Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

·I I !4-24 . · A Cafe oJCor!fcience. I !oh. Het [in whom thelot"uj q.di<perfeH, A rtm<mber that which is •o•dfonu: J I 1 ae m;' hereby~ow!th~Jt hei& ~nC~rifl:J Buthet: · written v~tto yo~ FarbC::rs~ beca1.:fe ye ~ue 1that kcepeth hu word, m htm the loue of knownehlmthausfromthebegir.nirg:Ihaue ! God: [t.notthatloJUwherewithGodloutthhim; - wrir.tenvnto you young men Qecautt ye are b~ttthat • whereby he lo•erb God] isperfect in- !irong, and the word ofGod abideth in you: 1 deed [t.Jincmand[o~tndperfeCiron, bemgoppiftd and ye haue ouercome that wicked one. ""' to rmperfe[/;ton, but to hy•pocrifie:J hereby Ch. lfweebe in the fl•re uf.rracrvnder qods [therefore] we know that we are in lum. fauour i>t Cbrifl,kowmtry Wttlibid~ initl V(rf.xr. vcrr. 6 • He thac C.ith he rcmaineth in him, .ought · lob. Loue oat this world (the corrupt e}latt to w~ke euen fo, as he bath walked: .C and ifm<n~inae oHt of Chrift) neither the things there;ore he mojl needs endca110ur hrmfelfe zn the that aremtheworld(forfirfl•faB: togiNe rea. commandcmentt, fons,)if any man loue this wotld, the Joueof Ch. 'Declare 'Vnto'Vsfomeof the principaB if the Father (whmwrth he loutththe Fatb.,) ;, thifec~mm4ndonmts .~ not inhim. · nrf.u. lob. Brethren, I write no new commande- (S"ondry)forall that is /n this world as the 1. ve.r.,. mentvnto you: But an old commandement B lufi ofthe fldh (the corr•ptionofnature' r<hich which yehaue heard from the beginning: this chitjly brenk!th out in euiN ciJc•pifcexce)the lulls old commandement is ~he. word which yee ofthe eyes(thefruitufthefmntr, jlimd vpby haue h~ard from the bt:gmnmg. . outw~trdfroHucattonsJ tjptctllDJ in the 'J't~M ; 1 ;1 Agame, aneyvc<;>mmandem~nt Iwnrevnmfl~tjefi~n ~t~htlttry flY coNttflfjnesJ) & tf.epride ycrf.S· to you,that "Yh1ch lSt~ue [to W~t that tkeco"':- ofhfe (t . .Arrogtt~ryan~•mbitimAmong mm in m_4ndements M ntW ,.,hsch hee wzHwotB'rsu] m c&mmo!'cormtrjlltsonoflife 1 )isnotoftb: Father htm [tVho ren•eththc commawdm<tnt of old gibut oftl.e world, uen to Mofes]\andalfoin you,for the darkenes Anc (thrrdiy) this world pa!fcthaway and mf.t7. is pafr [i.the hardeningofthe minds uf men vn. thelulls tl.,er<of: cut l:c that fulfillcth the will derthcoldteJI•ment, whereby they did bm ina of God, abiderh for euer. mall_meafim vnderjl4ndthe r<ord[and.thattrue Ch. What oth<r thing areWcto dotthat>tet light] agrt4ttr meafore of ili11mination, AJ alfo mt~y contmue? tkc l'lritinguj'Gods iatVes,notintables •fjlom,bnt l•h. Lmle children, it is the!all time: and ve~C.18. in thejlefhiehe.rts:fo .u thty be t,.nsformtd into asye h2ue ~<ardJthat Anrichrill iliall come,(a tbe obcdimrethereof] now lhineth. /ftciaii.Antichri/t, the chiiftofaNother ."Who u Ch. Well,fet downe this mnmandement which C "'Wmanifeflto berh• Pope uf Rome) wen new UfoanP;ent~andU nowrenued. arc rl·cre p1any Antkhrifis(heretick,ts, dmying verf. 9 . foh:Hethat fait!. raJ marry amon,pondo J tha.t m her the natRrts of Chrijl~or hiujjices:orthevProfefsihe ts tn that light [ihatu, th4t he u both plen11mon Andthe diflrnElronifhun.,ures: (whereby onioyned fully enlightenedandborneantt'P] And hates his we know that it is the lafi: time. w"hh•· brother,isindarknes, [vndertheejlare ufdtm· Ch. 'Thift whomyou eAU .Anrichrifl!, wmuf vttf.19. %.~~i~~~3 nation,nctyet trlt!J re.{mcrate,] VHt~l!thi~ rime· our compAnJ~Ilndprcfeffid MlJ't d8e. I no" ofan Hee that loueth Ius brorherab1dcthmthat Joh. Theywent out from vs,butthey were hifo~ritc. lil')hl [U trne{y andngenerate:] apd not of vs: for ifthey bad bet"ne ofvs, they there is 110 cffencc) [i.heewill gtu~ no oscajionof ihould haue continued withvs. But this corn- 1 verf.IO. Loueof ourbro– ther,a fignc of rcgenera tion,. tuill] in him. meth to patfe,that it might appeare,that they 1 ~~ 'r"' B"t[onthecontrarie]he thathateth his ~roare not all ofvs. j ,;, .~JI: ther is in darknes,and walketh in darkenc{l.(J c~. RoWf~n we be ~tffuredofonrC#ntinHttfJCe Iing in the [lcadeth hi> life in ignorance,and'lJngodlines]and ingr.ce:for we mayfaU.., well114theydoe? 1he"", a knowoth not whither h<e goeth bci:au{e that 'foh. Bu:tye haue an oynttltcnt, (thegrueuf "~'('of darkenelfe bath blinded his eyes. Gods holyJPirit,riftmbltdbyrheannointingsinthe j ;,~,::,~eCh. What moouerh )'OH 1o dciit~<r vnto vs an D old'T•Jlamtnt) from that holy one(Cbrifi,L•~ 1 verf.u. thift notes andfignes oj "" r.mbirth, andcomr.r5 .) andkn<>w all things. ',"r:"· mnnion r<ith Chrifl? Ch.lfwet /,:powaU thrngs, then)'Oil netdenot II•~r~sdc 'foh.Litlt children I write VLlto you_betaufe Jvrit~ 11nto vs ofthtfom~tters. ' :;' b~ us ~~~~~ 1 ::· your Jinnes are forgiuen you: for l,11s names /~h. I hauenc.:>t wntten vnto you, becaufe 1 CbriG: fake [ Chriflawdhu merit : IhatJ' may bee re know notth~ truth: but h:caufe yvuknow fonh,~ <trtifiedroyo11r"mfort ofthrs.J . It,&that r.o l~e 1$ ofthe trutn(I,yecandiflmg~tijh :hew:;: vecf,. 13 • [And t~at no kj~de of you m~ht bezweenthefou~daeJ_r~~eoft?t ~oflul, &trro•rs. 1 nili~hi~ doubt ujth",] I wnte vnto youfathers,becaufc Ch. What" th" lie whteh,;oofPt4ktof? ycrin ye [,R:hiing to reD4ndhr.reofold•ndauncimt l•h. Who lS aher (a dmrucr,afeducer,)'tut 1h<ir do. matters] hauc known him[tbati<,Chrif/]that hcthatdemcth that l<fusChn!l,(the._Mrffi- 1 llrma by is from the beginning_.I \~'rite vnto you yoong ~or ~auiour if' mtt~kjwd? The fame is that An- :~;~:Y men, Oecaufe ye [ deltghtmg to flm'J)'our 'lh1iour uchnlt, that demeth the F:1ther & the Sonne. quirrhcy andflrength]hauc ouercomc the euil ont [that Ch.'Tbefe whom )'OH nuane(jaythey) depmd on I dony him U, Sathan.J { write vnto yo[,J little children, thedoClrineofGod tU well IU wee: andtheyvfet'\~o [who delight alwaies to bee vndcr the fathers callhim Father. . ~)!J 3 wing,] becaufe yeh:me knowue rhe fathor. Job. Who fo denieth the Scm:c, hatb not ~;~Fb:r. [ Ar1dagaine, becaufowGarctlull t11 markfand the Father. -~ Yerf.zj.· verf,14. - ~ ------ ~---r