Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

423 THE FIRST EPISTLE OF I 0 HN, IN F0 R M E 0 F A DIAL 0 GV E. The fpeakers. John. Church, CHAP. I. CHVRCH• • Any among "" deny the G·oJ. A !oh. The blood of Icfus Chria his Sonnc head,andminy thernanh"d clenfeth vs from all finne. vc•( 9 . ofChrift. . Ch. Soml4m•ng 'IJsar.comtto th•tpaffi,th4t Topw. veefcr, !oh. That which was they[aythey haue nofinne: •ndthatthioe}late is fdfc P"· from the beginning [and ajigne offeOowfhipwith God. ~~,;:~- theroforetr~~< God] which /oh.Ifwefay wehauenofinne, wedeceiue on m wee haueheard [namely] our feines[imaginingthattobe true which uo· this life,] which wehauefee~e with thefe our therwifiJ,and the truth is not in vs. a note of eyes,which we haue looked vpon , andthefe Ch. How then may we k._now that ourfins are ·~ hypo. hands ofours haue handled ofthat word [not w•Jhed •w•y by Chrift! ~:';[;,_ the{oNndti:g bNttheef!intialwordofthe Father,] loh.lf wtconfelfe our finnes [name!J with Htomb!e ollife[liuing ofhimjilfe, andginmg lift 'IJntoaO an humbled heart dejiring p•rdon J heeis faithfull confcf•i· other. & iufr[in k.!eping hilpr9mift,] to foraiuevsour on of fin Ch. BefqreyrJJ~goe •nyfurther, thUwordof fins, and todtnf~ vs from all vnrighreoufi1es. ~0 God., uji is inuiflhk,howthen coulditbtjiene? Ifwe fay[ M tbrybefore] we haue "r' 00 '[ verC::. Joh.[Tes] for that life was ma6emanifefi[to not ilnned, we make him a lyer, tvhoflword fio~c:r' · wit,intheftefh,Jand we[withmanyothers] hauc fJ;eaf<!s thecontrary,]and his word is not invs finnr. fecne it,and beare witneffe, and publifhVnto [his dtJCirine bath no p/a,einour hSRru,] ' ver{, 3· :£.OUthateternalllife, which was with the FaCHAP. I J. ther[etern•'!J before hi< nunifejlation]andwas Ch. JF this bee tme which h•th beene foid, made manitefr vnto vs. that thebloodof Chrijl doth clenji from Ch. Me~tander,Ebion,andCerinth111,haning •Ifin;& th4tifwedociife!fithem theyfoal bepar– he~ne tea~hers a1n0ng 11s, confidently d~nythife B dmed;o~ercor~rtptUm uls vsJth4tVIe ~4_Yfinfrec!J. thmgswhtehyoHf"J: andtheybeare.":' '"hand, Ioh. My httle ch!ldren, thefe thmgs lwrite that theyftektourg'ood, vnto yon,that ye finne not. Ioh.That[whichhviflrepeatogaineformore Ch. 4la;; wee fa/loft by infirmitle: what verr,t. mf. 3 · certainties fo~]which wehaue fecn& heard, fhall wethen doe? dcclarewevnto you,that ye may haue fellow· 'foh. Ifany man linne, we haue an aduocat< 01ip with vs,and that our fellowfhip alfo may [who in his owne name andby his owne mmt, be with the Father, and with his Sonne Iefus pleAdsourcauft]tpthe fathcr,Iefus Chri!hhc Chri!t. iu!l [andtheriforeJittom<k.fimercejfitm.] And theferhings write wee vntoyou, thar Ch. '13ut howmayeNeryoneofvs irtp:JTticlllAr ve.f-4. your ioy might be full [i.might bauefoHndcon- ~now that Chrift is his ad11ocate? mf. '• [ot.tion in yonr conjiirnw.] /oh. He is the propitiation[i,acoueringofjin Ch.We/1 thenJayvs downefomeground, wherorrecowci!intion, "'the propitiatory •fthe Arkt bywe may tome to be afTured th4..-"'e h<futfeUow~ coueredthelaw,] and not tOr our finm:s onely }hip oneWith another,andwith Chrift. C but alfo forthe finncs ofthe whole world[no; mf.;. /oh. This then is the mdfage which wee oneiy'fewes,bHsalfo Gentile<ofallforts.] haue heard ofhim, and declare voto you, that Ch. Be itth41 Y k.?Jo'" him to beemyad!<Ocate, light [i.p~rene!fo it Jilfo and buntbteffi; may 'f not bedeceined? h01v m•y Y k_now th.ttbu mr.· 3 . where M men ttnd.Angcls llrentlther~butbypt~rum1 k_nowkdgeuejfctluaOto[Juation? 1 An en~ cipation J. .md in him is no darket1e£fe. lob. Hereby are we fure that Wt know him dcauour Ch. Some that ma~~profeffionamong vs, cun- [here,that k.!JolVit'dge UmeantJwherbyamanap1 ~ keepe \'err. 6. tinuefiiliifl t:J,eir oldcour[e and conuerfation; And plies Chrift andall hi!benefits to his owneflm!e J{f ~n~ncd~~- P•of,f•i. jet theyfoy they h~'"fellowfhip with God, wee keepe [ro f<!epe is nottofulfiH, butto h••<A mem•,:, on With- {oh.!fwe faythatwehaue fcUowfhipwith care and defireto doeit;forGodofhio mercic, Ggneof ~~f[,~ahim,andwa!~e [ieade thecour~~f~ur liues] _in in hkferHants 4tcepts th6l'v&llforthe deede Jhis faith. noteof dar}\n~ffc,[;Jorance,~rrour,unp1ety,]we I1e, commanderncnts. '".hypo-~ [di}fcmjle,]& do.,ottruly[do•lenotjincmly] Ch. M<»yamong vt profeffi thJtthey k!J•w n crtte, Ch. Wh::tt thm Hthe trHe m~rv._e ofone wbi;h Chrift)n4t th!ir li~tts benot accorditJg. ;:i,b i· ;~~~~~ity h::t{hfe!lowfhip witiJ God? _ fob: He that faith, I know him,and keepes with~~r of life&\ loh.. _rf \~c W{llk_ein tl~elight[le~dHhecourft not h~s co~m~ndements , is a lyer, and the :~~~~e~f :religioo, of oor i<ucsmJi•<eY/tJ of life &d•fJrme]we haue truth IS not 111 h1m. h anote of\ feHowihip one with another. Ch.Howmay it be prooued, that the cnd~auourj ~~te.ypo comm~j Ch. We .refo defiled withJinne,th•t we often, to k§epe qodscomma.•dements u am•rk! •ffa~th ~~:J~'"j doubt,leftwe ha1<e nofe//owjhip with God. •ndfellowjhip with Chrift. vu(;. ' ,or;. .. ..