442. :£hegouernement condly, it is to bee vttered with conuenient A haue two things in his heart, a pcrfwafion of bondsoftruth· Godsprefence; and Awe. Col.+. 6, The fpccch isgr4ciom,when it is fovttered, The perfwafionofGodsprcfence, is whetthat the graces of God wrought in the heart byaman is continually refolued that whereby the holyGholl,are as it were pictured and foeuer hcis, he llandeth bcfor~ God, who painted forth in the f:tme: fo,r fpeech is the vedoth fee euen into the fecretsofbis heart.This ry unagc ofthe heart. was in Cornelim : 'l'{ow therifore(faithhe,.Ail, Bph 4• Contrary to this u rottenj]m<h, thatis, all 10·3 J.)wtare i•Gods preftncttohtareaOthings :J~.. fuch taJke as is voidc ofgroce, which isthe th4tarecomm411dedtheeofGod, Eph.f J P{al. •'• 4· aKing. !:t.IO• IJo t,l,h4, f,6.,7, 8'J ,. ·~31:y)'il'a..,. Prou.us. 'l· heart and pith ofour fpeech. · Awe in regard of God, isthat whereby a And by this it appcareth, that no vice can man behaueth himfclfe reuercntly, beoaufe he be named but with diOiking: and hereupon in is in Gods prefence. Scriptures when by occafion a vicelbouldbe . Awe is citherinregardoffinne,orpfchanamed,intoken ofa loathing therof,the name llilements. ofthe viceis omitted, and the aame of the J Awe in refpetl:offin,is when one isafraide contrarie vertue vfed in the roomc: thereof, as B t~finne, fearing not fo much thepunifl1ment, in thefe words:lob1•5for Job thought,lt m•ybe as linne itfelfe,becaufe it is finne. Far he feathar My[onnes hauefmnedandbitfjed,thatis,bl4rerh God indeed,which is ofthis mind, that if phrmed God, This being true, then bypropor" there wereno iudge to condemnc him;nohell tion the vifible reprefentation ofthe vices of to torment him;nodiuell norconfcieHcC'toacmen in the world, whichis thefubllanceand cufehim; yet he would not fin becaufe Gods matter whereof playes and enterludes are blelfed MaidHe is by it olf'"ded and difpleamade, is much more to be auoided. fed: and ifhe had it inhis<hoice, whetherhe Gods graces, which wee are to thew forth would finne or lofe his life, he had rather die in ourcommunication are thefe: WifedoiT)e, then willingly and wittingly fin againO:God. Truth, Reuerence, Modef\ie, Meekene£1'e, This awe being inJo[eph. was the caufe that Sobrietie in judgement, V rbanitie, Fidelitie, mooued him not to commit folly with 'Pori. Care ofothers good name: and let vs con!iph•rswife,How then(faith he, Gm.39·9·)e<n I der ofthem inorder. d.ethugreat wwk[dneffi, •ndfozneagmnft God! Wifedome in our fpeech is a goodly orn•· Awe in challrfements, is when one humment. TheApof\lcs when they waited for the •bleth himfelfe vnderthernighty handofGod, holy Ghof\ in lerufalem, it defcended vpon C wirh all meekenelfe and pauence, when God them in the forme offierictongues: and then layeth his hand on him more <>r leife.' When it isfaid, Ail. •· 4· thatthry JPAkt .u the holy Sbemi came forth and curfedVauid,and flung Ghoft gaue them vmr•"'dn .Apophthegmesor llonesathim,what did he? truelyhelloodiu "ifoftntences. Andheth•tgouernes his tongue: awe ofGod,and therefore faid, 2 SAm, ri.1o. wifely,addethdotlrine torhe lips,that is,fo fpeaWhAt haorl todot wirhyou,ytfo11nesofZemiab? kerh,as that others be made wife thereby. for ht curftrh, euen bec••ft the Lordhath bidden This wifedome is rhen fhewed, when aman him c~~rje VauidJ who Mre thenf'!J. ~Vhrrefore can in iudgement apply histalke,& as it were h'!/fthoMdone[o? in good manner make it lit to all the circumWIJena man isthusmade wife,that is,righllances ofperfons,times,places,things.Afo•le teous,and fearing God, he is fo guided by the poHreth outallhu mi•de,b~<tawifomank!eperh in fpirit offeare,that he cannot but fpeake wifetillafterward.A wo>'dJPok<n inhuplact,u lil1! 4ply. Salomon fairh, 'J'rou.1o. 32• The Iippesofthe pies ofgo/de with pi[Jures offtiner, Pro•·>) .u. righteom k/tow wh.r u accepr•bl" bHtthemoHth Nowhe thatwould haue his fpeech to be ofthewick!djpe.k[sfrow4rd things.Andagaine, wife, mull lirll ofall himfelfe become awife The heart ofrhe wiftg•rdeththe mouth wifely. man. And •he wife man of whom the holy D Contrarie to this is fond and foolilh talke: Scripr.tre fpeakes, is a godlyman,and fuchan an example hereofwe haue inLuk[,where pj. one as feruethGod: bccaufe his feare ofGod latewanting the feare ofGod,faith, LHk! •3· is thebeginningandheadofwifod.me : as on the 14-/(indenofaHittn Chrijf: letvsthmfore cha. ;:ou,•, contrlty,thefoole, whereofthe Scripture offlifo him,andft•dhimaway. Whereas he ought !led.. • ten fpeaketh, is the vngodly perfon, that matohane reafoned thus: Jfindeno f•ultinhim : ,. keto no confcience ofany ftnne. And mdeede rherofore Jer vs fond him •w•y withMt chaftifop[,,,.,,.1 fuch an one isthemo(lfenOes fooleofali.Hee ment. :?l;S 5· that lballeuer and anonbecaf\ing himfelfeinCHAP. V• .;"'•H• to the lire and water. and run vpon dangerous Of Tmrh,andofRtuerenc.inj}ttcb. • places eo breake his legges,armes,necke: and further!ball tak= p e"fure in doing all this, is eithera foole,or a mad man.Now thevngod– ly man as oft ashe finneth,~e endeanourethas much as in him lyeth to pitch his foule into hell, and whereas he taketh pleaft~rein linne, he fpol'tS himtelfcwit~ his ownedcO:ru{lion. Furthermore the man fearing God mult TRuth offpeech is averrue whereby aman fpeaketh as hee thinketh: and fo conf<– quenrly, he fpeaked1 as euery thing is,fo farre forth aspofsible he can.It is madea note ofa righteous man,to[peak.! rbe tntrhfrom the·be4rt; andthey rhard-.letrlliy,•re God,delight, ~(, If·'· Thisisalwaies rtquirtd in alloutdoQrincs, z:~"' 12' -----------------------------------------------------------------~·~c=cu,_-(.____