Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

vcrfc I3. v~rfc 14. verfc •r• A£igne ofour prayers gramrd va,ifGod doe tuc beare them. verfe 16, vcrfe 17. verre 18. f1.8 vf CafeofConfcience. which hath not the Son ofGod,hathnot life, 'A [ An<(;oconc!Hde J thefe things hane I written vnto you that beleeue in tlie name of the Son ofGod, tbatyemayknowth<tyehaue lifee– ternall,and that ye may beleeue [i.inmafiin fatt h] in the name ofthat Sonne of God. Ch. How can we ha~telife. eterneJitnow, that arefomijirable, andfofuOofwanu? lob. And this is that a!furance that wehaue in him;that ifweaske any thing according to his will, he hearethvs. Ch. How maywe /uzow that God~ranttthoHr prayers~ mAde according tohis will I lob, Ifwe know that heheareth [thatis ( .u B it were) togiue an tAreto fJHT prayers, Jwhatfo... euer we aske,we know that we haue the peti– tions which we hauedefired ofhim [though the things 'Which wea.~d. benotgiluf!lvs inmetifHrt, andmanner, andtsme in which wea&~dtbem. J Ch, Ltt vs heare an example of thofi things which GotiroiBgrant,whenweP'"Y· bh. If a man fee his brother finne alinne that is notvnto death; [thatts, which maybte p•rdoneti,] let him aske [pardon in hisbehalfi,] , ana he fhau giuehimlife for them th•r linnor I vnto death ; there is a lione vnto death [after,; whichnecej[arily damnationfoHoweth, .uthefinne againft the holy Ghoft: J I f•Y not that thou C fhoulde(l pray for it, Ch. B_ut isnoteueryfinn< aJinRetodt•th? /oh'. All vnrighteoufuelfeisfin[andtherefore dejirnethdtath:J but there is a linne not vnto death; [nameiy,thatwhich ispordonedinChrift.] Ch. Wefiar< ieft.w• bauuomnfitttdthisJi!U1e which il to death. Job, We knowthat whofoeuer is borne of God, Gnncthnot: buthee that is begotttn of God, keepethhimfelfe, and that wicked one [Sath4n Jtoucheth himnot. [i,dotb bim111 vi.– /ence,or he cannotgiJ« himadtAdly ~WunJ.] Weknow that wee are of God, and this whole world lyethin euill: [th4tis,ilsferuitude 'Under Sathan andfinne.] Ch, HowfhtWyo~<th~tyour<uf.6•il~ I.h. Wee know that thc.Sonneof God is verfe zo; come, and hath giuenvsaminde tokno\Y,hitH that is true,and we are in him'thatis true:that is,in his Sonne Iefus Chrift: this fame-41bat very God, and that.eternafllife.' -" -\ -1J Ch. HOWI>J")'We k!<peo•rfillies inGot!)"imd neuercommitthefinRet~-ileAth f .. i lob, Little children,keepeyour felue~from verfe ,,, Images, [whetherth'J~<ofj41jigods, or of the trne G1d.] ~"' l, ;:v.:, •', \.- PSALMEXV. .. Jehou•h. D~t~ud, 0 Iehouah! who!halldwell [ as?'i~rimes verfc' r– dwell in tents J in thy t-abernacle, [the ' Ch•rch nnlita1tt I J who!hall reil in thy holy mountaine, [the k,ingd•me of heliUm rJ -leho. Heth, twalkechperfettly, [that-is, hewhichleaderh themtrfoofhu life tJprig/>t!J.J Dau. Who uthe11prightmaR? __ 19o. He thacworketn righteoufnes[actor. nrfe z. tlif(to the cs~nm;md~ments of the ftcond ttlb/4,] Sincerity and fpcaketh toe truth in hisheart ["'hethin- ~r life io ~th..hisheartt~ndrqngHe;rgr~ti~g.] . :~~:ft., Dau, By whatnotes"'"::! 1hu"'f"tht •anbe andholi· k_nowne,tftlll"'.hoil he! ; · .. ' nea:u · Jeho. I. Hee that llandereth not with his ""''of tongue: II. nor dothhurttohisndghb<iur.: 1"t.i.. II_I. nor receiueth a falfc reportagain!l:llis ~,;f•l· neighbour. s..,. 0 I V, In wh<>fe eyes a vile perfon, [~nvn, notesof g•d!Jtlltli'llnr/thteot~~mi#f] is contemned, but ·~ vp. hehonoureththem chat feareGod: V. Hee ::fbt that hauing fworne to his owne h.inderance, .:z.., changeth not. VJ, Hethat giues not his moneytovfiuy t VII.Neithertaketllreward ofcheinnocent. verfc f• Dau• .Arethtftnotes infoOible? leho. Herhatdoth thefe things,fballneuer vcrfc 6 bee mooued, [jha/1abitl. in G•tls fawMr for ' tuer.] A