·1 438 rVf ct!}e of[onfcience. po£fefsic;mofererualllife.Thus wefee thatit is .1\ alfo are predellinate to the means by which · very certame, thatthofe wh!chareclected to/ theycom.,vmoit. And we belecue{as'wem: eternal! ltfe, arc alfo preddbnateto vfe thofe bo11ndtodoe)rhatwe arepredefrinate toorermeans,by which as bycerraine lleps & fraires, nalllife : and therefore we mufi alfo bclouue they climb into that heauenly dwellin~ place. that wee haue beene elected to faith·and good And therefore that wc~w~re.pred~~Jnate to W?rkes, that..by them,a.s bycertaine freps~wci thefe means,namely, f.uth,mlltficatto& good mtghr beb~ought to eternal! life. And rht~eworhs,bccaufe we were elected toeternallife, for·e fo far muft we be from neglecting faith accordinG to the purpofe and grae<: ofGod. a.nd theme<~nes ofgoodworks andofa holy T~:;re Wherefore by this means the doftrine alfo hfe; teat contrariwife,it is rather o•r duty to ohhi• .ofthe Pelagiansisconfmed astcuchiog prekeepefai<b in a geodconli:i<nce and to b-ee-. doa,..e; de!Hnatio to life,by our faith& works,which conuerfant ingood workes, whi~hGod hatli God forefa IV we 0Jould doe. Whereas on the rrepared,that we might walke in them. And contrarie , there God did predellinate \'s to becaufe we can neither attaine to the end nor faith& good works, becaufc he did choofe VS the meanes that bring \'S thereunto ,,f out to etenulllife.Forthe Apofrle &ith not,! ob- B felues: therefore it is our part tocraue them rained mercie, becaufe I was f•ithfdl, 0 " he· at Godshandsby prayer; that he wouldgiue r.Cor, 7 , caufel fhould be faithfull, b~ttthatlm<ght bee vs faith, and acare to doe good workes and z.r. a.it}#/,:/..Neither,fa..i~hhe,thatweareelected in increafe them in v.s. Neither mull: wee ~nely Chrill,becaufe we 01ould be holy and winout aske them, butalfo certainely trult that wee Epb.h l· blame, b:u that wee tmghtbee holyandWlth>ut fhallobtame them for Chrifi hiscaufe. For if biAm•.Neither,doth he fay that we were creafor all them which are predefrinated to eterEph,,. red in Chrifr,bccaufe we did or fhold do good nallltfe, God hath preparedfaith, by which ro, works:butwe werecreated togoodwork!.which treymay beleeue, and good workes to walke Godpr<paredthatwemight walk!inthem.Laf1Jy, in : therefore ifwe beleeue (as by Gods comTit,I·1' he faith pot,thatthe grace of Chrill appeared, mandement wee are bound) that wee are in "• becaufe we were to line fobcrly, iuftly, and Chri!t elected to ereroall glory: we mull algodly, but that it therefore appeared, that we fo be .Perf'vaded,that before we departh'ence denying all vngodline£fe, and the lulls ofthis he.wtll gmevs true repentance, increafe tru; world,mightliuefoberly, iuj/IJ. 4ndgodlyinthu fa!th, mflame vswith loue: lafily,that he will pre[ent world. We fee therefore, that by this mtmf1er Vnto vs aboundantly all things in I doftrine,that wickedopinion is ouerthrowne, C Chrifi, to obtaine the end, Yea, this conliwhich teachtth that wedoe preuent thegrace dencealfoand prayer,itis ooedli:ct ofprede1 ofGod by our.merits whichGod foretaw:and fiination,by which we getthe ufi. Tb~reforc on the cpntrane, here we fee, bow fowlly the tlus dotlnn _'?e mufi hold, thatpredeltmation belly-gods of this world are dcceiued, which to eternall hfedoth not takeaway themeaoes reafon thus: ifwe bepredeilinate to cternall ofobtainingit,butratherdlablith them. And life ' and our predellination be certaine and thereforeboth thek: p~iaciple• arerrue,n~me· vnchangcable, what neede we endeauour our ly, that the elect to life cannot perilb: and {dues, beleeue, ordoe good works? forhow-l volelfe a manbeleeue.in Chril!~and p<rfeu<re focuer ir fall out, and howfoeuer thee!eft do Vnto the end m tlusfalth workmg by loue he liue,vodoubtedlythey cannotperifh, becaufe fhallperifh. Thoreafon is becaufe in pr;dethcy are preddlinatetoet<rnallife.Aias poore f1ination, the meanes and the end of it are fo wretches, they fee not, that they feuerrhoft ioyned together, rhar the one canner be feuet)lingsrhat are to be conioyned, n.lmely, the red from the other. Wherefore whafoeuer end and the meatlCS ofthe end: and that they holdeth not the meaRes vnto theend(amongfi breake thechaine,which in no wife either can which faith is one)it is manifell; that he was or mull beloofed: whilfi that they feuer their D -aeuer predefiinate, and therefore multnoeds calling and iuf1ification:yea,and faith too and pwfh: as on the contrary, he whichholdeth good wotkes, from predelli~ation and glorifaith, muft n~eds .beefaued. So th~ truth of lication. As though God dtd glonfie then; thefepropofiuons1s eutdent. He which belecwhorn he did predefiinate , before he called ueth inthe SoAne hath life eternal!; comrari- I~h. l• andiullified them:yea,and before they can bewife,hewhich belceueth oot in the Sonne, the· 3 ' leeue , and fhew their quicke and liuely faith anger of God ~e~aineth vpon him; becaufe by workes. Contrariwife, letvs learne what as.a con.fimt fa~_rhua figne ofelect10n,fo obout duty is. Ifany bee!eft to eternalllife,tlfey fimatemlidelmets a token ofreprabatton. F I 'l{_I s. Bradfords anfwerto Careies. Careles. I amtroubledwithfrarethat "'Yfinnuare n1t puJ.ntd, 73radford. I hey are,forGodhath giuen thee a penitent and bdeeuing heart: thatis,an heart, which defirerh to repent and bcleeue. For fuch an oneis taken of him (hee accepting the will for the deede) for apenitentand beleeuingheart indeede. Trin' -vniDeog._l•_r_i«_._____ _______ ----·------------------~-