d Cafe ofConfcience. vcrf.•l· l•h. Meruaile not;my brethren, though this A !~Wtt Art rem"d] which hee hath giuen vs. world hateyou. I CHAP. I V• . Ch. lfn.ottolou•, beean•~<•frhechildofth< Ch. TOrtturne dg•inetothAtwbich.,.,.,he. diutll,what u the 111U if Gods child? fore mmtimed: Jhallwebel"utABthAt mf.14. loh. We knowthatwearetran!latedfrom ['!JihtyhAH<theJ;irit 1 ;~~~H~· death to life,,b<:caufe we louethe brethr~n, (i. .l~h. Dearely beloued ; beleeue not eue an be· lfuchMbe Chrij/tAns,bec•ufethry dre Chrifl:ans,) fprnt(,.J.arinrs,Wht<hm<nbraggingofrheJtir;{,' •orfc.r. c.ure hco ("' onrhecontrary) he that loueth not h1s brodotte..,h;}buttrie the fpirits wrethtr theybe iuChri. ther,abideth indeath:(i6 vmiertheftat<ofd.m- ?fGod: for many falfe prophe;s are ~one 011~ £lun ctr »at1on.) Into the world. D ~.~;isa Whofoeuer hateth hi• brother is a mail• Ch.Howm'!YwetlifcerneoJfPiritt? notoof !layer, andy~kno~th~t noman-llayethath /oh. H~rcbylhallyeknowthefpiritofGod; Gods eternall hfe abidmgmh1m. . eaery fpmt(Jollrine)whichconfe!feththat le- mre.a. cbold, Ch. ToN hall<Jhewedw fuRy; that kueu" fus Chrill(rhe M•ffias)iscomeintheflelh[it vcrfe,r r, work! ofad.ptwn: '1{_ ow]hewvs how wem..y/ey8w made tmt man; thu ~ering tb.fnbfl•nt:t of the .,_berherwtlou<ourbrerhrenrrmtf B (joJPdl]isol God. •<1'4• 6 • loh• .Hereby we. haue perceiued loue , that And eucry fpirit that confelfeth not that hee laid downe his hfe for vs: ~herefore we Iefus C~rift iscomeintheBelh,isnotofGod: •m.,,, vcr,l7· Cornpa[-.. fion ftir· ought ( carrtedwllhtheltk[ 4fel11011 •f lout) to bat thi$1S the fpitJt ofAntichrift ofwhom ye laydowil<: our liues forthe brethren. haueheard,that hdhaU ,ome a~d nowairea• Ch. VY•nyiHJ;eechdoeprmndlon<, bHtWt dyheisinthe world. . ' . findnot thit wiNingaffeUion<ndreadin•J!e tojh<W Ch. W• fe.mbtcaH(e thefef•lfo !piritsareof lou•. ' . rtdtt.•w<r,toP"fwadeaml~d.cemany. J.h, Whofoeuerhath this worlds good, lo .Ltttlechildren,yeareofGody.lndhaue •af<.t. (wherewith this lif• i6 foj/aimd) and feeth his ouercome them:for greater ishe thatis in you brotherbath neede, and lhutreth vphisbow- (Gods spirit)thenhcthatisinthe world, tbe cls (r. h<th no compaffwn, becaHfttt:Jimnthfelfe !Jmt •fSarh.,. . · by theroNing ofth<intral:Jtrom him, howdwelCn.'lJ~jthe d•Eirinroftbefe menitofgreat aeleththelou.eofGod in him? connt, andhatb m•nyfo/lowers in thewerf<4 ours Ch. What other nott iuh<r• ofmoek~«? bathbmfew whi<himbra« it. mercie. /oh. My lirle children, let vs not loue in Ioh. They are ofthis world,therefore fpeak wfc.!> 6gn" of word , nor in tongue onely, ~utin deedeand C theyofthis world,and this world(t. \gnor~~nt ring in tbc br:.an aaote of loue. verfe.xS. Works of loue. truth(fincmly.) •nd11ngod£7""'') hearcth them. ' . •<tfe,ag. 1. Fortherebywe knowthatwe.areofthe We arcofGod: heewhichknowethGod v<tfe.6: ~;~~:·; trnth,(fomtdprofejJoHrsoftb• GofPHlifChrift,): heareth vs: hewhich isnot ofGod hcarcthvs note of and lhall before him appe'afe our ~cans (in renot. ~~rebyknow wethefpirit oftruth, and tinme gardofany ac<~fotion th4t •urconftaenr:eJh.O lA) the fplrlt of errour( n.uneiy,~the lik..mg .mdap. profeffi_ vnto71sbefor< GodJ iHtlgementfeat.) plAHftifthew~rld] ~~,'re. ••· Ifyour heartcondemne vs,(~~neNill<onftie•ce Ch. Hf/W m-ryweepe[er11e •urfe!Jm •g•injl A<tuft vs)God isgreater thenout he~(""""· theftftductrs? ty,iniudging ofvs:)and knowethall thmgs. {oh. Bdoued, let vs loue one another, for nrre,7. Ch.H•wmay w•ler•w th<t our<onf<itnceiwill louecommethof God: aod euery one that lonotcondemnevs? uethisborneofGod, andknowethGod: [by verfe.u. /oh. Beloued ifour hearts condemne vs •fPeci4li/Q?•wledge, wher~ thry•re affimdrhat Boldn" not then haue w:e buldnes toward God,(i.i• qodthe Fdther ofGhrift i6 thetr f•rher, Chrift inprayer com~vntohimbJ tray.r.) their Redumrr,the ho!J Ghoj/theirfanEiifier.] ~ G~~~;l Ch. what orherfruit< u thmofrru~ loNe ? . He.that loueth not, knowerhnor,God, for vcrrc,r. e~nfci· Job. Whatfoeuer weaske,we reccrue ofh1m D God IS loue, [1. wh1Hy bmtto Jhew hukue !l11d ence be,aufe we keepe hi~commandements! an~ compaf!ioutohilpt~pk.] . - vcr(C:.u. doe thofe thing• whiCh are pleafant m hJS [Foraproofeofthu.]Hemnwasthatloueof verfe.g, fight. God made manifeft among vs, beca"fc God Ch.WhAtaretheftcommandements? fent that his onely begotten Sonn~ into the verre.•;. lob. This then is his commandement, that world,that we mrght hue through h>m· wee beleeue in the aame of his Sonne Iefus Herein is that loue, not that weloued God; mrc. to. ver[e.:!-4. The ope· ution of Gods!!;li• ritinfan– iii6ing vs,3figne ofccmmumon with God. Chrift and loueone anotherashe gaue cornbut that heloued YS: and fenthis Sonneto be mande~ent. areconciliation for ?uriinnes. Ch. Hauerhey whichkt•p.rhefec~mm•ndeCh.Wh<~~of4R thu? . ments theirpr•prsgraunwi?proouethu, 'toh. Beloucd, 1t God fo loued vs,we ought verrc,u. /oh. (res ) For hee that keepeth his corn· al1ooneto loueanother. . . mandemcnts dwelleth in him and hee in Ch. Holl!can God m•nifejl hu kllet•vs, he him. • being aJPiritinvifible? . verrc.ra. Ch.Howmay weeyowthatqoddwelleth in vs, 'fob, No man hath feene God at any ume: andwe;, him? [nenertheleffi] ifweloueo~e another,[that ua J.h. Hereby wee know that hee abideth ftgne] thatGoddwellethmvs, andlusloue1s ·n vs by that fpirit [of jimllification, wher•- perfect mvs:[r.rharloH< whcr~wJth b./ouerh," I_ ,___ - - rhro11g_h-