpon many occaGonsto be troubled ar~l pra!er,Sacraments, a11d heldes backe the effito be oucrwhdmtd with diflm{\fulne!fc and cacte of his fpiritfor4 time. In this cafe they grkuous doubtings ofhis falua1ion fo ashec areli~e the corne·fieild that is plowed &fo\viudge_th himfelf~ to haue becne bn: an hypoed With goodcorne: but yet for a umr., tt ~ecute mformer tl~es, and for thetime ptefent uer gmes rootmg beneath, nor fa much as a a cafl-way. But mdee'd hereby the Lord exer• fhewof any blade appeores aboue. Tbus the cifeth, fafhioneth, and increafeth his wuke fp?ufeof Chri!l, when ihce comes into his faith.Inonc woxd,markerhispoint, Th•tthe wmeceller, ilitefalsinrc a fwoune; foas fhe B grttcesofqodptcnli#r tnthe Et~ct are b~gHn~ m. mufl be f/aied withjl4gons, and comfortedwith creaftd,<ndmadem•nifej/ inor by thecontr.mes, •pples,becauftfh<euf~elifofkue, Cant·2·4.5• A man io rhis defertion can difcerne no. V•. Fifrly,God giueth his children alhong difference berweenc himfelfr & a cafl-away: affdhon, to obey his .will,.but hee lets them and the rather ifthis with dcfertiou be ioyned fa~lemtheactofobedtence It felfe, hkeasthe afeehng ofGods anger: for then arif<th the prifoner who hath efcaped the hand of his bitterefl temptation that euer befel the poore Iayler, hathan atfc:Cl:ionto mnne a thoufand fotJie ofa Chriflian man, and that is a wraf!- miles euery hourc, but hauing happely his lingandfiwglingiofpiritand confcience, not boltes on his legges,he cannot for his life but with the motions ofarebelling flefh, nor the goe very.foftly, gaoling and chafing his lldh·; accufationofthe diuel , which are oftemimes and witH much griefe tailing againe into the 1 very irkeforile ~nd tenible, but againft the hands ofhis keeper. Thisis it that Paul comwrath ofarcuenging God. This hidden and pldiAeth of when he fairh, , I delight in the lAw fpirituall t<mptation more · rorrnenteth the ofGod, concerning theinntr man:butlfie.nother fi>irit ofman, then all therackes. and gibbets law inmy members, rebeBingagainft the la'»ofmy in thi: world can doe. And it hath his fits after minde, andleading mec•ptiuet• the lawsfjinne, C the manner ofan ague, io w~ich euen Gods tvbichUr.n my membn-s:~ 0 wretched manthat J. owne feruanrs ouercarricd with forrow may am,whoJh•fldeliuermeftomthu body of death! blafpheme God, and crie out that rhey The fecond manner of Gods forfakinghis aredamned./obwasinthisel\ate:ashetefiiliEiett, is when he hir'eshis graces foi'a time: eth, lob.6.2,3,4• Ohthatmy griefowerew•ied not by t>kingthem qe~itc away, but by coue- (faith bee) andmy miferieswere laydtogetherin ring them, andby remoouing al fc:nfe al'!d fee- ~ the·bAOance: for it rtMldh~ heauier thm thefond lingofthem. And in this cafe they are like the . oftheft•: thmforemy wordsarefw•llowedvp;Jor trees inc:1ewinter feafon, theyarebeaten with I tht4rrowes of the .Almightie4reinme:thevmome winde and weather, bearing ndther leafc nor thereofdothdrinlzvp my f}irit, andthe terroursof fruit,but lookeas thongh they were rotten and I Godfight •g•injl me.And further he complaincs dead, becaufe 1he fap doth not fpreadit felfe, lo,b, I o·I4-that the Lotdishist'l!emie, that bee but lies hid in the roote. Da11id often was in I writes bitter·thi~gs •gainfl him;/}: '/ob.x6.J 2.that namcly when he f:tith, "Pjii/.77. 7• heeftts him auButtojhootat. Thiswas Dau'ids S,9·W•IIthe LordabftnthimftlfeforeHtr?andwi/1 temptation when befaid, Ffal,6.r,o,3,4• 0 he jhew no mfJrefauoJ~r? Is hit rm:rcit cleanegone L;ord,rehHk$me..not 'in thyP.nger, nc#her chtt./fife oreuer?dothhU promife[Rilefor cuermore? H~ath D mein thywrathJhaUemercycnmt.,O Lordfur:{.mn Godforgotten to bemercifu/11 Bath hejhut vp all weok.;O Lordhe•leme,formybones are vp;ed,my hu tender mercies indifPieafore? Se/ab. fou/e u •lfo troubled: b•t Lordhow long wilt thou Cunlb Thiscomestopa!fe, betaufethe'Lord very delay? Retorne 0 Lord,deliNermyfoule,foKemee Dei ope~ often in and byone conrraric works another. for thy mercia fok!.. ,,runt in Clay and ti>ittlc tempered togither in reafon 'Henceitfollowes, that when any that hath ~~~~ris fhould put out amanseyes: but Chrifl vfed it beene a profefloor ofth< Gofpel lhall defpa!to asa meanes to giue fight to the blinde." Water at~ts end ; that men arew leauefecretJudgein reafon fhould put out lite : but Eli.u wf.en mets to God, and chantablyto md~e rhebefl he would fhew that Iehoua wasrhe true God, ofthem.For,example, oneMafler (b) Cham. pourcs water onhis f.tcrifice, and fi.}s atfench 1 bet·s at Ldcefrero~late i1J his ficknes grieuouf.. l ~!e~cthe therewith to make the facrifice burne. The l ly dlfpairc~, & cn~d.out that he was damn~d, wrimn like, appeareth in the worke ofgrace tQfalua- . and afi:erdtc:dt Y~tltlSnot for any to note.htm of his tion. Aman that hath Iiued in fecurity , by ·1with the bltdke marke of a reprobate. One dwh. Gods goodnetfe hath his eyes opened ·to fee thillg which he.fpakc m:hts extrearntue(0 that his fin,es and his heart touched t<l' feel'' the { hadbm onedr.p of fmth) mufl rnoouc.all·men huoe and loathfome burrhcn··of them'' an'd I toconctiuewell 0fhtm. F0t bph!Sltfeemes th~ef<lre to bewaile'hrs wrctchi:d'e!'lift<i:wirh that hee had an heart which ddired tO'repent - - -~i------.