Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

qfthe Tongue. 44-9 '!lllder ;:,e~le f" GodJ glorieto back,:bit< 4(1d<te- A C#fthfs iu;ighbour of hcriji~:, errour,-•aild1rick£d life. . . , ,. ·) . Th~rcfore the Prop1Jets mett~ing is, tb4nvee . Jhould (,QJJCea!e the rHils t~atbee m our neigbh,OJir, b"'-,..ltab-tit] aretobeadded. Ifoneihall f1y, lt i&fo, and afterwards it prooueothor– \V'i{c, he rcceiueth difcredit, becatife he f}Jea· vutruth. ~ut ifbe !hall fay,fthi11ksit i& fo., i heugh it fall our otherwife, y« hefaueth his cnuiit,bccaufc hedcceiuethnot, but oncly isdec<iued. A.n alfeueration is aforme of fpeech,whcr. 'I andnot(Pea~ethemtoothi!rs, thoughhe bCt'anefJe– mie1anddt.ferHe itatoyr,hands,andOl'le!Jfiuakf 9[ rhofogoodthings in bin; wh~h feeme topTfjjrM CWlCord: forthU wewoHl4thatmenfhpt~lddoe.Jv.nto. vs. Tea, andletvst~heedtbat wt{i!ldgtnrJtrrt crmdemncar~mansfayingordoingrafh!J. AttgJJM Confer,!. fline faith , that thY ~.u. the Cilre -whickhis tr10· byoncdotb vehemEntly affirn:e or deny ""Y thing:l\s when a man fhall fly; Yeri!J>in tmth, (er. 36. in_'UlYJlrlttb> withoHta/ldoubt,&c. !f,efeand IS· fuch like arc not to be vfed ateuery word; but 9 • ther hadtowardheremfmcs. To doe thuisano– table pcint ofz:.tjf dealing, bHt inckede t,her( man 11tt<rfy without thi&fault in thi& lif~:jitch iJ ourwretchedftate m this world. For thtm,ghfome are ofthii mindethr:tt they defire not to haJte o.thtr rmnswanu toldthcm,andwillnorta~ aNinrrorfc part,yetifrhey betoldand«k£n in worftpart of o– thers, they,an v;i!Jing!J hcarethem, neither tvtll , they check! the teller, but folf'erbadformifoJ to takrpiace with them. ButGedaliahthefonne.f Icr. .f0-14 Abicham excelled in the Cilntrary vertlie~ who chafe rather to hazardhi& /if•, thentofojpefl eui/J byl{mae/, This tale-bearingis the common table talke then onely when a truthof great importance is robe confirmed. Wl1cn the falfe Prophets among the !ewes and the Priefls would not B beleeue dut Jeremie was fent of God: what faith ht? not !imply,The Lordhathfont me:but hJ trmh the Lord hathfont mee. Our Sauiour Chrifl, when he vfed to fpeake a,ny weighric matter, vfcdto fay, Amm, Ame11,Yeri(y, Ve rily, which isaplaine a!E:ucration: fur Am~n is more then a fimple affirmation , and it is lelfe then an .oath , as the very fcnfc of the worddoth import:which is nomore, buttr~ fy, fiertainiy. in England: and it is wonderful! to fee, how thofe who are otherwife godly ace ouertaken. with it: butmenmutt learne tofiand more in awe of Gods commauodement, and alfoto confider that the fame thing a man fpeakcth ofanother, commeth homeagainbyhis owAe C doore. Suchas vfe tale-bearing and back-bi– ting, are by Gods iull iudgement paid home inrhefame kind: and hereupon Chri£\ faith, Judge notth4tye bee not iudgtd; for withwh4t Matb.7,t iudgemcntJ<indge,yccjiJa/1be iudged, Wherfore Whenmeri Jball enter into an euill communi. cation ofothers, we are to interrupt it by o. ther talke,as not regarding it. The thtrd is ""oath , which mu£\ not bee made by any thing in heau~nor in earth; bur onely by the name ofGod atone. It mu£\ be vf<d as the la£\ refuge and rcmedie ofall. For when any troth ofgreat impor– tanc~istobecoOfirmed, and allfigfles, eui– dences,proofes,witneifes,faileamong men on earth: th~n we may lawfullyfetch the Lord as a wltnelfe from heauen, who is the knower of all truth. And in this cafe an oath may be taken, ei– ther publikely before a Magi£\rate , or pri· nately among prinate perfons : if it bee done with reuerence and confideration, as it was betwcene lacoband Lab.,, Here remember that when gouernours and G 13 1 Magifl:rates 01all vfe hard words, not in the a· " " wayof defamation , but for the reproouing ofavice,it is not to fi.mnder:as,Ofoolifh G'a/a. thians, Ogenerationofvipers~ and Chrifi,tear– M3th·J·7 methHerod~Foxc. ' CHAP. VIII. CHAP. IX. What is tobedonewhenwcl haueJPok£n. AFter a man hatb fpokcn his mlnde , very D few words more arc to be added: Hee that hath knowledge fpareth his words. in Ofthebonds ofTruth. many wordsthere cannot want iniq,£tie: but bee that reftaineth hU Iippes, Mwife. THus muchof grace in fpeech. Now folHe that fpeaketh many words, fpeaketheiJowethbonds oftruth, whereby the truth ther falfc: things or fuperlluous, ot both: as ofour talk: is te£\ified and confirmed. when a riuer ouerflowcs,the water gathereth Therearethree: afimplealfmion,analfemuchflime: fo, many words, many faults. ueration, an oath. When a v<ildl beeiug fmitten makes a great A fimplc alfertion,iseither afimpleaffirl}lanoife,itisa tokeuthatitis emptie : andfothe tion, asye4,J&a:or afimple negation, as nay, found of many words ihewes avaine heart. nay. And they are to be vfcd onely in our fa· The Gentiles hauefaid, thatGod gaue a man miliar and common talke: LetyQurcqmmunict~~ one tongue & two cares,.that he mightheare tionbeyea,yea: 114),114_]: andwhatfoeHerU11J(}re, more and fpc:ake Je!fe. /TP.{crj;u Maximus recommeth afeuill.. portcth ofXen~er11tes, that being in the corn~ If the truth which we affirineor deny bee pany of fomc rhat vfed railing fpeechts, held doubtfull or conrin!>cnt, then fucb claufes as htstongue, and bemg asked why he did fo, theft[JtM[o,erit Mno1fo".u'f think!~M{remem. anfwered, That.ithadrepentedhim that bee h.'fd --~~~--~--~----~--------- o~m Prcu.Io, •1·