Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

A BR IEFE DISCOVRSE TAKEN OVT . . . OF THE WRITINGS OF H.ZANCH!f/S: Wherein the 3forefaidcafe ofConfcience is difputed and refolued. Alli:rtion I. A rtmplytobediOiked: butiothatmeaning, in Onelythe ElefJ, andall uf thtm, not •nely truly which thcyvndedland them, they are no way mtrybee, but alfo are in thattime which God to beapprooued. For they take afpeciallreuebathAppointtdtheminthi<lifo, indeede af[ured lati<>n robe this, if God willlignific and fay o/theire/eflion to ettrna/J life in Chrifl: and exprelfely to any, either by fome Angel! outthu u dent not onewayout many waits. wardly, or by his Spirit inwardly, that he is prede£1inate to life:after which fort they hold, • E E C.y that the E/efl Athat Paul and a few other Saintshad the(r pre- /one may bee, and indwk de£1ination reucaled to them. So they conare, madefl<re oftheir eleclnde, that becaufe euery man hath not his et/ion: that fo wee may ltt'lion reuealed to him after this manner ,that exclude the Reprobate all men cannot be affurcd of their election, hypocrite• : tor conlij But theyare deceiued : for God, not onely by dering they are no: ele- , this one manner which they fpeake of, doth cted, they can neuer bee truely perfwaded B reueale his will and his counfels,but by many: that they are elected. I fay truely 1 becaufe for God r<uealeth things,either bythe inward itmaycometo pa!fe that many mtheir o~me infpiration ofkis Spirit, or outwardly by his thinking !hall bee predoainatc: yet tn rr)lth word: or both inwardlyandoutwardly by inthey are nor perfwaded fo: for they are deward andoutward eifet'ls.By his fpirit he did ceiood. Wee baue an example in temporary infpire his Prophets , and open many things 1 Cor.•· ChrH\ians, who thinke of themfelues that to come. And Chri£1 !aid to his Apo£1les, as ;.:';.b 11 they beleeue in Chri£1, bnrtruely doe notbe· concerning the holyGho£1: He fhallleade you lob.}6. , 7 • · • leeue:forrheir faith is inhypocrilie, and fora into alltmth. Bt his word he fpal<c vnto the ,,, time only. Wherefore a true and cenaine perProphets, and in like manner,by his word hee fwafio>n ofelectioncan aeuerbefdl any ofthe teacheth vs his will. Alfo by diuerselfe<ts,h• . reprobates: becaufc the tme perfwalion o declareth either hismercieor his iu£1ice: as it heauenly matters, comes of the holy Gho£1; is knowne. The fame mu£1 be thought of the which neuer ped\vadeth any falfe matter: reuealingofhi~fle<'lion: towit,thatGodreWhereforehowcanreprobatesbeporfwaded uealeth the to his elect, by the holy that theyare ele<'led?This conlidcred,itisnot Gho£1, by the I"Ord, and by the mo£1 cerraine ami{fe, that we attribute this pcrfwalion (of C effectsofpredc£1ination. which we now fpeake)eo the elect alone. We The firll tellimony, by whichGod afl'oreth adde furtber, thau/1 the EleGf,not onely "'"Ybe, vsofourelection, is the inward te£1imonie of bHtareindeede m•dejim!Jftheir ElcEfion: which the Spirit,ofwhich the Apo(Hefaith, Rom. 8• . mull: bee demon£1ratiuely confirmed agJinlt r6. TlxSp,irit(uj'God)tejlifiethvntoo•rJPirin, . Schoole-meo,and other oor aduerfaries. We thatweare thuhildrcnof God. Now what is it ( fay ,this isdone in the timeappomred; becaufe tobethe fon ofGod, but fir£1 ofall to be prethe Elect,beforc theybe called to Chrilt, arc de£1inated to be the childe of God by adopti• neuer fure of their election :• nay they neuer on,and then to be made•actually thefonne of thinke ofit; as appeareth in 'Paul before hee Godby fairh: and lo!Uy bythe fame fpidta/fo was called,aad inothers.Againe,in like man. to beregenerate as Gods children are, and to ner aftertheyhaue beene called; yetnot pro. put on the namrcofthe fonne of God, or ra- · fently are made·fure of their election: but therthefonne of~odhimfdfe,as the Apoate · fome fooner,fome later. La£1ly,we adde,thA~ D fpeaketh? Therefore.the holy Gbo£1, whilctl: it isdone manywaies,what they are,(ifnot perhe inwardly boareth record vnto our fp1rits, fect/y, yet in part) I will afterward !hew. that is, t~our minds being enlightened by his Nowletvscometethcmatter. light, that weearethdoanesofGod, mo£1 · The Schoole-men demand whether a man plainely rcuealeth that we were pred<£11nate •Cor. a·. may bee made fure of his Ele<'lion. And they from all eternitic ro adoption:for men lm: not "· determine that a man cannot, except it be by made thtfonnes of God by faith, norregene- ~~.'n. 11 ' diuine reuelation: becaufe 'J'mleflinati•fl is in rate to l?cthe fons ofGod, nor put on Chri£1, TheeGod,and not in vs. And no fnan knoweth the excepHhey be fir£1 of all p'rede£1inated to alelt by. things ofGod,but the fpiritofGod:as nomao doption. And there can be nothing morecerthe ..a•. kooweth the thiQgs of man, 'but·the fpirit ·of taitie then this te£1imonie: for who better %~"h r: maawhichisinhim. Ag.rine,who>knowesthe knowetht~e thingsofGoo, his counfels and Ghoft 0 mtntle ofthe Lord?1:horefore(fi!thev)forrie deCI'ees,thcn tlxJPirit ofGod.whicliftarch,th all , cor,'· are nud: fpeci'all reuelation is needfull. [f ali)'deiir~ to things;y.a ihJde~pethingso{God? therefore he to. rur:of becertifiedleith6rofhis owne,QfOfany other can moll: cenafnly rtucfile vnto cuery one of ~i~~.clc· ~aos prede!Hnltion , their ·fayings are not vs the certcntieofour election.And ht 'cai1not ------------------~----------~------------------~0~0 2 _______d•ceiue______