·ruf ctife of [onfcience. d-.y--of_r_e_d-em- - -p-ti_o_n.-A--,,~ .t~is_e_a~fi~e-to~d~if<~ce~r-n_e_a_A~c~l-ea~n-e-,-~p-at~ie_n_c~e'in-a~d~u-er~fi~tre~ · -,-.n-d~bo~-a~fi~i-ng~in right feale from a counterfeit, {o the true tribulation, all good workes.andfruits ofthe "foulesof.God(by.the fcaling ofthe fpirit) are fpiritiadd.,hereunto the crotfe it felfe, which dillinguilhed from hypocrites, and law.fu!l wcbearcforthetruthoftheGofpel: wherechildren fr.om bafiards. , fore, wh<>fower fedeth that he is elfellually The . .It remaineth, that wee !hould declare fame called,that he cloth willitigly heare the word, chicfc effet'h of predeltinati6n:' by which , as by that he doth beleeue the•Gofpel, that het is clfetb ?f markes a11d feales,the Eltff may be difcerned fure oftbe remifsionofhis'finnes,rhat he bur- ' predenb. from Reprobates. The firfi effeCl: ofPredefiin<th with true lotle to his neighbour, .that he :&:;htb~ nation, isChrilthimfelfe; ashee isaMe~iais benno euery good work; bee cannot but elelhre tour and a Sauiour dwelling in onr hearts' b,Y mu~needs be perfwaded ofhis ele&ion: for difcerned hisltoly fpirir. For ~s we are elected in him; God ohely dorh communicate thefe vnto the , ~~~~.,.•h• aud by him redeemed; fo by the fpriAkling of elect. 1'hereforeit is plaine,thatthe elell are bare. his bl<>od,wcare clen.fed& fealed: and by his confirmed in tlo!e atliuance oftheir elellion, dwelling in vs quickened, (for bee is our life, by the ctfetls of Preddlination , and that and thareternall)and therfore we are feuercd Il there is a three-fold way, ·by which God re. 433 from Reprobates which alwaies remaine in uealeth to eliery man his Prede!lination. dcath,as inthe holy Scriptures we are taught· But ifaRy fhall take an occafion the rather T~!1• We fay thatthis is the 6rlt effect of predefiiof doubting ofhis elcl:lion, then of confirnation, becaufcwe can inioy no•e ofthegifts ming himfelfe in it, ofthat which hathbeene ofGod,either ofelection,vocation,or iufiififpoken as concerning the fruites ofthe fpirir; cation,except in Chrifi,and by Chrill: For he and the cffclls of Predeltination: and that bath poured out all the effects of predefiinaperaduenture becaufe hee can feele in himtioniovs. Inthatthcrefo~e eucryelect faithfelfe few and very weake fruir. of regenerafull manfeeleth~brill to dwell in him, and to tion and elellion : yet let him not be difcouquickenhim; he bath a fealein himfelfe, by raged, neitherlet him doubt ofhis elellion: which he may know that he was eleCl:edto e· but let him vnderfet himfelfwith theti: props; uerla!linglife in the fame Chrilt: A parrand Firfi ofall, 1fener hetrulyfelt in himfelfethar beginning ofwhich life, is this.fpiritualllife, tellimony ofthefpirit (which before !'mentiby which we now lioe to God. And as euery oned)namely,that he is the Son ofG0 D'ilet manknoweth himfc:Jfe robe theSenofGod himknowvndoubtedly, thatheisfuchaone, in Chrifi, becaufe he calleth vpon-God from C and thereforeelei.led to eternalllife. For the hisheart as afather : bee mayconclude, that holy Gholt neuer beareth record, or perfwawca!cnet ofour f.mh.as touchin~ our etrr~ mild~.. tlion, ty wbac ftaiccit may he htldvp, heis predefiinated tobe thefonne ofGod for deth a man of that which is falfe , f" he u the Chrifiscaufe. And thatby this tirfi note the fPiritoftmih. And they are not the foimes of Ioh.t~. faithful! may know that they are elect to trer! God, except they haue beenepredtf.in~te (as gb. ' ·S• nallife:the Apo!llcfheweth,Kn.,.yenot(faith the Apollle faith)toadoptionby Chnft: & none s.Cor. he)yourftlues, that le[UIChrift uin;ou, except that is the fonne of God and a man eleCted, •M• ~eebeReprobaw l And nodoubt a type ofrhis can be made a reprobate, and the childe of kinde at fealing, was that fealing which was the diuell. Therefore albeit hee feelc in himdone inEgypt, by the blood of the Lambe: felfc both few and feeble rtf.ctsofregeneranamely,when the houfesofthelfraelites were tion ·, yet let him not doubt of his eledion: fprinckled withthis blood, that they might be otherwife hee fhall difgrace the teltimonie difcerned from the houfes of the Egyptians: which hee bath receiued of the holy Ghoft, and fo be pa!fcd cuer Vntouchtd of the Angel. yea and that too which as yet hee enioyeth: And by Chrilt, asby thechiofe effect; yea,and although l'eraduenture by reafon . that his the caufe tooofall the effects which follow,all minde is troubled by euill affeC\ions, thatte. other elfc&sofpredeltinationare put into vs, D fiimony ofthe holy fpirit can fcarce be heard andwearefealedwiththem. TheApoltlena. in him. For the refiimony of our adoption Rom.S, meth three principles, ourcaOing, (to wit effeby the holy Ghofi , beeing once giuen vnto JO• lluall) our iuftijicatum, andglorification. This our fpirir, laltethfor euer: although is is othird effell, wee fhall obtaine in the life to therwhiles heard more plainly, and at other come, the two firll in this life. And to thefe times is more llender and fcarce pereeiued. two may very well be referred allother,which But how (fay you) may Iknow whether the we receiue in this life by Chrifi:withthe effereltimonie doth proeeede from the holy lluall, wee ioyoe a found hearing ofthe word Ghofi, and therefore whether it be atrue aHd 1 How, ofGod, and the vnderltanding of it, accam· certaine tefiimony? laAfwer.firlt,by the per- 1man "''Y panied with great and conltant delight and fwafion: fc:condly, by themanner of the know ioy:faithalfoanda true knowledge ofthe deiperfwafion: laltly, by the effells of this te- whethei tie, humanirie, and office of Chrilt. Vnto llimony and perfwafioA· For the lirfi, the ~~~:~·· iufiification, ·wee referre a perfwafion of the holy Ghofi dorh not fimply C1y it, but doth which is remifsionofourfinnesby Chrilt (for by this perfwade with vs, that wee are the fonnes giucn of w~are iultified:)and regeneration toe,or fan· ofGod ; and no fle01 can doechis. Againe, ~:· ~;;;:.; ll!ficat10n,and renouation oflife,a good conhe perfwadcs vs by reafons drawne not from fpicit ot fetcnce, loue not faigned, a pure heart and our workes,or from ~ny worthine!fe in vs;but nor, Oo 4 from