Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

42.0 .Adeclc;rtJtion ofj}irituallVefertions. into fome actual!. finnc: .and fo 9edaring ~is A \rit made aliue in the day of the Lord. wo~1dcrfull mere1e mf~utngthem, h~e IS fame The third end is, the preuentin~ offinne to agam!l: h1s mercy tobnng them roh1s mere~, come.This appeareth inPaul; Lefl(Caithhe)/ and by finne to faue them fron: finn_c. By this lflw•ldlie.xa/"doHtofmeAji<rtthro•gh the .J,.,. meane~t~e Lord, who can_br1ng hght out of tLl11ce DfreHelttti•ns,tlureWtUgiu(vntome 11 prkk. d,~knelle , .m~ke_sa remed1e of finne to flay intheftejb,themeffinger oj'S~ranrob•ff<tme,~. pnde, that mumc1ble monfrer ofmany heads, In the former timos when the Lord among which would Oay the foule. many others had fet out Cro~mer for the Thoughthis be fo, yet none mufr hereupon maintenance ofhis bleffed truth againfrhis,& venterro commit any fin againfr GodscomGodsenemies, heelefthim for awhile to fall mat:dements, left in fo doingthey caft away from h_is religion,and to makeadangerous retheir foul<s. For the godly manthough he fall cantanon: but fo as thereby hepreuented mainto fin, yet itis againfrhispurpofe,& itmakes ny fins,and prepared him to :t glorious marhis heart to bleed: and thecourfcof his life tyrdome.As fame of hisownewordsmaytefhalbe alwaies vpright &pleafmgvntoGod: ftifie whichhefpakea litle before his end:And 3· 7,8. becaufe he is led by!he fpiritofGod. . \l now (faith hee) lcomerorhegrw thing rharfo ;,ends of The end• for wbtch God vfeth DefertlOAS mHch tro•blrthmJ confcience morerhm""J rhing defmiarethrce:thc fir!l:,isthechaftifcmentoffinnes th•r eHtrIdiJorfoitlin •Nm:Jiifi,anJrh.: u rhe ;, paft in the former part ofmans life, that hee l/irring abroad4'4 writingcontrary ro thetrHrh, may fearch themout, confider thcin, and bee which now hereI renoun<e 111 things wrirun wirh heartily forrowfull for them:forthisend was "'}h•ndconrraryrorhe rrurb, which I rhoughrin Iobs trial!,/ob .1 3. z6,thouwrireft(faith he)bit• "'}heart,& th.rforf.-re if death, andto fit•• my urrhmgs agamft me, ••Jim•f«flmt"pojfofetht life,~. andfor MmHch .umJ handojfmded,wrijinnes ofmJJ•I<th. ' · , tingciirraryr•mJhearr,myharidjbalbefirflpuni. The fccond end i•,thatGod may maketrial l(b~d rhttfomfor "'"J I comererhefire,ir foal be 1• ofthe prcfent dlate ofhis feruatsj notthat he bHrneJ. Anfwerably,when he wasat thefire, is ignorant what is in man, but becaufe bee firll he burnt his righthand whichfubfcribed; would haueall men know themfclues. 1iothis his bodyfuffered theflame with fuch conllanctfect faith M*s,DeHt.s•••&.q.;. And.rhou cieandfieadfalloes,., he neuer almoll mooJh•lt remember an rhe W4J which rh<'Lordthy ucd: his eyes lift vp to heauen often herepeaqod/edrheeinthe wilderneffif•rr•/wmbltthee, ted his vnworthy right band. Thus, death andropr.o•erhee,rokt!owwhat.w.u iprhinehtarr, C which he mbll: fcared,he moftdefircd,that he whether rho11wouldeft /ttep hu coml114lfdernentsor might take rcuenge of bimfelfe for his finnes: no.This alfo was the end why the Lord lcftE- , Thevfe thatallgood ChriO:ian hearts arc to rr.J. zycbi.utoproooe&triewhat was inl)ishcart. makeofthcfetheir defertion•, is manifold; r This trial! bydefertion fcrueth fortwo pur• Firll, iftheyhaueoutwardrefl •ndw•lktinthi pofcs:for otl1<rwhilcs theLordvfethit for the [JeATeoj'God, •ndbeejNed,.,irhthe ioyoftheholy 1 • manifellation offomc,hidden finnc, that the Ghoft,lttrh.,notbthighmif!ded,~"rftare,leli a ~~;:./,: godly may bee deeplier hnmbled, andcraue forfakingfoUow. Sccondly,ifinanytcmpiaao. more earne!Hy pardon ofthat and other fins· tion they iudge tbemfclces forfakcn, let them, :i; Foras the bcggeris alwaies mencling and pieconfider this wonderfull workc of fpiritualf cinghisgarmentwherehefindesabreach: fo dtfertions which God cxercifcth vpon his' the pcniront and bcleeuing heartmull alwaies owne children very vfually 1 and then it may be exercifedin repairing it felfc where itfinds pleafe the Lord, th~y !hallfinde itto be a rea wam. f$9ratiuc againll many a qualme and fowne of Againe,ofr~n;im~s thistrialfetuestoquicfpirit and confcie?ce, into ~hich o~hcrwife ken and reuiuctlld!ddengraces ofthe heart, they would ccrtaudy fall.Th!rdly,fcemgGbd ~; that menmay bethanldull tor them, and feelc D fortheir triall doth often withdraw hilllfelfc' an increafe ofthem in theheart.The good huffrom them,letthemagaindrawacere tO"God band-mancuts the branch<'S ofthe Vine, not and preffe vntohirn;euen as amanthatlhiuers thathehath apurpofe to deftroy them, butto ofanagueisalwaiescrceping to thc.6re. Ifit loh.rJ•'• makerhembeare.,.refruit. In the Canticles bedel)1anded how a manfhouldcomeneere when Chrillleft his fpoufc, then the rifeth God,theanfwer is, bythevfcofhiswordand outofhcr bed, fhee opens the doorc, hrr l'rayer.For by his word hef~cakst<>thee,~nd C:mt.J•! hands drop mirrhe on thebArre ofrhe doore: then by prayer.thou fpeakell to h1m. Lallly,feemg 4· •· fartherflmfte~sandcals for him,and praifeth by defemonGod will take cxpenencc of his Iam.po him more then euer before. 'lJauUI re£Hfieth feruants,leteu~ry ~aR trse1111dfia~ch hu WRit~# Pr11.. 119· thelikeofhimfelte:/nmy profJuriry ifo[Ji Jb•l m'l!lesrrbttN11''"lhwfttt rot he"'""' if Gods co- I l"~. ,.. p(,\, 30 • neuer be mooued: ~,butthoudidfl hide rhyfate, mandt!JI<ntl : ltt h111Hndr.uoHT to li!<pe • good 16 • 6, 1 ,s. andlw.u troubled. Thencriedlt.,hte, 0 Lord, conftitn<IPrforeGodandbefore•llmen,that(ohe Pfa~ ,6. andprAyedr• "'J Lord. Lallly,men that liue in may withD.cuidfay,I•dgeme 0 Lord,forI h<Jie , ,:. the Church being for a time left ofGod, beW4ik!dmmme l•no<enm' my rr•fl h.thbeene•l· come fo impenitentas thatthey mufr begiuen w<ies inrh< Lord : 1Jl!,ali norflidt : P"'"""'' 0 vp to Satan; yet for no othef caufe, but L~rd,4ndtryme,ex~Jtm7Jtmyremu&myhMrt. ;:~or.f• that the fkfh may bee killed, and the fpiF I N' I S. ons 2.