' They which do tt~Jelybe. leeueJ know that they bclecue. rVf C'!fo of[onfcience. whichisable,will rhieale it to him : yet, that A in which generally hee faith that all the f•ith· hedoth oi1ely reuealilitto a very few, as the full arecleCl:, doth reueale to euery man his ApofHes:for Goil(as hath liee."c!pri>oued and Election: 'conficlering that the propolition declared)euenbyhis word,in geqerall'propotaken outofthe Gofpell is molt certaine, and litioils'doth reuealet<>'euery_manh'iSprede!lieueryfaithfull man may certainely a!fume to nltion·: ·for what ci!l be more certaine then ·himfelfe; tJjat he is indued with true faith in this demon!lrationi?'~Whofoeuer CJoe tru.ely , Chri({. · · . beleeue in ChrHl'!tll"l.·areeled tdet,HtiitU !ife ·: Thethird way by whichG~d reuealcth' !:o By :he in Chri!l: bu.tJltiuly•tid"ue·iil'9>r1!~:'there• eueryCine-ofvs liis prede!lination, is oy 'the dfelle of fore~am·e!eCl:ed. •!Burfomem?k~ali-'excepti- <e'ffellsofprede!lination,as well inward in vs, ~:=~~- on and fay' that -t.!iis were adem0n"ftrat'ioil :.n outward": 'by'which,as by certainemarkes man may and that moft certiiin\l and cuident; if it m'an :!"mpri1lted in vs,liedoth fealevs,that ifw~ lhal •a:her might be able to know that hee W~e- if!dndl ·gtiiedtligerit heede~~e may thereby euidentlf hill pre. with true fairh in Chrilt; but here Iyeth all the perceiue, that we are fet apartfrom the corn- ~~~ina:i. di(licultie. For manythinke that they truely ;mon forrofmen, which is often called by the beleeue inClirilt, whereas neuerthelctfe their B name ofthe world : that weare fore· knowne faith is hypocriticall and temporarie : asap· for his fonnesfliq'd Jotted in Chrifl:,and prcdepeareth by the Euangelllls. "'·' ·, · ftinated tot't~tdall Iife;yea, &that we apper, .Anfwer. Wee graunt that they\llhich belta·ine no lenger to the world, f>ottq that Citie leeue by ftiCh a faith, which is in hypocrilie which iraboile,thath-.h hwfo~tnilatt:dtl,as the A" and onely lafleth for a time;. tbanhey are pofl:le faith, Heb.n.ro- And we lf.•ueatwodeceiued whileft they thinke that they doe fold reafon of this argument : one, becaufe truely beleeue, and yet doe notindeede: for thefe etfells (ofwhich we fpeake, and which theyarelike thewwhich dreamethatthey are we wil afterward handle)God workethnorin kings, when as they arc very beg~at's: but we anx,but in i]i$ eleCt; as alfO:afterward we will fay,that theywhich~eleeue by a true faith,do 1hew. Therefore by right a man may,by atru~ know whether they truely belceue er no: and feeling and experience of thefe effe6ts in himthey'are not deceiued when they fay &thinke felfe, bee ailhred of his particular ele.'lion that they truly bdeeue. For they are like vnand predefHnation, to haue fellowfhip with to them, whichhandling a preciousltone, by . Chri!l in all his graces. For ifpredeftinatiou reafon that they areindued with fenfe, know (as .Auguftinewitne!feth) bea preparation to andfay, that they handle it. And if rioman C thebletsings_ofGod;bywhichmoftcertainly might certainly know whether heebeleeued I' they are made.free, whofocuer are made free, truly or not, why doth the Apoftlcfay, 2 Cor. therefore ' w\Jofoeuer feeleth himfelfe freed ~3·r-Trjy•urfll~tll>thctherye6ein theFaith? 1 thrbugh thefe'graces ofGod, may' bee afl4red And ifit bee fo, no man can euer certainely and certified ofhis predeftination. The other know, whether bee bduftified : confidering . reafonis,thar thefe eif<e~lsare not onely theefthat th<y onely which truely beleeue, can be • 1 1 feas fimplyofpredeflination,but alfo fuch efiultified. And if a man giuing credit toana• fells they are, that may alfo bee feales of it : ther mans word, doth cerrainely k"ow, that namely, imprinting iavs a liuely forme and i· he beleeuethhim: how much more dethhee mage of G 0 D,fore-kuowingvs, louingvs know it, which being indued with true faith eletling vs- And therefore albeit we canno; by theholy Ghoft, beleeucth the Gofpel? In feethe purp,ofe,the fore-knowledg,the elellia ward, Godly writers haue prooued againll on_imd prl:ili:fbnation of God as concerning Schoolemen,tha~theywhtch a~e indtied with oor felues, in G?d himfelfe fore-knowing, truef:.tth tn Chnlt cannot b<:c Ignorant of tt. wtlhng,and c:leDmgvs: yet we may behold in But(fay they) no man is certaine of hisperfeourfelues fome fure reprcfentations ofal thefe ueranceinfaith:andthereforeoutofthisvni· D itnprinted, and euen !tamped in vs by the uerf.t~l propolirion,He<which beleeueth,nameword: and fo ~y the beholdingofthefe formes ly, With a true and conltant faith, u elefled to and imprefsions in ourfclues,we fhal ealily be life, no man can conclude that he is elected, brought to the knowledgeofthofe parternes ?Y.rea!on that albeit he may know, that bee (as it were) which are in the Lord himfelfc: IS mdued wtth true fatth, yet hee cannot tell The matter (by reafon it is very good and wh~ther it ll>all be perpetuall. This collecticomfortaple)may be declared by a limilirude: onts abfurd, and the learned haue fi>lly prooG 0 D is like vnto the Sunne in regJrd of vs: ued, that true faith is perpetuall. And there· the Sunne when it fhineth vpon vs,and after a fore they which certainly know,thatthey befort Iooketh v• in the face, it doth after fuch leeue in~ true faith, are alfo cerraine, that the a fort imprin~ an image ofhis lightin our eyes, fame thetr true fatth 01allneuer penlh m tins that we alfo'mltkemanner bemg made partaWorld: partly for the promifeofGod, ler.;>• kersof his light, may fooke againcvpon the 40. 1W1il put myfeare ine. theirhe4trs, thatthey funneit felfe, and vpon his light: for the light mayneuer depa;tfrom mee: and partly for the ofthe Sun and his beames being fcnt downe prayerofChnfi, Luk! ••· 3z.l hauepr"Jedfor vpon vs,arcbeaten backe and reflelled againe ~hee'J!e;er, thatthyfaithd.e notfaile. Seeing it towards the Sunne. So in like manner the tsfo,tt u verycertaine,tllat Godbyhis word, fore-knowledgof God,by which he hath and Oo 3 would The cf· fells cf pre~t.ii.. rat1on which :.rein vs, :~.re like fealesim. printing rh.: image ofGcdJ elcdion inn.