The gouernment is no caufe why the words lhould thenbevfed A I b••• neither drun~ wine ntn' Jlrong drink£, bHl more then at another time. The r<afons are.!. b•u. potllredout my Joule before the Lord. Thus it isan old cullome fetched from the Gentiles Iofopbcleares himfelfe, faying, I baMe done no- G••.,•• before Chrill, and bath no ground atall: for thingwbmforethlJJh•uldput meiruhed•mgeon, 15. they vfed with the like words to wifh men AndDaniel to TX!hH<hudunofor, Vnr. thee, 0 o,., 6 , health, becaufe they thought ncefing to be a King, haue I no h11rr. And our Sauiour ,,, facred and holy thing: aod becaufe fometake Chrill wheA the !ewes fa id vnto him, lob, s. Arift. <le itto be a figne of vnhappie and euill fucccffq not true, that thou Art 11 SamaritAne, and b 4 ft 11 48,-iSl• hi!!. ••i· which indeed is otherwife. IJ, Ifthere be any dme/1? anfwered , lhauenot adiuen, buti hu. m 3 ! J... i• danger in the brain before ncefing,when aman nour my Fathcr~andyt hnue di.fhonouredme.And cap.1o,& bath neefed the dang<r is pall,as learned PhyP4ul being to make an Apologie for hia1fdfe, Probl, fitiansreach:therefore there is nocaufeof the begms rhus: Menandbmhrm,l haue inallgood AII.>J. ~;;;,'t' vfing fuch words then,morethen at coughing. c.nfoimreftrHed God vntorhuday. •· , •B,c,>, Againll the praelife offaluting ea<b other, Now whe~ a man bath rhus cleared himfame things may be obielled. 1. !eh. epill. z, felfe, though his owne word in hisowne be– Iftherecome any vntoyo~<,•ndbring not B halfetake noeffel},yet let him patientlycomthi.J dofJrineJ receiuehimnqt to h11uftJ neJtberbid mithis caufe to God, who intimewil manifcft him,God#eede.An[,This place dorh notforbid the truth, and bring it to light: as D••iddid, commonciuility and courtefie or man to man: IHdge me0 G'od, (faithhe),for I hauew•lk!din PfalM, but only f<tmiliarily& acquaintance w1th hemme imr«encie: and againe, The wickpiwttt1. retickes:yea fuch acquaintance& familiaritie chtth the nghtto~t~, •ndftefetthtofl•y ln'fn: but pr,I, 37• as may feemeto giuc approbation& applau(e the Lordvnlln9tklfue him inhits ht~nd~ nor~on. 3l,t3' to their bad proceedings. I I. Eli{JJ4 fending tkmnehim.vhen he u iudged. Gcha.Q his feruant to lay hisllaffe on the dead Meek<ntflt in reproofc is: when any fhall child ofthe Shunamite,bad him ifhemet any, admonilh his brother of any fault for his anottofalutethem,&iftheyfpakctohim,not mendmenr, with the like moderation that to anfwerthem. zKing.4. z9.. And when oar Chirurgions vfe,who being tofetthc arme or Sauiour ChriQ fenr his Difciples to preach in legge that is forth efioynt,handle it forenderJude4, he bad them to fol•u no manby theiMJ• ly, that the patient lhall skant feele when the Lul<,the lO·<f·Anf.Theintent ofthefetwo piabonefalsm •gaine: Thiscounfcll P~N/giueth, · ces is not ro forbid men to falute others., but '11rerhren, if •ny man bef.tlenbyocraf1011 mto any Gal rather to enioyne Geh•:U• and thedifciples of C fa•lt,yewhiCharejpmtuaa, ref/orefoch• ••• (or • 6• '• Chcill onely ro omit for that time the prallife fer him in ioynr againe,),.itht~e#iritofmttk!- of the duties of common courtei:ie, fo farre ntj[e. This was prat!ifed by Abraham rowards forth a~ they mijiht hinder or delay the perLot, when their heard-men were at variance, formance of wc1ghtie affaires. faying,Ltt ther(be,lpray thtt,noflrife bttwm" Our anfwers mull be fotC,that angerbeneithe' lfndmee, Rt,ther betwrene nJine Gen. 13· ther kindled n >r increafed. A [oft anfwer putanithint 'for,.,,are brethren, s,,. teth ttW'!}wrath~ but gritJioHI w~rdrftirre "'P finAnd this is done foure waies. Firll,whc:n we .. ger. N•b•l by churlifh langu.tge prouoked reprooue a man generally, as N.rhandid 7l•- , Sam. t Sam. 7Jauiawwrath , bur Abig~til by the conrrary xidby a parablc.Secondly,whcn in the roome 11 , appcafed him. Gedeon#4/t..egently to the menif ofa reproofe,we putan exhortation:in the ex- ,,..10. .•. ludg,S, I Prou.1s. Epbr.sim, when they were angry againit him, hortation infinuating an oblique rcproofe, as and appea(ed them. For tAe text faith when he when a man lhall fweare in hiotalke. J·lhal not badthm fPok!n, then their#irits abatedto.vards need alwaies tO fay, Ye dovery illto[wMre,&fo b>rn. Therefore Sa/cmon faith well, A ioy comtodi.Jh••••r God:bllt I willapit vp in the forme meth to •m•nby the anf.ver ifhumouth,but ho.v ofan exhortation, as pils are !apt in fiJgar, by goodu • wordindue ft•.fo•· . . D faying,Yeaandnay,yea andn•y fli•lljitut4mung - 1 Tim, '!· Nt)W if anyffial~ ratleon vs,ourdune tsnot 'Vs. R~bHk!notan eider, bllttxf?Q~t hJm a& • f~· s. 1 • Rom,r... to raileagain.Biefle them thAt per[ecHttyot~,bleffe ther~ndyoH~gmen A& brethrm,fanh PllH~tb Tr.~ 1-4· 1foy,emdcurfonot. BecNrteom,not rem/ring _llti!l mothse. T_h11dly, when the reproofe lS pro.. 1 Pcr,3. foreuill,neitherrebttk!forrebllk.!,butcontrar:w:fo pounded m a mans owne perfon, as though 9· bleJ!e,k!Jowmgthae yebe thertuntoca/led,tbatyoN he were faulty which reprooueth.Paul prath1 1. King. ' l8·i6· r.s.m '· I''· Jhouidbe heim ifbleffing. This thing was notafedrhts: Now thejithmgs,bmhren(falthhe) I bly prallifed by D•Nid, P fol. 1 09· 4• p.,. my haue figHrmueiy applyedtomiQe ownftlfe .wdA- , Cor. 4 , fiendjhip theywmmyadMe>forles,butIgaue my poUosforyourfokfs,tiJOtyem•ghdearn"J. vs,that 6 , ' fe!fe toprtryer. And therefore: in thiscafe,either nqmemprefiunellbQ~tt~lltWh~eh•wntte:fcucthf~oencc is to be vfed, orar the moll,onlyaiu~ ly,whenthe fault" dtrel}ly reproued, butyet and mamfefi- defence ofour innocende to be partly with preface&, that we doe It of loue, made. £~«hi& commanded the people to be that we wi!h •veil to the party,that;'e fpeake filent, and not to fay any thing to the fpeech as confidcrmg our fehtcs, that we alfo ar~ tn Gal. 6 .a. ql Rab(in·h•i, now flattering,now threatning. danger ofthe famefault: & pacrlY by rramtng Wn<~ Eli lpake hardly of Ann4, and bad her the reproof< nut ot the word ot God, rbat the put away her drunkennLne, fhee anfwercd, parry may f<e ~tmfe!fe,rather to be ref>rdoued Nay my Lord, lnm" woman tro11b/ed injjirit~ by God,the byvs:afccr thbmaner themfeno~ - m~~