Aa.u. .•. rca~~: "•"' aPec. f• .. f"tCoe. u.t. loh.t9- >6. Luk•t·'· ofthe 'Tongue. 4-45 cu!iome may !till bee retained, ifthere~ a lA Paul called himfdfe rhejirft ofa!!jiuntrs.Bu' if good example in the ancetoursthatthe chdde he be to mention any thll>gof h1m~elfc, that r T;m.t. may follow. I V. That the lifeand profcfsion may muu!ier matterof commendauon,let Ius ' 3•1 S• ofgood men may be reuiued in the renuing of fpcech rathermclme rothe defeft,then to the their names. . excdiC. a~ Palfl[drh, {am rheleaft of the .Apo~ 1 Cor. Here w~mufi takehecde,in no wjfetogiue flies; wh"·ham mr v;ute to becA!icdrw .llpBjlle 11 11•9 • to children, the "proper names or titles ofl lb"'auft{perjicuttdtbcChurchifGod. : God; as lefus,(mmanu~l,&c. Secondly·' tn ment10n1ngof thmgs whtch Neither are the profefiours of the Gofpel moouc bluflung,we are tovfe ~s fcemly words I tobee intitulcd by the names of fuch as haue I as may be chofen. Gm.4.1:· A;rcrward.A<km beene famous infiruments in the Church as *._new Hevah hHwife, whtch co1Jetmedtt~ndbAre to be called Cal•i•ifts,Luthtrans,t;:?c.Now'th~ Cain.1 S•m.24+Andwhehecame to thejlmpJ.foy,that eH try on' ofyoufoifh> [ 4111 p tm!J,find r ~041 J b1th~ ~V4Jwheret~ere WM aC~Ht,SilSI/ Went 4m .Apollos, ram CephM, and 'f~tm Chrifts : 'fs I mtoconer hufecre,th~t ts,t~ doe.lus eakmc:~t. Chrijl <kHitkd! w.u 'PaHI qncifird forJON? ei- . . Meckene!fe alfo IS r<qt~~red 10 commumca. therJ-Yere ye baptiz..edintbenameofP4HI? B tlor.,. whtchJs, tvhen an:an vfeth couneous And it is abold part of the pellilentgeneand fme fpcech.'Putthem •nrmmnbw~&e,&:. ration of Papifrs, who take to themfelues the th11t th~y beeo~eruosu,Jlu~mga!J_mf'~k!ndfo tfJ ~tO Ti:• 3• ,, name of {4ititer, whereas the like name of m~n, (orwe_Pur ftiJusa~o were:numespaftvn- ;. Chrij/iAnwas giuon to the difeipl<s at Antioch wiji, difobedimt t§c. notby rhedeuife ofman, bHt by dmint ~ra<le. . Mecke•.•cfle and genrlendfc fhcwcrh it fdfe As the changing of the namegtutrHn Bapm Salutations, Aafivers,and Reproofcs. rifme is nor to ~e allowed; fo the v.,ying of Forthe firll,daily expedencefheweth that it according to the varictie of language; (if it mal-.c:th much for_rhe maintaining of loue, neither hurc ·nor fraud to any bee intended to call mm by their praper names or furthereby) is not mlawfull. Vpon this ground names.And this was a figne offpeciall fauour Saul is called 'Pa11l: and Chrifl cals S•monhis ~.hat God called Mojis by his proper name. difciple otherwhiles Cephas, otherwhiles 'PeYer more conuenient it is to falute our betters ter. And very worthy Diuines in this age,that by names'ofhonour or office. Thus the difcith~ir writings migot be read of the aduerfa. pies call our Sauiour Chrill Rabbi: and ir was ries, haue in like fort without offence varied the vfuall manner among the !ewes , to call their names. .Melmifhon cals hiJ11felfe Dy- C their betters Aebn, thatis Lord,or Sir. dim1u FaventinHI, andMelang•"': Bnctr inti· The formes offalutatrons are to beafrerrhe ties himfelfe ,AretinNs Felinm: and Theo; order praaifed in Scriptore.An angel! faluted ebre Be"" once writ himfelfe Nathanicl NcGedmlthus 1 The Lordbe with thetthoil valiant rudg. .S. ~chiHs. man. AndBM~came to B(th!ehem~ and faid to , t z. vfi~;fi~~~~~~~f:c~:~e~~~~~ ~!~~f:~~~~:~~ f~:~~d:;J:;I::Jb;;;::b~:~~::;;,~=~~h:~}~: 1\mb r, derl in Scriptures for obeying her husband, iu-:.cdM~try>Ht~Ueft~e!Jb(/oHedJthe Lordr5rvirh · t~ke 1• andforc•llinlhim Sir. But excelfe mu!i her< be thee,&c. Chrifl comming among his difciples, ' '• auoided,whcn titles ofhonour propertoGod faid, Peace beamong; oH: and he taught them 'Ire giucn to men, as head if the Catholi.'<! comming to any houfc to fay, 'Peacebe to th/; Math.ro~ Church to the Pope,Lat!J11nd fl!.~cene Djhear1en hall_[e. By this itappeareth, that our common Hj.'J• to the motherofChri!i. This fault Chrifl reformes offalutativns are comendable , which proouethin the young man, faying, why ea/left arcofdiuers fons; as when one me'ereS anothoumeg,.d? there i; nonegooJbHt God. rher : Godji111eyou: when one goes away, GOd CHAP. V 1. , • beJ!Iithyou:inthemorning,Godgiu'eyoliagood OfModej/ie .,dofMeek.enejfo". , D morning: after·nooue, Godgiueyon agoodeHm- · M Ode!iie in fpeech bath diuers cauears? J ing: when one is going on his iourney , God . tirfi, ifaman fpeake anytHing of himfPeu:byouriourncy; wht.·none,is working, God ft:lfe, rhat is, in his ownecommendation, let ~e(dty011:in eating. Muchgooddoe iryou:wheri himalter rh• pcr(on and fpeake ofhimfelfeas onehath anew office, Godgineyou ioyofyour ofanotber:IJ:.nowam•• (faith 'Paul, ~>raking office: when one is ficke, Godcomfortyou, &c. ofhimfclfc)inChrijlab01JefDHrteeneyeeresagoe, And when children falute their father and &c. w~ich W4<ta~nvp i•to P<r..Uft, <tndheard motheraftertbis maner: 'I praypuf~~thcrblclfo wmis wbichcannot be[pokm. And John (faith of me: {pray )"OH motherbleffime: it is" a li:emely h1mfelfr;:) When 'fef"' fow hM 11J0th(r•.and th< thing. For God harh made parent~ to lie rhein- . difciplewhomhe t.ued,ftandingby,d-c.Heretake llrumetsofblefsing to their chi!dren,in nurru. hecdofboatl:ing,;vhereby men imitatethediring them&prayingfor them: as the fifth CO· uell whefaid, All thj<power will{gl1te thee;and mandemct f•ith ,Honourtkyfarh'mt'ihy mother : tbegi"J'fthpft !,ingdames: (or th,as ~ delt~tcred thatthcy ma_y prolong th7 daw, Now tilcy·pro. vnrdmee,artdrdwhomfoeuer 'fw•B'fg•l!"f· long the. chlldrens dues by praying to God Agame, when a mun !hall haue0cc~fion to for bltfslngs on·them, andby fuch tike duties'. f~eake o~hisowne faults and corruptions, let It is agvfe in"all places,whe aman neefdh to bun li>cake the vrrermo£hgaiulthimfelfe, as fall>tehim by laying, Cbrift belpejoi•:Butthere Pp 4 is