Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

' \450 I crbegouemment JPo.\tn,but itne~urrepmttd himth<rhehadheld A whom 1hethingsaremany Firftifa h hu peace. And the prouerbc is, Heethat wia beta the hindcrance o(God~ glorie, :; ~~~~e JPeak.!wh<rhnw/1, f/,.1/heare what hewDH!tbm. good of out neighbour, it mufr beeconcea- · Offic, To thefram~ngofour fpecch, Ambrofi requiled. hb... rcth three thmgs:ayo1ke,aballance, & ametThe concealingof truth is either in whole wand; ayoke to keepe it in frayed grauitic; a orin pan.I•.' whole,when the (peaking ofth; ballance to g111C. 1: wetght of reafon; a metleafi word IS hurtfull. As for example, the wand,tokcepe tt 1n meafure and moderauon. father and the fonne are bothfickeat once·the Aug. lib. Thisru_k m!'fi b_e~ practifed carefully , for fonnc dieth firfi_,the fa~hcr asketh whethe; his ,d Conthe au01dmg of ch!dtng, brawhng, and confonne bee dead or not;ifit be faid no anvn· fer. tenuon. Lee flothing be done by contentioN, PiJ. ~ruthis told; ifyea, theu the fath~rs griefe is •·?• Let Uudents and fchollers learnt to pramcreafcd,and his death hafiened:thcrefore fithfcthis;for what!ball mans opinion lcnce is the befi.In thedaicsofpctfecuti6 hahurt thee, though mreafonmg he be not ot ly Martyrs haue chofen rather to fuffi:r death thy mind incuery point I. then to reueale their brethren, that haue bU: Here take heed ofthe fpirit of contradieti. B oftheir priuate atfemblies with them. <>n, wherby fome by thwarting and ~ontradiThe c<>ncealinaofa thing inpart is, when a ct!ng cuery man, at leogth prooue either obman fpeak'eth a little ofthe truth, andconceafimate hereuckes,orlewd Atheifis,and make lerhtherefr. Which!s warranted in all good no bones t? c~mtrad1~ the h?IYGhofi ? and and lawfuU pro~eedtngs, which manitefily to call the Smprures 111 qudhon, and dtfpute tend to the glor1e of God. When Samnel is thattherc is no G od. fenttoannoint v..,;J, heanfwereththe Lord Now if a man fpeake nece!li1rie things, andfaith. Howcanlgutl forifSaN/he.,.tifit ,.s,.,, 7 though he continue his fpeech till midnight, he will J,i&"''· Then the LordanfwereJ, Take., ''•'•'•J as Paul did, it cannot boo called immoderate heyferwiththeeand Jay, Jam comerodoefor:ri. or fupcrAuous talke. ficeeothe Lord: andc.llfor ljhai tofocrifoe,and CHAP. X. lwiOJiuwrheewhat rhoHjl>aitdoe, andthOHfoalt Ofwriting. ~tnnomt vnro mu him whom l flurR nt:tmt 'ilnt~ ALL this which is fctd<>wne concerning thee. When lmrnie had !hewed him Ze<kfpeech mull as well bee pral'tifed in wrich>ah how bee might efcape death, then the ring as in (peaking. Whereby arc condemned k111g faid vnto him , Let n• man il!;ow".{rheft ballad_s,book.esofloue,all idledifcourfes and C words,'&c. burif the 'Princes vndtrftandtharl Jcqs., 4 hi!tones, bemgnotlung c:l{e but enncements hlluetAlk£drWththee,andtheycomt vnto thtt,and 1s~16, and baicesvnto manifold linnes, fitter for Sofay vnto thee, Declarevnto vswh•t the kingharh tlom and Cjonmrah, then for Gods Church. foidvnrorhre,&c.thenJh•lt thoufay'Vnto them,/ And it m•Jfi b" followed as well in (peakingof humbly befought the ki"t th.r h<JFouldnot cauft Latine or any good tongue, as Englilb, which me~ to ret11rne to lehonathans h9Nft to die thert. fiudents haue not marked ; for whereas they And afrerward he fa anf.vered,and the matt<r will not fweare in Eng~i!h, yet in Latine they was notpercciued. The like was pratlifedby I make no bonesofit,(aybg,Mehenute3mediu.r P~tHI, ALt.:3.6. :JidiUsJ~tdipol,perdeosimmortales. An<iwherca3 Secondly, thou art toconceale rhineowne they hold but one God in iudgement, yetin fecrer.. Sam.fonreuealing his owne fecret,INd. their L"ineexercifcs they fpeake of I ~pitn-, I 4-0uerthrcw himfdfe. Ifthou deGre cafe by and ofthe immort•ll God1, after the manner of reuealing them, tell them but to few, and to the heathe. What a!hame is this,that a Chrifuch as are faithfuJI. fiian, .ud that inChrifiian fchooles,!bould eiThat which thou wouldefr nothaue known ther bee a!hamed , or not vfe to fpeake as a tell no man: for how !ballanother keepe thy Chrifrian,but as Atheifrs do?Ifthou haue ma- D counfell,whenthou canfi not do itl Keepethy ny tongues,and knowefi no.t how tovfe them friends fecret liktwife,if it be not hurtful:and well, h< which bath but hiS merher tongue, let Mtnlfiers conceale the Gnsand wantsthat ordering it aright,isabetter linguifr the thou. trouble the confcience offuch as aro dying• .-· CHAP. XI. Let MagiUrates conceale things done inrhe Of{ilence, Senate,efpccillly concerning warre, lefrtbey Vv [fe and godly lilenceisas excellent bereuealcdtorheenemie. a verme as holy fpecch: for he knowIfGod brin!lany frranget~ngto pa!fe,fpcak ethnot how to fpeake which knoweth not notboldly of1t, bntrathenn!ilence\~onder. how to holdhis w ngne: the rule ofour lilcnce !of' at the co.AGderanon of Gods m01efr~< '" lo&,3,. muft beerhelawofGod.Bymeanesofwhich, h!Sworks,falth,B•h•id.lamwk,wh.rjhal1 •n17, wife con!ideration mufr bee had whether fwertheerlwilll•ymyh•ndvponmyrmuth.N•- the thing which wee haue in minde bee for dab and .AbihN for offering i"cenfe with Gods <>lory and our neighbours aood: which frrange fire, before the Lord, were both deid011e ~vce ~re anfweubly to fpe~kc or to bee frroyed with lire,which heeingdonc,..Mofts I ' filen;. told .Aaron that God would be fanchfied in Here mufrbe conGdcrcd the things ofwhich them that come ncere him,and bee glorified liieqce muLl be vfed , and the perfons before before all thepeople; and then rhercxt faith, b•t