Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

44° OF T_HE GOVERNMENT! / .,. 0 RTHE T 0 NGV ·&~ ' ~--' '1 ~ .• ,.. , . CHAP. I. 'A pl~ingof Chrillcrucifiedwithallhismerits. oj 1 he gcdera/1n/eancs ofrnli:::r., ' o r EiijhawhenheWent vp,G-layvj•nthcflt.tichi/I, , f(iJ!g. the Tongue. ' _ l a~dpmhuiilo~thtohismourh, t~ndhisey?J'Vpo;, 'H4• hu eyessandhu hands"'Pon huhJlllds,&jlretched V~~~~;{);H E· goucrnemcnt ofthe Tongue is a vert;:;p~rtaining to the hoiyvfage oftheTonguc according to GODS Word. And for the well orde– riBgofit,two thingsare requifire: a pure heart, and skill in thehnguage of Canaan. Thepure heart is moll: necelfuie, becaufe it isthe fountaine offpeech, and if the faun- B taine be defiled the fireames that illue thence cannot be cleane. And bccaufe the heart of man by nature is a bottornleffc gulfe of iniquitie, two things are to be knowne: firll:, how it mutt be made pure: and then how it is alwaies afterward to be kept pure. The way to get a pure heart is this: Fir!t, thou muil feriouily examine thy life and thy confcience,for all thy finnes pail : thenwith a heany and bleeding heart confelfe them to God, vtterly condemning thy felfe. Thirdly, with doepfig~cs and groanes of fpirit cry va– toheauentoGodrhe Father ,ern thenameol' Chri!tfor pardon,I C.y, for pardonofthe ftrne' finnes, as it were for life and death, anJ that, C day and night, till the Lord fend downe from' heauenafweet cmificatc intothyperpkxed confcience by his holy fpirit, that all thy !ins are done away. Now at the fame inftant in which pardon !hall be granted, God likewife will once agtine firetch forrh that mightie hand ofhis,whereby he made thee when thou I wafrnot, to m1ke th:c·an.cwcrcature,tocreate a new heart in thee, to renue a right fpirit in thee, and to !tablint thee by his free fpirit. For whom he iu!tilieth, them alfo at the fame time he fanchfierh. The purified heart appcares by thefe fignes. I. Ifthoufeelethy fclfe to bee difpleafed at thine owne infirmities and corruptions,and to D <lroope vnder them as men doe vnder bodily fickenetfe. I!. If rhou begin to hate and to fliethineowne perfonall finnes. I I I- Ifthou feele agriefe and farrow after thou hail ofi',n– ded God. I V. If thou heartily defire to ab– fl:ainefromallmanneroffinne, V. Ifthoube carefull to auoi<le all occafions and entiCe– ments m euill. V I. If thou trauoll an1 doe thine endeauour in euery good thinq. Vu. If thou defireand pray to God to wafh and dnfe thine heart in the blood ofChrHl. When the heart is pure,r:o keepe it foisthe fpeci•l worke offaich,whichptmjieththe heart. Faith p~ifierh~e h<art by a particularaphzmftlfc vpon h•m,thenthtflcjhofrbtchildewax– edwarme: 4ftmvardEli~>aroftandfPre•dhim- YCrfe 3!• ftlfe vpon himthefccond time:then the ch•ldenteZ§dftaHen times andopened hiseyes. So mu aa man by faith euen lpread himfelfe vpon the crolfcofChrill,applying hands and feet to his pierced handsand feet,andhiswretched hearr to Chrifrs bleeding heart, and then feole himfelfe warmed by the heate ofGods fpirit, and finne from day to day crucified with Chri!t and hisdead heart quicknedand reuiued. And this applying which faith mak<th, is done by a kind ofreafoning, which faith makerh thus: Hath Godofhismerciegiucn his owne Soune to be my Sauiour, to lhcdhisblood for mce? and hath he of his mercie granted vnto mee the pardon of allmy finncs? I will therefore endeauourto kcepe my heart and my lifev~>o blameable that I doe not offe"d him hereafter inword or decde, as I haue done heretofore. Thelanguage •fCan,;wnis, whereby a man endutd >V!th the fpirit ofadoption,vnfainedly calleth vpon the name of God in Chri!t, and fo confequcntly doth as it were, famijiarly talke aPd lpeake with God. This language mufrneeds be learned, that 1Hctongue may be well grounded. For man muil firfi be~ble to talke with God, beforehee canbeablewifely to talke with man. For this caufe when men are to haue communication one withanother, they arc firll ofall eo be careful that they ofren make their prayers ro God that hee would guide and bleffe them iu their fpeeches, .as· DaHiddid 1'Pfol.141, 3· S<t awatch'O Lord, be– fore mymourh,andk_!epe the doore ofiny lips. Arid againe,Pial-; I, I~,0Lordopen thou my lipsa11d In] ,..,h ft>a&]hewforth thy praift. Where we may foe,that themouth isas it were lockedvp from fpeaking any good thing,vntill the Lord open it. And 'Pa~lhauing the gift ofordering lfo,Jg. :a. RomtiJ. .. his tongue in wonderfull meafure, yet defireth the Ephefians toprayfor him, that vtteraRce Eph.6.r9, mightbeginen him :1 and good rea!on, bec;~Hfe Prott,16. Godrules thetongu~. '- CHAP. !I. Ofthe matter of OHr j}mh. T HE gouernement of the tongue concai... neth two Farts: holy fpeech, andholy fi– lence. In bolyfpeech mu!tbeconfidered the matterofour fpcech, andthemannt::r. Thematteriscommonly oneofrhefc three, eitherGod, our neighbour,or ourfdues. AsconcerningGod, this caucat mufl bere~ membred;thar the honorablc titlesof hisglo– riousMaieftybe neuer taken into our mouths, vn!eife --~--------------------------------~