Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

If, l..Tim. 1.9. Rom,S. jG. eACafe ofConfcience. V, file fheweth there (as alfo elfewhere) that A qo~:and thatthis is not done whilewe are in whatfueuer benefits we doe,or fhall hereafter thts world , bur by the pardocing ofall our obtaine, counting from oureterRall ekdion, faults,and by theimputation ofhis perfed 0 • euen vnto our glorification: all thofe we now bedience. Wherefore it mufl needs be that doe, and fhall obtaine hereafter, in Chrifl, all the elcd fhallbeiuflilied, and be taken for and by Chrifl. Therefore,whofoeuer are elemofl pure all<! without blame in G 0 ds pretted in Chrifl, they are alfo predeflinate to fence. ·Chrifl, that is, to haue fellow!hip with him .Withi#}lljicati•niluyntdregt•eration,&fon. that they may by him enioy all other ben<- <lifi<attonby the holJGboft,na;ntly, whiltsW<.Are firs. rn4tle newcreat~eresby him; and thefonnes ofG1 d The ficond benefit if Cod, and effell ifour "" notonelyhyad.ption,b•t•lfoby regen<r4tion. predeftination,ioourejfe<lua/lcallmgt•(hrijl,anJ F0r when Chrifl iuflilieth vs, heedoth not to his GofPel,inwhioh the elell are onelycaRed:beondy forgiuevsour vnrighteoufces, and imcauleitis by the purpofe and grace of God, pure his rig•.reoufnelfe vnto vs, buraH:O hetawhichisgiuenvs in Chrifl. And an etfeftuall keth!rom vs our flony heart, and gtuethvs a callingis knowne by theeffects, rwoofwhich B flefhy heart ofhisowne:and heflrips vs ofour proceede dircB:ly from it: aheartie kinde of old man,and putson his new man. Laflly hee hearing th.e word, and the conceiuingof it rakethawaythecorruptionofonrnature:'and withavery grear,con£l:ant, and continual! demakes vs partakers ofhis diume nature: & fo lighr,and a trnc and fure beliefeofthe wordof indeed ofthe fonnes ofmen , he makesvs the the Gofpel. Thenceiris that Chrifl faith,Wh• fonnes ofGod,and his b'ethren too.Therfore U. ifGod(faith he)narnely ,by eledion a!ldetfeit i>. faid, th:\t we aY<predtjlinateiltoad.ptionby !oh,a. 4 7 duallcalling,he<rcth the wordifG•d,'Very wilIef"' (hrif/,•ndeltllth.r we maybe h•lywithoNt Eph.1.4, lingly, and from his heart,& thatcontinually: biame,anci th<iwhicb isb.,.11tiftbeJPirit,iscaUed 1~&.J·•· Rom.l·1· r.Cor.r. Z,J. but ye hearenor becaufe ye are not of God. JPmt. Therciore thoeleB:edto etemalllife, And this calling is wrooght not oncly of t)le muit needs be begotten anew to bee the fans preaching of the word (as it is in all that be ofGod, and be made partakers ofthe dinine ofyeares) but alfo (and tharchidly) with the narure,and be new creatures in Chrifl. inward infpiration ofthe holy Ghoft., whiles Hence iffiteth thefixt effe<I of predejlinati.n, that the Father ilrawerh them by his fpirit whichuheedfullytoberegarded,rheloueifrighteVI, whom he will haue to come to Chrifl. Which oufi.tffi,andthedeujlati•n if[11111e.For in regene. alfowasfaid robe• doneininfanrs- Forthis C ration, the ajfeUions are principally changed; calling is the beginning of faluatlon euen in namely, the affrctions ofthe corrupt n_ature this life: and thereforeit is the Apoflles manaod llefh, into theaffedions ofthe diuirie naner, in the beginningofhisEpi£l:les, to make ture and fpirit. Hence it is that the Apo!tle mention ofthiscalling,namiAgalthe faithful, faith, thatthey which are borne anew, doe TbtfointscaYtti: Therefore it '!'uflneedts be, WA/Jcyaccordingtothe!Jirit,andnotafrerthejle]b; Roa>.S. that all they wl>ich are eleded Ill ChnO:, mufl and not to foH•ur the thmgs ifthe fief/,, bHt the 1 • and 1 , alfo at lengthetfefr.tally be called anddrawne things iftheJPirit.And the chiefe aftedionsof to Chrill. · · the llefh,arerheloueoflin,tharis,theco~upi-' Afteran ejftlliSallca//ing foOowtth Faith, the· fcence ofthe llefh,andcontrariwife thehatred n!. effellofpredeftinotion, >rhich u [aidto bep«ullar1 1 ofrighteoufnelfe, and the law ofGod, ")lich Tit.•·•· vnto thee/e<l;And without which(as the Apo- • are not oftht Father,butofrheworld.ThereHeb.u.6 £lie faith) it is not pofsible to pleaf<> God. For fbre the chiefe; ffeB:ionsofregc,erarioc, and by it we are ingraftrdinto (hrift,<ndare m4dtt~e the fpirir, arc theloueofrigl\teoufnelfe and of members if{"hrif/, andWithoutfa~th noma»can thelaw ofGod,:uldthe hatred of fin. Fot that befaued; And rh•tthis Is aneff<Cl of predefli- . which is fpoken chiefly ofChrill, ThoNhAj/ 1•- . nation, the Apoflle plainely fheweth, wR<;n D NedrighttoHfoeffe andhatediniq~tity; isto be vn- Pfai,JH t.Cor.7, ne faitli,that he hailobwnedmerm (namely,m derltood ofaH themembers ofChrift,endued tf, Gods eternal! predcfli•lation)tbat·h<migbt bil.' with his fpirj~,becaufe iris triliyaccomplilhed [eeue. Wherefore,whofoeuerare predeflinate ill them. Hence it is, that Da•idwho in himto obtaine eternalllifc in Chrifl and by Chri!t, felfe dorh rcprtfent the difpolition ofall the rhey"are alfo eleded to haue the very gift'of regenerare;fltid ofhimfelfe,/h•H<loRedt~ law, Pfsl.n,. faith. Therefore it mufl needes bee'· that at t~ lawil inthtmiddleo{my heart,[ha•eharedal uJ,& length they fholl.beleeue in Chri£1:. - . · th•work._ersufiniqHity,(wilnotjitwithtbewick£d. ••·!•& IV. Thefourth•benejit 'isi..jlifi<atidn;,afu · Al(o 'P••I, I am dtlighttd,{aithhe, inthe lawif '~'oJ•& , pardoning of o~'"{in~es~ an~ the i'!!pufat~n ofthe God~cordi1g totheilmtrman..tbatis,inasmuch ~~~ 7 • righteo•foes of (;trif/, for ttfo!IUWeth Fasth,, be 0 as I am borne anew. And no man doubteth; ,., caufi whofo,uci afe i•dned with trxe faith in bu~rhat both·thefe atfettions arc the effcfts Chrij(dr<al(o iuftifi•d, A11d th•t~>fllficatiqnis 1 bfpredeflination, except he beignorantthai an eife<t ofprodd}imition; the Apoille fhew- ' ·alhhefeare the gifts ofGod, wluch as m tUJ1e eth when hee putteth it .f:er ca11i~~···before• he beftoweth oahis fo alfo heehathdecrecd Rou•,S. · which be ferteth predejlinaiion. And'lnhen he' ' to be£l:ow them on ;hem before the foundation. fuith,thltl>c<rcelt<l in (llrif/, ~batwimightbe on oftheworld. Erh•I, '• 'hofJ and witQout fpot or bla111e in the prifence of Andft•mthife IIVO ajfeaios,/itingtJ;efirjl fruits V!I. of