Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

·~rufc<!ft Of (onftience. 457 lfrigener~twJ1,ATifethacareand:imftlll{!""• dOl <} hat~e,to IHrrethem vp topr.<yer: fortbe.f!'irit g,_,.w 0 rf<l )hat u,t6 fkfin/&-to fi"fi!ttht lar<. of · lt fc_J fe maketh rcqudHor vs, w.rhgrowmg< GottJP:kichUrh•fiarset~th.ejfe!r.XJflPt;etijJl!itUtion. 1 thatcan~ot bc<vrured~ that is to fay,it mooce;rh Ro:n,8. 1 Forkowhich HatcmanythiAg from htsbeart,• v.nomako req,JCil:.Andbecaofe »<4refon<,God ' 6 • 1 r_ake_t~ heedCoi i~3s moth ;J$tff:~an, .af1d he· ~ubftnt the SpiritrifhU ~onin~o our henr.ts3 cry.. Gal. 4•6~ f!r•r;l.lftom it, and efcbew~oltl~1tlfhd<>n•!l'le , mgA~ba,F;~thcr-AndGodbtddcthv,callvp'n COJlt~'lty,"he wliidh loueth ahy< h"!' m the d•y of tnbulatton, promifing ro heartjt[lat!.lf6,helecketha'fW1',litt<l etrdeaoo_uO hea'rc vs-;lirom thefc proceedeth theninth effdl T~th himf<!lfe totl\e COpafsiegcofir/l'herefdre' ofprcdcj/t>laNon,namciy,a pcrpetudreptntar.cefor ;bq\poll:l• Johm,:maketh thrs·a·chiefc dilfe-' our duiyjlippts, andcontmu.<lldejire to bee bttte- ·r,lob, l• fenCo;.~~twcene.thdims ofGo.d, ~hd the chilred:in godtine!Je. So drat alfo for this caufc: 7 • areodfthe !]Jiue/l,tha~is botW<:j:ne them tha( chtafly, we heartilydefir< to be ihlfo1rred Out are bprne anew: and tH~in rh•t ~re notbdrne ofthis world,& to be with Chrifl for this end, 'an_pw, that the·childrenofGod both lotie and that we might fin no more. Forthis is a thing doe rigbteoufnelfe, und the children ofthe proper to·die elect of Godeucn now borne djuell loue linoe and doe it'i as alfo the diueil B> anew:as we may fee in the Apofrle,who fpeali.nned from the begigning: and Chrii~cim\f keth rhnsin die name ofall the regenerate: 0 tq dilfoluetbe (vorkes ohhe diuell, namcly'in mifonwl"'"'" that I•m,whoj/Ja!l de!JUer mefom his elect; for inthe reprobate he leaueththe•n thebodieoj' rhiodeath! And againe, 1dejireto b'e \'ntquched; becaufe theyare not giuen him of dij]clued, andto bt with Chrifl. _ thc.farher to bepurged,borne anew, & faued: From thio ninth eff~a proccedetiJ the temb, Therefore feeing Chrill:was beforeordained namely, • defiret~.t Chrijf may come,&m•f<t an & predell:inate totbe doingofall thefe W<>rkSj endof~0our miforin andfinnn, andperfe/Jly re. & that tbereis no goodwroughtinvs, which f/ote hu IJWitt 'k! Tbat this is proper to \vasnotprouided forvs in Chrittfroni alelerC tbe elect;the Apoll:le !hewerh, when he faith, · nity:itisaclear~ dafe,thatthe care alfoofdothattlley l<>ue the commingof the Lor<h and ing good workcs, is an effect of,predcll:inati-1 '/oh• bringcrh in the fpoufe of C HR I ST, on. And the A!ioll:le plainly teacheth it when crying,Cqme Lord{cfm,come q•icktty.Yea,and hefai;h, tkAttfH ·•r- cr..nedin Cbrifr to good Chrill: himfelfe hath taught vs to pray:Lettlry :Epb, 2 .ro w..-kt,, which G'odbathprtpar,.d~hat wee m(gbt kj_ngdome come. And IJecaufe that they which w•% in them. .To this purpofe feructh that pray on this wife·, are alfo heard according rp which the Apoll:le deliuereth ofloue vtif•ined, C Gods promife: In the day oftribulation caOvpon Eph.t,,, towhichhe!heweth,that we were ele<'t; & cf me, andlwillhearethee: hence appeamhtlu ,_ I Tim.I. 4goodciitfc~ence: whichhe makes theinfeparale~enth effe/Jof l'redeflinarion, true patiehce,that If. ble cornpanionofthe faith oftheelect. Lafr. fo~noto<elytmecomfort, b:.t •If• a rewycingmadly,ofapure ht4rt, whlch he afcribethtothe euerjitie:.u the Apojlled.fcnberhet.Andtherofore ·Tu,t. 1 1 Iect, confid:ring the tm{Aithfo/1 ht~ue nothing 4 cert~tine vp of courage ~end recouery of ckttntinthem,lOd that tbeirmil'ldeanJconfcience ftrength his cnemies:wherby st commcthto' u defiled.Nowthat tbiscare to dogoeclworks, p.Jfe, tbat allthing<eurne to thefoluation ofthee_ is necelfary in all the elect, Pet<r !heweth it, le/1. For the elect, albeit they be0ftcn beaten when he bids vs to endeauor to mal<! ourele/Jidowil in fighr,yet becau!e Chritl: fpeedily fen- '• Pet,t. •nandc.!lingforebygoodworkt,,as fome copies deth aide from he•p~vntothcm, they rifevp haue. But to whom ihall wee make It fttre l conrag10ufly, & begm aga111e the fight againJ1 notvntoGod(for itwas fure vnto him before linne and the diueU, and all other the enemies the foundation of the world,) but vnto our ofChrill:: and theyfightfo long ,tillthqbemade felucs,and to our neighbours. And this is one conqnert~Jtrs, andar~affitredofthe '1Jtiforie, andof ofthq:hiefell: vfesof good workes, that by thecrowne: »hwhaJ!itrancealfo u an ejfe/Jofpl'ethen:,n~tasbyc~nfes,but as by effe<'ts of!'re- D dtjlmationgiuen toall thee/e/1. For what (tai'h dell:matton& fatth,both we,& alfo our netghthe Apoll:k) 0Jall wee fay to thefe thmg; 1 If boursare certified ofour ele<'tion,.and ofour God be on our fide, who can'bee againll: vs? faluation too.Furthermore,c6fidering whiles Thertfore our Lord Ieft1s teacheth; that the we hauea care to glorifie God, to doe good e[e<'tcan not be feduced, andfo peri!h, no not works, and we will notbe conformable to the by the cunning ofAnrichrifl:, and his mirc:cles. world in the wickedne!le ofit, neither fubmit And lajliy, henceappearerb that /aft ejfe/Jofpreourfelues t091Jt flefhand Sathan: theflefh,the deflmarion, which weecanobtatnfin thi~ life, the world and Satban, do perpetually war againll: gift of ptrjiuerance vnto the end in faith; anda vs;and therewithall it commeth to palfe, they frutconfe!fion of{hrijf,ioyned»itha rn~nifejlcar. bctngmoll valiant enemies,that either we are to liu~agod!J iife,andadefire toglorifie hi;;'· For ouercome,or at theleall: in light are foiled. this gilt is bellowed vpon alltheekCl, as the And therefore we are conll:raioedto flie vnLord promifcd by leremie: I willput myfeart to th~Lord,& to craue hIS a_fst~an~e:ther~re 1. tnto t hezrheart.s>(bat th~· maynor me. theeeghtheffe/Jofeur,predejlmar.aneuhecaBmg And when they !hall co:neto the Clld ofthdr vp.n God, that in thi<fight hewouldgiue v< ':Id' liues, they fl>all be receiued into the heanen. y ?g•mftehedi,.eli,thcworld,andthejlejh. For thts glouc, vnt:ll fi1ch time, as their bodies ailS the propertie of the fpirit '•which theelect fo beeing '"i!i:d vp, they may take 1( 1 11 , .. Vl!J, RoiR.i. X, :z..Tim.: 1,'il. Apoc.n. XII, Rom.S, jl. Mat, 24• .•. XII!.