Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The gouernmmt perfon doth not ond):fin himfelfe, b~t withall A owne7bo- d-;-y-:-,-bu_t_r_o_g-iu_e_f<>_r_c_et-o-w-or_k_e-in-r-he hc..~q4eat~ou.reth r9 inranglc God in the-fame bod1esofothers it cannot; no morethen the finnewirh h1mfelfe. !hadow of one bodie can ordinarily cure the Furt~er , rake heede le!hh<iu d~eO: either body ofanother on w)lich it lighteth. make or recite the idls which are contrlued Wherefore words vfed in the way ofbidioUt9ft!Je phrafes of )icriprure: which_are vely cure, be they in themfelues neuer fogood ry manj , aAd very v!ually rehcarfcdJn cornare no betterthen the diuds facraments: and Exod l•• p.:i•!Y·· Jhc 9yic wh~rewith the tabe~n~clc and whenthey are vfcd toblinde people, hec it is, 3r, I>• .the A~~e qf the Tell:~ll!tnt an!! .tl\C PrieO:s that com~mgyndcr hand, workctlr the cure, were·annointcd, was ho)y: arid therefore no & by rurnmg h1mfclfe into an Angtl oflighr ma.n mjght put it to any other vfc;, ,~!.t<? andelndesthem. But it were better toramant~ no1n~ ~is<;>wne fl~(h therewith,<>! tOmake the d1e a thoufandtim<sthe tovfe fucb remedies ;:oh•19· Jikevntoit. (ay:Pilllte apoorel>ay~im when wAich in curi!1g thebody, ddhoy the foule. ) he heard the nameofthe Sophe bf God , WM LaO:ly,auoid all imprecations and curfinos Afraid:and we much more oughtxo- tremble at ~ithcr againfl men or othercrcarurestforG~d the wotdofGod,not to make our felucs mer- B mmJge~enr to puni!h fuch curfed fpeaking, rie Withit. And therC:forethefcoffiing of fHUoften brmgs tO paffe fuch Imprecations: as an the ApoO:ata is very fc.reful,who waswoRt mayap~eare in the I<wcs,who at the arraignto reach ChrHliansboxcs on the care,&withmeotol Chrifi,cryed,faying,Mar.27. 2~.Hu all, bid them ruroc ihe other, and obeytheir bloodbe_ vpon vs,a•Jvponollrchildren:whichimmaO:cr~commandcment; WhofoeHerJhaH[mite precatromsve.rified vpon.thcm vnro rhisday, thuonth'e rightcheek!,tllr!Je t~him the other ~t.lfo, At Nrwbnrgem Germame acenainemother · M•tth. 5. 39· And he denied pay and like recurfedhcrJonne, faying, qet thte•<VRy,?woH/d Lonice; wa(rd to hiSfouldierSthat wereChriftians,be... tholfmsghttft•mercome agajneAliHe; the very rnstbc:tt. caufe he faid he \VOUlcl m~kc; t~~ll,l fitfo{ the fam,eday he wentintothe W:\ter,&was drow- hiR,pra:- kingdonie ofheaucn, eonfideung that ChriO: n~d, Againe, a mother brought herchilde to "P'•'" pad faid,Mat ·5:s.Bieffid.;re the popre}nJPirit; tpeVmucrfityofWittcnbn;ge,by roafon he was Idem, fortli<irs i4 the ki;>gdo'!'.eqfhe•uell. , poffcffed With an vnckane fpirit : beeing del;iere alfo men mull learne to take heede ~anded ho\V it came to paffe, !bee anfwered Ofalf 'm.annCr-of chirq~cs and eri'~hantments, m.thc hearmg ofmany, that in her anger fhee !lihich ,common!¥ ,~c '1rothing -~Ij<: ,but the &id,Thediudra~thee,and thereuponprefentwqr'dSiif;Seriptui;C,c;>r flrch lj~c,J vff<!forrhc C lythe ch1lde was po!kfied. And in ourcouncuring ol pain~§'indclll~fe~ ipJ11enand ~r~y 1 mcnoftenwi01 the plagnc,th<poxe, the beaO:s. As for eicampla , the fir'!J;.\Votdes of pdhlence ro their children, their f<ruanrs, .S':iint j'ohQs'Gofpel, In the begi~ningw;u t~e ~h~trcatt~ll: andoften it falsoutaccordingly. Word,a!ldtheWordw,.rrJ~ith God,&<. ~re vfed . .Inrhe~a~es ofKing Ed,..rd,cettaine Engtobe \vritrer in ;qiaper, a;,ci hnngabout ;,ens 1tg1 fould1ers (as lam cert.inly informed by _1>eckes t9, c~re agu~s. llut r,he.rrutb is, fuch a )VItnes then prefent) being byatempeficall ~inde qfprac.'tifcs are diuelifh. Patrons of Vpontl)e fandsoQthecoallofFrance, gaue charmeshold, that in fuchwords-a~ arceitber themfc:lucs to prayer , and cemmended their diuine or barba~ou~1; is Qluch cf6cade. But ~oules to .pod, as in lo great danger it was · whenceisthis efficacielfrom Godlfi:qmmen? mecr:but one among thereO:, defporatly min.. or from.thediuellilfit !hall befaidfromGod; ded,wontapart& crycd out,faying,OgaRo~>fo woe muO: knq,w r_hat tb~word vf!:d.iaholy ~i"!,"'f!/J:Lrigh!, Now manner.; is the,infirumcnt of Go!i to conucy th~ fa~d_rattyamong the rel\ (as God would vnto.Y~fpirituail blcfsings,as faith,rcgeneratili~uc It)efcaped fafeto land;and afterward lion;relicntancer-but itdothn!}t fernetobring \lingfom~fpare of nmo in France, returned vntO..v,s corporall health. Wdl then, ·belike D aga~ne to Englau<l.;~where he-was~hanged for .wor<ls.r;ake vertu~ f,qm the fpeai,er, and are ': l,l.e,Iingof horfd ;"and thus 'accordingto his madipowei(ulH>Yrth~.J):rcngthofhisimagi- !,le!irethcgallowteclauned her right. Porac lib. nation. Indecq~qftbis.opinionqre (ome pl>yReucrence to l)lan is in z.refpeC1s,eitherbede Tar, 6tians a~ Auicel'{laan~P~race if,.., ~ho-thinke caufc hC is created •ftertheimage ofGod, or ruo. that-;p'h,Ptafie.i~ !ik~;tQ,the. Sun, which worbecaufe he is aboue vs inagc,gifts, authority. ketij on,all things tg w!,his.,!J~~Ql~S doe In the lirfi confiderauon , ruen mull haue !;iline,~apd the latt~-H.Qa~_byjmagiq~tiqn mica~e togiue fuch name> tochildren asarcpro- ~ radc~ mightbe wrmijlht, J\ut thi~ 9pi•ionis pe~ and li.t,vfuall,and knowne:tht fi~mfic-au- . foiidt &-~he reafons alJe,a<lge<J.for.i>arewith- ,on whereof may admoni!h them ol the proout wcight.F.or im0 giQations'ar4ro·ll'nthipg but m•%sofG.od, ofgodlmdf<, or cffomegood !hadowe~oft)lings•.4n~.a,sanil]lage.9faman 1 dutie. And there bee fome allowed ends of in a glaff<.~athnopo;ver,ioit,btitoq~ly.fc:rues lgtu~Jghames. I. To preferue rhc memory of iQr5~m~le~nc:l-tcprcfent thl body.qfa[tnan: :fume-thing by lhe nam_egmcn, a~Ad<m,?fr~- fo it 1s with the phaptflfi-~ an~ ~90~•\~~f_thc l(fA/foa. I I. To fig111he fome rhmg to come, minde,andnoothery.rj(c. 1 ;asEHah,.Abr~tham,7ohn,Pettr.Jll.T~P!efr:nie' - And ifimagination bane any forcr-,!;_isontl1e·nameand r:n'emory of parents•& kmdred, ly within the fpir_i;s and humours of a.mans which wasvfc:din the bitth of fohn 11apt.Thrs cullO)ll• ,