ifthe Tongue. 447 may admonifh his fuperiour efpeciallywhen A therearing 1/ordrmi(_ing, andtheyfoy, he. h4th there is no orher way ofredrdiC, and he is ro " tiiue/1. Tht jiNme of ~~Mn came e.'lting And lilkn yeelding himfelfe tralhble. 'N_,aaman is drinking, andthey foy , Beholdaglutton, and r. aduifed by his feruants,who faid,Father,iftht adrinlw ofwine, andaftiendof Pubiica/Jes and Prophethadconlli1411drdth<eagrtat thing,wouldjl finnm. thounothauedone it? J}(iWmiiCh rathtr then~whm Contrarie to this Sobrietie is Flatterie, hefoithtothu,Wajh andbecltane? T,henwenthe whereby for hope either offauour or gaine, downe and wajhed himftlfoftt~en timu in Ior. men, and efpecially fuch as are of dignity dan. 1 • and place , are foothed vp in their !innes , When any!hall in this r,nnerbeadmoni• and extolled aboue meafure, euentotheir fhed ofafaulr; they are t yeeld rhemfelues faces. As when Herod arraied in royall aptractable and thankfull, and be heartily glad parcH, fate on the iudgemenr fear, and made offo good afriend. Norabk is the fpeech of an oration , the people gaue a !hour, faying , the pfalrnifi; Let the rightcoiU[mite me~ itis " 'rhevoice ofGod..andnotofrtUn. But marke what 1 " benefit: and/er them rtprooue me,it is thechiefe Salomon[aith, H<e that pr.iftth his fiendwtth uintmtflt ~ let it not be~wantingtomy head. And B a loud voice rifing_e,frtl]in the morning, itjlu1lt Pto.I7· ro. Pro.:7. s Salotmnfaith, ~reproofeentreth more into him bee coHTtted to him aCNrfo. One beeing asktd th4t bath vndrrflanding, then an hHndredflripes which was the wodl: 0f all beafrs: anfwcin1o •foole. ARd,opmreb•k£ is betterth_tnftcret -red, Of wilde beafrs, the tyrant: of tame loHe. beaf!s, the flattere~. And another faid, that flatterers were worfe then crowes : for they CHAP. VII. eatc oncly dead carrion, rhefe fcede on Jiuing men. OfSobrietie,Vrbanity,Fidrlitie,#Idc...-e And ofall kindcs of Fhtterie, that is the ofothersgoodnmne. worf~, when a man !hall fpeake faire to his neighbours f•ce and praife him ; bu~.behind s Obrietiein iudgement is~ when aman eihis backe fpeake his plcati~re , and cbtn cut thcr fufpendeth his opinion of his neighhis thro~t. 'lJauid complaineth qf his, fami• bours fayings or doings, or elfe foeakerh as liar fcicnd, that thewords ofhii moHth JP 'erefofcharitably as hecan, by £ying as little as may urth<:nb.utter, yttwarreWIU in hU hettrt: th~t be,ifthethingsbe euill; orby interprctmgall hHword;wertmoregentlethenoyl~"yetth~-y Were in better part, if the fpecch or a<'hon bee c [words. The Phariles behiad Chrifrs backe doubtfull·Therefore doe thus: defpife not thy tooke counfell how they might intangle neighbour, but thinke thy felfe as bad a finhim in ralke; but before his face they fay, ner, and that the like defechmay befall thee. Mafltr, wee kEow that t ho.u4rt true, andteAchtfl Ifthou canfr not cx;ufe his doing, excufe his tlm'lay of<]od m.-ty, neithtrC4rtjlthoufor any inrent,which may begood: or ifthe dcede be man: for thot< conjidrreft not the perfon of cuill,thinke it was done ofignorance; ifth011 men. canfl: no way exc"f" him, thinke feme great /Trb•nity,isagrace offpeech,whereby men temptation befell him, and that thou fhouldfl: in feemely manner vfe pleafantneffe in talke be worfe , ifthe like temptation befell thee: for recreation,or for fuch delight as is ioyned and giue God thankes that the like as yet hath with profit to themfelues and others. The not befallen thee. Defpife not a man bc:eing a Preacher faith, There H11timet~l4ugh :i t~nd.~t firmer, forthoughhebc:euilltoday, homay timeroweepe. Whm the Lordbrohghtaglline the turtle to morrow. captiuity ofSion, weewere !t'f<! themthllt drcame, Here is condemned all headie and rafh T lun WIU our mouthfilled with laughter, andour iudgemem:, whereby men make things either tong11ewith iD_). ' worfe then they are, or elfe they take and D Now this mirth mufr be ioyned wirh the Io&.t. 9tU• . turne all things to the worfe part. Thusthe diJr:ll dealt with lob, faying, Doth Jobfeare <jod rnought! (j-c. bmftrctchoHtrhiHeh4nd1tow4nd toitchaa" thathehath,tofoe ifhe willnot bi•JPheme theetoihyfac.. Such was the dealingoiDoeg with 'lJauid,Jfow thefonoflf/><i(faithhc)when becameto AbimekchthefonneofAhittdJ,who.uk£dcoHnce/1 oftheLordfor him, andga•e himvi. a•• ts, andhegaHt himalfothefwordofGaliahthe Philif/im. Hererhe back-biter concealeth rhc necdfarie drcumfl:ances, whereby Ab,melech might haue beene excufed, as. that Da•id asked bread beeing hungrie,and that hee told not oAbimelcth that hee was out of Sauls fauour: bur he turneth all his fpecch to th.is end, t0bring the Pride into fufpition withSaul. Thus the Pharifc. dealt. John came neifeare ofGod, othcnvifeS•lomon faith well, 1haue foid to laHghter, thouart maddt;: 4ndof i~, what is thatthou doefl? And Chrifr faith, Woe toyoH tiMtnowla•gh,forycjl,.l/ weepe. Secondly,with compaGion and forrow forGods people in affli<lion and mtferie. Thcydrinkt wine mbowelr ~and lt.flnoint themfobus withchiefi ~11'1tments, but mmanUforriefortheafjliEhonof lofeph. Thirdly, it mufr be fparing ~nd.moder~re~ Pfml condemnetl1 fuc~ as are louers of pleafom, more then•f q 0 D. Fourthly , it AlU11 bevoidoftheracbfe OfUllllC•.Y>f.jes is com,mended that ee rofuftd the pleafom of f=c. The vfuall time of mirth is at meates. And hereSampfons pra<'tifc may befollowed,who at his marriage feafr propounded a riddle or hc•rd - Aa•• t. 2.·2:· Prou. 2.7 '4· ~(.IfS· ... Mu.1.a. 16, Eccl.3•4. P(af,a:~.6. •,z. Eccb.t Luke.6. 15· Amoa.6. .. 1.. Tim.;. 4. Heh.tr. ·~· lud,14o1: