••a four reddliw :moo. be T .. to w "'" whieh eo are rediftiate.how n m the '"Y y be, nd " hieb. . a eo on ctence 435 eteroallife,before the foundatioofthe world. A in a certain~ peculiar manner, by the holy Alfertion. !I. Ghofr,called,and i:>lli'ied,and gloriJied.Now WhofoeHer~tre predeflin>itedtotbe end,t!nl ar~ there are fome certair~ meanes annexed vmo 4/fopndejli1111te to the me4Res,w•tbout wh~e tbey thefe, which albeit they hace no place in in· ,11111101 atttfinetrJthemd:&th~rfore tU the eletl nefants,by reafon of their age, yet they belong ctrifJAt lengthdocome vnto tlie e11d,by re.tfonqf to all other clect,howfoeuer theyare found in t ><certainryoftheireMiwnJo •lfo by reifonefthe fome more plenteous and liuely, and in other fo"'ecerrmty,it;.nece!fory that they fhouldbetra· fo~ne more Oender & woake.As namely,a liue cedthrough thoft "''""' whi<h'tedto thefome end. ly faith,thc hearing ofthe word,a detefration Wc mufr markc the end to which wc are prcoflin,the loue ofrighteoufnes,patience in addefrinate,and towhich we fay thatone day we uerlitie ,a care to do good works(& fuch like) I hall be brought : for there is adouble end of all which the Apo!He comprehendeth vnder I ourdection:rhe one conccrneth theele€! thethe name ofgood workes;when he faith, that felues,namdytheir glorification,ortheir eter· we are Cr.t{fttd, that.is, borne aAew..in Chrill, nalllife and glory inheauen; of which isfpovntogoodwork£s,whichGodhathprtpared,tp#w• Eph.&,l> ken,Rom.8. The oiherconcerneth God him· B might walk£U.them,that is,rhat we might leade felfe which choofeth , namely the glorie of ourliues in them, and fo walkingat length God:that is,that theglory ofhis grace maybe might come to tteroalllife; for without them known,andeternally made manifefr,ofwhich we cannot cometo eternal glory;but by them is mention made, Eph.t. Both ofthem are fo God traileth vs thithc~.Therefore we fay,that coupled togither, that whofoeuer are praoeleall which are ek<tto that end, arealfo prcdectcdto thcfirfr,are alfo predefrinate to the !atfriaatc to the fame meanes. For prcdefrinati. ter,and the latter followeth ofthe former.For on is n!Jt onely of the end , but alfo _of the the more wee !hall be made pa<rakers of the ,meanes which concerne the end;andat,aswel graces ofGod& the heauenlyglory, fo much the end as the means, are the dfects ofpredealfomoreaud morefhallthe gloryofGod be !l:ination. And therefore ir: isvery true,which made manifefrinvs.Butbecaufethe end which Angufiine faith, Predellination (faith he) is a conccrnethGod,is almofr a\ one in the repropttparation to the graces ofGod, by which bationofthe wicked, & in the predefrination theyindcede are freeq whofoeuer are freed. Th< firfi ofthe Saints: namely, that by the faluation.of Therfore, the firfr gift ofGod(that we may beoe6tof thefcwhich prnceedeth ofhis n1eere goodnes, briefly confider the effects ofpredel1in>tion) God.pre .. theglorieofhisgrace is mademanifell:fo alfo · c preparedfor all thedect, withoutwhichrhey dofhna~ by the iuft damnation oftheotlier, ·the glorie can in no wife come tothe end, is Chrifl. and tingn, of his diuine iufrice maY bee made kr!<>wne therefore the firfr ejfefJ of pretkj/ination is o11r is Chriil toal. Neucrtlielelfe,conlidering that the.end, Lord1 if UJ ,withhU obedimct,merits,de4tb,rtfor_ towhich the cle€! fhlllattaiJte, is farre diuers rtfJioriglori~ :n4mtly)in that rej}eEl he.e iJ mt~d'e from that(forit is ettrnalllift)vnto which the MediP.tourbetweeneGsdtheF11th:r @dvs,& the reprobatesare appointed (forthat is e'ernalj he•dofall theeler1.And therefore in as mucnas death:)thereforethe end<>fwhich we treat irt hcis fuch a one, he is alfo the caufeofalother thisalfertion, is our eternal! glorification and graces & benefits, which come vnto vs by the euerlafring life in heauen. . fteepredellim1tionofGod. For the< tftcts of Letvs now fee in the fecond place, what are predefririation are fo ordered among themthofe meanes, bywhich the elect are brought felues;thatthe firfr, whichgoe betore,are the I vmo this cnd:and therefore to which meanes ' ~aufes dficient,or(ifwe wilfo fpeake),he ma we hold , that allare prcdefrinate whofoeaer t~~iall c,IUfes ofthe latter,& t~ofe that.foUvw· are predefrinate to the end. And they are of Th~rfore,feeing Chrift is thdirft eft<" et ofpretwo forts, fome ofthem are fo necelfary vnto d.efrination,h~ i~alfo the caufe ofail other ef. al,that without the no man limply can attaine D fects,by whomwe are made partakers oft he. Vntoeternal life& glory:and they are Chrifr, The Apofrle thcrfore fJithverywell to theEasheis Mediatourandhigh Priefr, and his o. phefiis:In the firfr place(faithhe)11'tareeleileJ bediencc& iufrice (for wichout Ch~iftno man iuCbr1ft,namely>as in the head,ro be his merJl - "ph.r.'.j. c•n bee faued: ) alfo out etfecball calling to bers.Sec6dly,he writeth that we are prcdefri- &c. Chrifr by the holy Ghofr:and that which folnate to adoptio by Chrifr, namely, to obtaio> lC>weththis,is ouriufrificatio!l,yea and our reit,for we arc adopted into the fonnes o\God generation too.For thefe foure, predefrinatiin Chrill,the firfrbegotten SonofGod, &: by oo, vocation, iufl:ification, and glorification, ma~iugv$ partakers ofhisfonne·fhip,we are G•~•.6, are fC> linked togither,thatit is notpof;ibleto really made the founes of God,yea,and wearc feuer the one from theother. And therfore no alfo indued with his fpirit-,roo, that.wc migh; mancan beglorified, which is not iufrified,~ -.b.e borne anew.Thirdly(faith h'e)we are made no mmcan be iufrified,which is not effectuall- · acceptablt & beloued vnto the Father, & His 1 ly called,as alfo no man can be effectuallycal~. _beloped fonnc, namely Clrrilt. Fourthly,t~at led which is not predefrinate:therefore.withwe haue.our-redemption in the fame Chrifr, out thcfe not fo much as childre& infants can by his blooc.j, 'l.nd baue obtained rcmifsion of bebroughttothisendof eternal! glory. And finncs,and al wifedome and vnderftanding-,as therfore euen al the electinfants areinwardly, . wel itl hcauen,asin eartJ\. In aword,the Apo- !lie