Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

430 eACaftofConfcience. ~~~~~~~~~~ deceiue vs inreuealingit: for he is theffiritof A fliaation: namely, by the holy Ghoflwithin Joh.t6, truth: whichcan neither deceiuo nor bee de. our heans,bearing record vnto vs,that weare '3· ceiued. If an Angd from heaueA fhould be the fonne~of God in Chrifl, and by Chrifl. fenttothee, as he was fent to M ary , aud as And lctthts be the firfl: argument alfo feruing he fpake vnto thefathers, and fhould tell thee to confirme cur a!fertion. ' in the name ofGod,that thou were eleaed to The fecond way, by which Gcd reuealeth The,_ life euerlafling: wouldefl not thou fay that to euery man his predeflination, is by hi• let! out thou couldefl not then doubt any loRger of word. I mcane not any particular word by of •h• thyele8:ion? But fomuchthe morecertainc w~ichhee do~h declare to any outwardiyin ~<>,;:;£ 1 isthe teflimonie ofthe Spirit, which beareth pnuate&.fpectall manner,and that in exprelfe <heir c6record to eur fpirit, that we are the fonnes of words, h1s eleo!bon: butthe general! word of fci'"'' God ; by how much the holy Ghofl doth the Gofpell, by which Chrifl calleth all them making more know the thing• of God then any angel, which lJ<;l<eue in him,el~a,both by himfelfe, ;~~;~;., andcan le!li: deceiuc then an angel. And fo andby h1sApofl:les, as m the new Teflament adcng<b inuch themore fure is this teftimony,confideeuer~ where is mofl manifefl.For although in <bey moy ring it is not kept jn the bodily earcs,where it B par~1cular ~ropo!iuons he fry not to thee, or bc:ccr. might foone vani!h away , but in our miode tohlmparttcularly, Thou art eleftroeternall tamely and fpirit1becaufe tloc fpirit beareth record to life : yet by meanes of generall propo!itions ~·~wf our fpirit. And further, thatthe holy Ghofl he doth as well conclude in ~he heart of euery ,~,i."p,... neuer departeth from our fpirit, but dwelleth one that bcleeueth, thathe,. eletled, as any dcfima<i• in vs, abideth in vs, fpcaketh in vs, lbeweth ma• fhall be able to conclude vntoparticular on. forth hi! power in vs, prayeth in vs. TheremeA! that euery one ofthem is a liuing creaR 8 I fore the Apofl:le {;ith,that we hau.t receiueJthe ture mdued wtth rca,.,ott by th,·s ge1Jerall pr 1 ~.m. ' JPirit ofaJ.ptiop,bywhich wecry, Abba, Father: po!ition:Euerym•n u~ re•fonablematHrtmJ:.: Gal-4. 6. as thougl] he fhould foy, thisteflimonie of the tdwithreafon : the affitmption being fuppreffpirit is altogether fo fure,by which hebeareth fed.Ther<fore after this manner dealerhPod; vs record that wee ate fonnes of God; that Hee hath chofen all and cuery- feuerall man prefentlY. witho~t doubting we can call vpon whom he was to indue with faith, to haue the God,and crie,.&bba,Father. And all the elea euerlafting inheritance. haue this teftimony, being made the foones of Furthermore, bee publilhed it to all theEGcd by faith l and being renued by the holy left by the Apo4les in this generall propofi. Chofl,.&: ingraff,d into Chrifl. Fot fothe A. C tion, th.rallthefaithfu/1 aree/eCl to mrna/Jlife. pofllc fpeaketh, Ifany m~nhaue notthe fpiThe' aflumption is conceal«\ in the word of •Th" ritofChtin:,he is not his :therefore,whofoe. Gcd. But when he giueth vs faiih, hemaketh ;~:r uer is Chrifls,and is ingraffed into Chrifl,it is euery one of make an a!fumption by applies nccea'arie bee fhould haue th,efpirit of God. h1mfelfe mh1smmde: ButI -ifthefaithf•N: ,b, geneAnd whofoener haue.recciued and doe inioy for I finde in my felfe that I truely beleeue in ,.u pro- }~f.ff~~~r~~h~~~~~J,t~h~~~~e;~~~~~~f!:.'.:~ ~~~~~r,;:,~f~~~~~~.'~t:,i:h!~~r~~~j~!~:~;: ~~r:lr,, ofGo:l,and makes them to crie .dbb4,Father. m rnaHlife?eueo Gcdhimfelfe: thepropofitiAnd it is certain< , that no man isrcnoed by on beingtaken forth ofthe Gofpel, and theafthe holy Gltofl:, which is not perfwaded that fumption proceedeth ofthe gift offaith. But God is his molt merciful! and mofl: louing Fathat indeede by which we properly attaine to ther: and therefore can call vpon him as a Fathe knowkdge ofthe matter contained in the ther. Therefore although all men in that they conclu!ion, is the»llda'le tearme,astheycall it. are alfured by thecertainty offaith, that God Wherefore it is manifeG:, that God by the is their Father; and theyare hisfonnes,do not w?rd ofhis Gofpcl,where hefaith;that ~n the thereby argue and conclude that theyarc de- D fa~thful/are elel1:doth reuealc toeuery faithful d:ed to eternall lite; yet all men _indeede baue m~n Jl!~owne predeflination. On7ly this one thereby a fnre teflimony of thetr eled:wn to thmg rsto be rcqu1ted, thatthe fa1thfull man glory : becaufe if they be the fonnes of God, hc.ariog the vniuerfall propo~tion , in his they are alfoheires of.eternall bf~. !h!Stefllm~nde fhould make an alfumpt10n. 'liut.I •m mony I will briefly comprife w11hm thiS de- •~thfdbJih<gift andgrfl<eofGod. AndJS~t monll:ration. W nofoeuer call vpon Gcd,a~d God. fa!d to haue reueakd to cu<ry man h~• in their hearts crie .Abb•, Fathet, they ore the fpec1all maled11~hon mthJSgencrall propoliufonoes ofGcd and it is certainc that they thus on,'Dmt. •7· z6.CurjiJweuery one thauloth not crie by the fpi;it ofGod. And they which are continHein•U rhings thatarewrirre• inthub,.k.t, the fonnes ofGo1, arc alfo heires ofeternall although he fay to no man fpeetally, th~u art life, and they haue bin predeflinateto adoptiaccurfed f for eu~ry one doth make thiS afon : therefore it mult needs bee, that all they fumption;h.r h•u •ccurfid, becaufe he kn:-wwhich are perfwaded, that they arc thefonoes eth mo~ccrtamdy that hee doth notcontmue ofGod by tlieholy Ghofl, are predeflinate to in.all things that ate wn~tenm the booke of ctcrnalllife,and mufl: be perfwadcd ofit. This the law.Therefore the fchook-menarcdcqet· isthe,firfhefl:imony& the firfl way, by which ued, when they fay, lt ';'•Y b~ that e~ery man .:G:>d reuealeth to eucry elect ma~ his predemaybe fureoffuseltchon; namely,1fG0 D I which _____.:-.